Tuesday, July 06, 2010

White House, NASA defend Bolden's comments

The White House and NASA defended the space agency chief's remarks to Arabic news network Al-Jazeera about one of his "foremost" tasks being to reach out to the Muslim world.

Bolden's remarks caused a stir among right-wing commentators as they were picked up across the Internet.

"When I became the NASA administrator, (President Obama) charged me with three things," Bolden said in the interview which aired last week. "One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering."

White House spokeswoman Moira Mack on Tuesday said the president's intention is collaboration — and that was the message being conveyed. NASA spokesman Bob Jacobs also defended Bolden’s comments.

"NASA is focused on its core mission of exploration, from pushing the boundaries of known space to breakthrough innovations in science and technology here at home," Jacobs wrote in an e-mail. "Without question, that work includes collaboration with other nations who share our goals. While space exploration may have once been a global competition, it is now a global collaboration. It is in this vein that Administrator Bolden has engaged with his colleagues around the world, to bring the best minds and ideas together to expand our common knowledge and capabilities."

-By Michelle Spitzer


Anonymous said...

That's really really nice of Obama wanting Muslims to feel good about themselves! NASA has really had its priorities straight lately!!! So what will Muslim nations bring to NASA or what are we giving them?? Again this president has shown lofty goals for NASA!!!!

Anonymous said...

is there really anything left to say about these clowns other than remove them from office ASAP !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Bolden is nothing but an Obama puppet!

Anonymous said...

Every time that anyone says the word "Muslim" the right wing media goes off the deep end... they see an opportunity to gain through fear-mongering, and they jump at it. This is one of those opportunities.

Anonymous said...

This morning on local AM talk station WMMB host Bill Mick was mocking Bolden's comments and went so far as to claim that all Muslims lived in tents and made bombs. The callers seemed to agree with Micks hate speech.

(I guess Mick doesn't realize that more than one majority Muslim nation has an operational space program.)

Anonymous said...

Say goodbye to your tax base Brevard County. These jobs are leaving and are never coming back...

Anonymous said...

right wing commentators = useless information

Anonymous said...

It does seem ridiculous, actually nuts is closer, to task NASA with this mission .Its a State Department issue or Florida Tech ,not NASA ,but that is what I expect from this Group .Bolden is there to shut down our manned program and fade NASA away. Thats a Hobsens choice for an otherwise apparently sane man who served admirably? what the heck ,Bolden tops Steele for foot in mouth award .

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Boldens "Mission " to reach out to Muslims regarding science should be overseen by the State Department or Florida Tech,certainly not NASA,To say its nuts is an understatement ,beyond belief is closer , as people lose their hi-tech jobs and fools on the dole crow in glee! Bolden's job is to fade away NASA's manned program .an otherwise apparently sane man who served admirably making a true "Hobsens" choice for a fat retirement reward .

Anonymous said...

so why the interview on al-jazeera to begin with??

Anonymous said...

Obviously the comments were unsetteling so they cut em off at 7 PM .Nuttiest Obama idea yet to put it mildly .

Anonymous said...

Wow, Why should we reach out to the Muslim world. We have done all the work ourselves in the american space programs. we have lost astonauts lives and had engineers and technicians maimed and hurt doing their jobs. what has the Muslims done for us? Mr. Obama you say your are not a muslim then why are you so concerned about them? Please do us all a favor and resign.

Anonymous said...

Tell Charlie to stay out of Cocoa Beach!

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. Of all the things NASA needs to deal with and prioritize the Muslim Nation shouldn't be one of them.

Deryni said...

It does explain why we have no manned spaceflight program for the forseeable future (after the last two shuttles). It would seem from Bolden's words that Manned Spaceflight and Space Exploration are not even in the top three priorities. I have to seriously question why international relations and "reaching" out to Muslims around the world have any priority for NASA save on an entirely peripheral basis.
The focus of NASA should be as its Mission Statement says: "NASA's mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research." I think that this list of "priorities" enumerated by Administrator Bolden goes a long way towards explaining the lack of focus in the agency, and the lack of not only a manned space program for when the shuttle retires, but even of a "plan" for a manned space program/vehicle.
Perhaps, we can become known as the "CAPE Coast" at least it will let us reuse four of the five letters on our "SPACE Coast" signs.

Anonymous said...

"Bolden's remarks caused a stir among right-wing commentators as they were picked up across the Internet"

I originally found out about this story on CNN! They are baffled as well! I dont think this is the "right wing" going crazy with this, the administration gives them reason to run with this. You just cant make this stuff up fast enough!!!

I think Bolden's remarks were quite clear! Now its damage control time from the NASA spokesperson!

Anonymous said...

What about reaching out to AMERICANS ?? What about the 3000 lost lives in New York? What a slap in the face to all the soliders who died in Iraq and other Muslim places? WHAT OUT THE 8000 PLUS who will be without jobs in just 90 some days? Absolutely DISGUSTING!!

Anonymous said...

That is the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard. If Bolden was more than a puppet/sellout, he would have laughed in Obama's face and said "You have got to be kidding, This is NASA! Can we have ANYTHING that is exempt from social justice, out reach, international relations and all that? Next thing, Obama will task the military with social work.

Anonymous said...

Wait. What? Muslim is the designator for a person who follows the religion of Islam. So, NASA has been tasked, by the President of the United States, to spend more time and money reaching out to people of a particular religion. Something seems very very wrong with this picture. 'specially since their primary guidebook pretty much says we must convert to Islam or 'or else'.

Anonymous said...

This kinda departs from Mr. O's "townhall" meeting in Titusville just before the election.

So this is one of the key functions of NASA?

If you are not outraged you are not paying attention.

God help this country.

Anonymous said...

Both Obama and Bolden are sell outs to our nation. One Nation Under God....Not Allah! We need both removed from office and replaced with someone serious about this country and it's objectives. Obama and Bolden can then begin training for their future landing on an asteroid.

Anonymous said...

We do not say they are our enemies...the Muslim community say we are their enemy! They are the ones exploding themselves to kill others...There is a war and many of that idiology-faith are our enemies.
Some may not be, but we are at war! and unless we win the war the enemy will continue to cause harm to our families.

Bolt Upright said...

Absolutely unbelievable... Don't be surprised if the VAB is converted into condominiums!

Anonymous said...

You liberals have turned this into a race issue which is typical. Is anyone concerned about the future of United States space exploration? Obama is systematically tearing apart what took 50 years to create and lead to some of the greatest scientific discoveries of modern time. Is this the "Hope and Change" and direction 56% of Americans were duped into believing?

Deryni said...

Re-reading some of the anonymous callers above, I have to note, that my other response would have been the same had you put in Catholic/Protestant/Buddhist/Pagan/African/Asian/European/Hispanic/South American/Pacific Island/ or virtually any other demographic group in place of the word "Muslim".
It is not, nor SHOULD it be a priority of NASA to be "reaching out" to ANY ethinic/religious or other demographic group, especially with the stated goal of making them feel good about their 'historic contributions'. The whole notion that this should have anything to do with NASA's Mission is madness. Make that directive to the head of the Peace Corp, to the Ambassador to the UN, or maybe to your Secretary of State, but the Administrator of NASA??? Again, is it any wonder, that the historic focus of the agency is being lost? I resent the comment of 7:04 that my passion on this is a result of fear-mongery with the word Muslim.

Internet said...

NASA's Mission: "Pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research."

President Obama's Version: "...Find a way to reach out to the Muslim world ... to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering."

Can America’s celebrated human space exploration be saved?

Allan Schwarb
St. Louis, MO

notfromupnorth said...

Whenever we stop kow-towing to each different race or religion and start talking to all people as one, only then will segregation and racism end.

Anonymous said...

Charles Bolden is carrying the water for the Liar-in-Chief in the White House. Too bad Bolden got mixed up with Obama. He seems to be a good person, something that cannot be said for Obama.

Anonymous said...

See you in November, Dems!

Anonymous said...

Michelle Spitzer - liberal mouthpiece much? It's not just right-wing commentators that have pointed out how wrong Bolden is.

He and his side-kick Lori have been gleefully helping "Sterilize-em-all" Holdren and Obama-Bin-Lyin dismantle NASA.

You're supposed to be unbiased. It's called journalistic integrity - you should try getting some.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Obama should also ask Bolden to confirm or deny the existence of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Why not? That seems to fit in perfectly with his scope of NASA Business.

Phrunt said...

What does religion have to do with Science? They mix like oil and water. Are we going backwards?

PS. Weren't the great astrologers of history Persian?

Anonymous said...

Listen to more of the garbage this guy said (from a story at aero-news.net): "He said the U.S. is not going to travel beyond low-Earth orbit without international help...He told Al Jazeera that the Moon, Mars, and asteroids are all potential destinations for manned space flight, but a lunar colony was unlikely because 'you don't have to.'"

So he's already conceding that the United States cannot make it to Mars alone? Wow...I'm glad Kennedy, Fletcher, and NASA back in the 60s didn't have that cowardly narrow mindness when talking about going to the moon. And we are unlikely to build a colony on the moon because we don't have to? Really? So what exactly does NASA "have to" do. Tell us, Obama-puppet Bolden.

Anonymous said...

Obama should be working for U.S. citizens. He is being paid by U.S. tax dollars. Obama should be impeached for risking U.S. security, destroying the U.S. economy and destroying U.S. manned space exploration -- loss 25,000 U.S. skilled jobs.

Anonymous said...

Human space exploration is, in my opinion, our species best hope for evolution. Earth is a closed system, with finite resources. While some prefer to debate our collective differences instead of proactively taking action, we are rapidly using up those resources.

The Apollo moon landings inspired me to pursue a path I hoped would one day lead to exploring another planet. I have yet to achieve that goal, but I have pursued advanced education in math, science and other topics along the way. I have also worked with diverse human beings from around the planet who share a passion for human space exploration.

The U.S. remains in the best position to lead human evolution through space exploration. There are plenty of capable humans willing to actually lead by example if those with self-serving agendas would get out of the way.

I urge every single person who believes in human space exploration to vigorously get involved in attempting to reverse this situation.

Our species survival depends on it.

Anonymous said...

Since I believe in small government I'm not concerned with the government finding me another job. I can take care of myself.

I also believe in the freedom of religion I don't care that the NASA director was asked to say these things on Al-jazeera.

I think some of the individuals making the comments on here have HUB syndrome.

Brad in M.I.

Anonymous said...


Read on....Bolden said a lot more than that!

"The United States can’t do it, China can’t do it — no single nation is going to go to a place like Mars alone."

Nice to know the head of NASA has no confidence in the people of the USA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow... and just when I thought Obama's big plan was to drive this country into a ditch, I discover that his real plan is to drive it over a cliff!

Anonymous said...

Well im not scared to tell anyone who I am so the heck with this anonymous crap. This President is an idiot making the muslim world feel good about themselves they did that on 911 themselves, my father (25 years at KSC) is rolling in his grave knowing how far NASA has fallen, for all you workers I'm sorry I am but one voice I still believe in you and wih I had the power to do something about it, but I am only one vote. I can tell you this, this so called President needs to be impeached, voted out he must not be allowed to get a second term, it starts Nov 2 with midterm elections then on to 2010, Congress needs to restore Constellation and the awesome NASA workforce to national prominence where it belongs. PAUL VACCARO an angry American.

Anonymous said...

The Peter Principle is proven, in NASA as well as the White House, with Obama and Bolden. They have risen to their level of incompetence.

To the detriment of the American people.

Pray for our country. And vote!

Anonymous said...

Wowowowowowow, Obama cant reach out to the Moon, but he can reach out to the Muslims? Certainly not all Muslims are bad in anyway, but NASA should not be the pawn in this political game. Bolden should get out while he can. If he did not agree with all of this Obama nonsense, he should have never taken the job. I certainly would not have. America needs to be the leaders in space activities. Obama nor private enterprise will get us there. Hopefully a person, be it man or woman, will get elected in the next round that will have the vision for mankinds future. We have been held in LEO for WAY to long!

Conor said...

And who is going to make America feel good about its historic contribution to manned spaceflight once it no longer has it?

Anonymous said...

If Bolden had any integrity he would have laughed in Obama's face and handed in his resignation on the spot.

Rick Steele
Sarasota, Florida

Dennis said...

just read that Bolden wants to fly on the last extended shuttle flight should one take place. Wow, with his betrayal of the space program, Orion especially, I wouldnt let him fly my paper airplane. If he gets that flight, you know it will all be politics as usual! Just reading where our government is going to pay Russia 335 million for seats aboard their Soyuz for trips to the ISS. About 50 mil. a seat! That money should instead be going to shuttle flight extensions, until Orion comes on line. What are they thinking up there in Washinton. Its the Obama boondoggle!!!!!

DoctorGMan said...

How clueless are the above posters who think that this is a racist/right-wing thing???? If Bolden had said that his "foremost responsibility to NASA" is to have good relations with white American Catholic priests, it STILL would be outrageous for him not to make his duty to make NASA and the jobs that will be lost in Brevard and around the country his "foremost responsibility"! It's not his job to be a diplomat!!! It's even now more obvious that Bolden is just an Obama puppet who's attitude about NASA's future (and all of our jobs) is only what Obama tells him it should be. EVERY single space worker should make it a duty to get to the polls on November 2nd and vote out Obama's Democratic minions who have made the impending economic destruction of Brevard County possible.

Doctor GMan said...

The posters above who are trying to paint most people's objections to Bolden's remarks as somehow being "racist/right-wing" are obviously trying to deflect the truth about Bolden and his puppet-master, Obama. This has nothing to do with anything except Bolden's "foremost responsibility" , which has NOTHING to do with being a diplomat and EVERYTHING to do with ensuring NASA's future and success. On that task, the man is a huge failure.
Every Brevardian should make it a duty to go to the polls on November 2nd and vote out the Democratic minions of Obama who are directly responsible for allowing our once-great Space Programs (and therefore thousands of jobs) to diminish and soon disappear.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you actually watch the interview and stop taking your cue for manufactured outrage from a single sentence taken out of context from a 21 minute interview. The interview is actually very informative and makes sense in enlisting more nations to get involved in a very expensive and technologically challenging proposition.


DoctorGMan said...

Sorry about the semi-retelling...thought the first post didn't go through! But the message DOES bear repeating...

Harvey said...

I would call long and loud for Bolden's resignation, but then we might get stuck with one who is even more dangerous to the nation's space program, LORI GARVER.

God help us if this twit ever sat in the corner office of NASA HQ. Of course Garver is just out to make a nice nest for herself with a high six figure salary and seven figure bonus at someplace like SpaceX. After all she has been trying for over a year to get them in to replace NASA.

So, even though Bolden is a nutjob in his comments, and a weak nelly in his approach to administering the Agency, he is far better than having the Harridan Garver step up to the big office.

Lord help us all.

Anonymous said...

Here is the Owebama plan, destroy all that is great about America. Liberals hate anything that makes us feel patriotic. Good bye NASA. You can rest in peace along with our main stream media that died in 2008.

Sorry if this posts twice, not sure if the 1st post made it through.

Graham (England ) said...

There was once a trully great democrat who had vision and believed in NASA. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was his name.I wonder just what he would make of the sheer chaos in your manned space flight plans (lack of plan). Mr Von Braun is spinning in his grave.