Sunday, September 30, 2007

Shuttle rollout under way at KSC

Shuttle Discovery is heading toward Kennedy Space Center's launch pad 39A after an overnight delay for stormy weather.

With the three-million-pound shuttle mounted atop an eight-million-pound crawler-transporter, Discovery began creeping out of the KSC Vehicle Assembly Building about 6:47 a.m. EDT. If all goes well, the 3.5-mile move should be completed in the next six to seven hours.

The rollout had been slated to start at 8 p.m. Saturday but those plans were dashed by thunderstorms and lightning in the area. The conditions now are windy, but rollout operation can take place as long as winds do not exceed 40 knots (46 mph).

IMAGE NOTE: Click to enlarge the Florida Today photo of Discovery as it began to make its way from the Kennedy Space Center Vehicle Assembly Building to launch pad 39A. Photo credit: Michael R. Brown, Florida Today.


Anonymous said...

Safety first, unless it effects schedule or cost. Great job USA.

Anonymous said...

Wow , and to think wind warnings normally cancel rollout . Well , guess the winds might not be blowing at KSC . Right outside the gate it is but maybe 4 miles away it's calm ..... with the weather control they have and all .

Anonymous said...

12:53 it is obvious that you are Mech Tech- I don't know why you are posting here anonymously.

Your strange habit of incorrectly using a space before and after each punctuation mark gives you away.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wind Warnings cancel rollout?? Winds were 30 knots, constraint is 60 knots to roll an orbiter.

Anonymous said...

Too much hot air at the Picket line..........................

Anonymous said...

Nope just Cheetos and beer and the chance to participate in this Romper Room Blog!!!

Anonymous said...

The Romper room is located on Taylor street, Walker is the head Romper with his follower rompers.