Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama Budget Directs NASA To Stay The Course

Blogger Update, 8:37 PM: Some folks are reporting trouble with the document posted below, so I'm posting a new PDF with just the two pages in the budget document covering NASA. Click HERE to get it.

President Barack Obama is sticking with plans to retire NASA's shuttle fleet in 2010 and send U.S. astronauts back to the moon by 2020, according to details in the fiscal 2010 budget blueprint delivered to Congress today.

The spending plan calls for $18.7 billion for NASA, according to a copy of the budget obtained by Traci Watson of USA Today. That's up from the $17.2 billion NASA received for fiscal 2009.

Combined with the $1 billion provided to the agency in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 -- the $787 billion stimulus package signed by Obama on Feb. 16 -- this represents a total increase of more than $2.4 billion over the 2008 level. Obama had pledged during the presidential campaign to add $2 billion to the NASA budget.

The budget blueprint calls for NASA to add one more shuttle mission if it can be carried out "safely and affordably" by the end of 2010. Obama had pledged during his presidential campaign to fund an extra mission before shuttle fleet retirement. The flight would haul a particle physics experiment up to the International Space Station.

The budget gives NASA broad direction to stay the course with current plans to return to the moon by 2020 and continue the robotic exploration of the solar system.

NASA Acting Administrator Christopher Scolese said the budget blueprint is "fiscally responsible."

"The $18.7 billion budget proposal for 2010 is fiscally responsible and reflects the administration's desire for a robust and innovative agency aligned with the president's goals of advancing our nation's scientific, educational, economic and security interests," Scolese said in a statement.

"This budget ensures NASA maintains its global leadership in Earth and space research, and it advances global climate change studies, funds a robust program of human and robotic space exploration, allows us to realize the full potential of the International Space Station, advances development of new space transportation systems, and renews our commitment to aeronautics."

Check out the Fiscal 2010 Budget Blueprint. You can search the 146-page budget blueprint using the keyword NASA to locate all the details. There are two pages that detail the NASA spending plan. For the highlights click

The budget:

++Funds a program of space-based research that supports the Administration's commitment to deploy a global climate change research and monitoring system.

++Funds a robust program of space exploration involving humans and robots. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration will return humans to the Moon while also supporting a vigorous program of robotic exploration of the solar system and universe.

++Funds the safe flight of the Space Shuttle through the vehicle's retirement at the end of 2010.

++An additional flight will be conducted if it can be completed safely before the end of 2010.

++Funds the development of new space flight systems for carrying American crews and supplies to space.

++Funds continued use of the International Space Station to support the agency and other Federal, commercial, and academic research and technology testing needs.

++Funds aeronautics research to address aviation safety, air traffic control, noise and emissions reduction, and fuel efficiency.

The more detailed language on the future of human space flight says the budget:

++Funds a Robust Program of Space Exploration involving humans and Robots. NASA's astronauts and robotic spacecraft have been exploring our solar system and the universe for more than 50 years. The Agency will create a new chapter of this legacy as it works to return Americans to the Moon by 2020 as part of a robust human and robotic space exploration program. NASA also will send a broad suite of robotic missions to destinations throughout the solar system and develop a bold new set of astronomical observatories to probe the mysteries of the universe, increasing investment in research, data analysis, and technology development in support of these goals.

++Completes the International Space Station and Advances the development of New Space Transportation Systems. NASA will fly the Space Shuttle to complete the International Space Station and then retire the Shuttle in 2010; an additional flight may be conducted if it can safely and affordably be flown by the end of
2010. Funds freed from the Shuttle's retirement will enable the Agency to support development of systems to deliver people and cargo to the International Space Station and the Moon. As part of this effort, NASA will stimulate private-sector
development and demonstration of vehicles that may support the Agency’s human crew and cargo space flight requirements.

++Continues Support of the International Space Station. NASA will continue to assemble and utilize the International Space Station, the permanently crewed facility orbiting Earth that enables the Agency to develop, test, and validate critical space exploration technologies and processes. NASA also will continue to coordinate with international partners to make this platform available for other government entities, commercial industry, and academic institutions to conduct research.

ABOUT THE IMAGE: Click to enlarge and save the awesome image of shuttle Endeavour blasting off on a 2008 mission to the International Space Station. You can also click the enlarged image to get an even bigger view.


Anonymous said...

I do not understand Mr Obama.
First he said, that he will support the space program and all the jobs, that are going to be lost as son as the shuttles are retired and now, he changed his mind.
Does he know, that when the shuttles are not flying anymore past 2010 that the Americans are cut out to fly to the International Space Station?
But, we all know, for sure, that the Soyuz Spacecrafts are much better than the Shuttle, but that those rockets are exsisting since a a long time, doesn´t disturb our Mr President. It´s much safer to fly on a really OLD spacecraft than on the Shuttles.
But what do you want to say? Mr Obama is much happier, when he can change the world in his way, but to support the space program, which is also very important, he does not do everything.

But we will take as it will come and wait 5 years to fly once again in space. We will not use anymore a rocket that can fly into space.It´s much funnier to wait.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I think a lot of people were assuming (hoping) the new administration would extend the shuttle program a few years. I'll have to start digging through the budget and see the details.

Anonymous said...

Obama sticking to his promises to fund NASA. (even gave them more) and allowing them an extra mission if it can be carried out safely. Where are all the conservatives now that were screaming how he was lying before the election. They all said he would pull the plug on NASA. Just goes to show why you are the minority party. Nothing you said about Obama came true.

Anonymous said...

++Funds the development of new space flight systems for carrying American crews and supplies to space.

Anonymous said...

I think it makes perfect sense in the present fiscal environment and from an overall perspective. I work for NASA and personally thought it was time to move on from shuttle. The new program will test us again and allow for true exploration again. Shuttle was magnificent and impressive but costs too much to fly and is inherently inescapable in the event of a major launch or landing catastrophe. The new vehicle should be inescapable in almost all launch failure scenarios. The final thing though is that to get the new vehicle flying without a significantly larger influx of money while flying the shuttle as well was not possible. With the existing economic disaster decisions had to be made and there is simply not sufficient funding available to continue down both paths, especially when it costs $3B+ a year to fly two shuttle missions.

Anonymous said...

Umm, the thing doesn't even fly now. If you had a car over 30 years old that experts couldn't fix, should you pour more money into it? Our Pork is the best Pork.

Anonymous said...

I guess the loss of about 10,000 jobs isn't important and the trickle down affect that it will have on all of Brevard county and Texas. Now we can thank Obama for adding to the world crisis of people all over the country loosing their jobs. He could have controlled this one.

Anonymous said...

And 6,400 workers east of Titusville just got the worst news of the decade. Sad and scary day for 2/3 of us...

Anonymous said...

I hope he has enough money in the bank for Unemployment for thousands of people not having jobs on the East Coast of Florida now. And that is the dedication you get for working there 20 plus years, to protect this country, now go find yourself another job yeah right Mr Pres, you got your way didn't you, just like the rest of them, don't take any tips from Mr Bush you are losing fast. Give us hope and let us down, that is the American way. Just keep supporting other countries. Our boys are fighting to save what?? nothing here for them when them come back also. Send your kids to school, college, etc to build the next generation of industries? nothing left here in this country, no steel mills, close those Navy bases so we can be attacked, send the boys to serve to save a country that the Ruskies will buy next. Welcome to America...... land of ?????????????????? unemployment. Thank you Mr Bush you put us in the sewer system. Seems like the country was doing all to well with Mr. Clinton, but no you Republicans cannot have it good, Mr. Bush left us with worse than the Regan years, thanks for all your promises. Why don't you just list America on EBAY, I am sure some country we have supported all along will buy us.

Anonymous said...

Good to see our President is getting rid of one of our biggest WELFARE programs: NASA

Anonymous said...

Cheers to you whomever you are. You said it all promises made in the dark. They all say vote for me I am the glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, well the light went out. Mr Obama gave us hope and took it all away. The East Coast will never be the same, nor this country. Think back and recall the stories of your grandparents of the Great Depression, we are in it now. Thanks again for supporting the Space Program whomever you are.

Anonymous said...

This is in response to the person who posted @ 12:30 pm.
Apparently we forget the progress that has been made in the medical field as a result of programs like the Space program. I am not sure where people who are against the space program live, but as a child who has grown up with family members who worked at the NASA I can tell you I was educated on the technological progress made resulting from NASA’s need. Anyone out there who thinks that it is a good thing to put people out of a job and put them on reality’s version of welfare know very little about how the world really works. Please, go back to college.

Anonymous said...

If it wasnt for NASA this county wouldnt have most of the medical equipment and especially most items in your medicine cabinet and most importantly in your house... Some people need to be educated

Anonymous said...

Another Anonymous one said --
{Good to see our President is getting rid of one of our biggest WELFARE programs: NASA}

In Central & North Brevard, if you were not lucky enough to know someone that could suck you into a cushy high paying job at the cape, then you live almost in poverty with the wages from all the other choices in this County.

North & Central Brevard will be a pitiful place for a lot of years until the next NASA welfare system kicks in.

Oh I can hear the wailing now. From thousands of people that had no skills before going to the Cape...and will continue to have no skills when getting out. They will be crying with the wages they will have to put up with here ... like the rest of us losers not lucky enough to get sucked into the Cape.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 12:55
Go to college, and you can come out here and work with me.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this space stuff for rich countries?

Anonymous said...

Some of the idiocy I see on this thread is amazing. THIS IS NOT OBAMA'S BUDGET PLAN. This is the House's budget plan. They have a lot of representatives in NASA districts. There are no guaranties any of this will be law. Wait until the thing becomes law and start making comments. You don't see Pelosi jumping up and down due to her contraceptive pork in the stimulus bill do you? No, because it didn't make into the signed version. Wow, how simple it is to manipulate the simple.

Anonymous said...

The people that are out at the cape that sit around and do nothing in between shuttle flights and watch TV or sleep (yes, they do actually do this out there)in their downtime, that is why NASA is a welfare program. NASA will continue on, but lets hope they dont give 6 figure salaries to people to kill time

Anonymous said...

I support the President Obama on mostly everything he has said that "things need to change". But as for the space shuttle ending in 2010 he doing the samething that NASA has done before. Instead of continuing with the moon missions they said would continue they stopped. Now we have to learn everything all over again before returning . Now we're in the process of built the International Space Station cost taxpayers $billions to do and now they want to walk away from that too.

Anonymous said...

I hope he has enough money in the bank for Unemployment for thousands of people not having jobs on the East Coast of Florida now. I guess the loss of about 10,000 jobs isn't important and the trickle down affect that it will have on all of Brevard county and Texas. My God does he have any clues about what is about to happen to the economy of both places Florida & Texas. Now we can thank Obama for adding to the world crisis of people all over the country loosing their jobs. He could have controlled this one.
Now what about the gap between 2010 and the ability to launch a man into space.... So now we pay the Russians who are not our allies $100,000+ per launch and we let them control our space station... Good move Mr. Fool Obama. We could have extended the shuttle, till 2014, man rated and existing liquid rocket by 2012, and used it to launched people into space just like we did with the Saturn 5 vehicle), and dropped Aries which is a possible death trap to our astronauts and built the CLV heavy launch vehicle by 2014 and retired the Shuttle sometime after that in 2015 and the cost would have been minimal. The heavy launch tank could have had a pod for the capsule on top of the tank to support the manned launch along with the liquid launch vehicle. Again we have people that have no clue about what or how to manage large programs being in charge and making decisions. Astronauts know how to fly not manage.

Anonymous said...

They said it a thousand times for the past 5 years - there will be a five year gap from shuttle to Mars program. No way around that. What is the big surprise? While I hate to see this many lose good jobs, you can't possibly expect to sit around for 5 years doing nothing, can you?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...NASA...a welfare system? If you think so, then you've got a warped sense of reality. I'd like to see the average Joe on welfare launch rockets into space. Yeah, right. Get real, people. Besides, investing in the space program is a matter of national security.

Anonymous said...

American workers at NASA losing jobs by the thousands while illegal aliens get to tap into taxpayer funds to keep the houses they shouldn't have been allowed to buy in the first place.

I'm so glad the crytofascists are running the show now...

Anonymous said...

It looks like we get one extra launch but there was never a promise to extend the shuttle program five years. I don't know who came up with that idea. How short is everyone's memory on this? Bush was the one who decided to return to the moon and cut the shuttle program. Why didn't his team figure out a stop-gap between programs? It has only been shortly over one month since Obama took office and he has already done more good for this country than Bush did before he took office. (that means Bush crashed this country into the ditch and left it there)

Anonymous said...

2010 was the plan for retirement of the fleet long before Obama. I'm not sure why people are trying to blame him for the loss of all these jobs that will be coming. Every employee at KSC has known for years this would happen. I worked at KSC for 28 years and left 2 years ago, before the mass exodus. Anyone thinking that it is okay to sit within the compounds of those gates for 5 to 10 years waiting for "something new to happen" needs to re-think that.

I was 20 when I started there, it was all I knew. But it didn't take me long to realize there is a life and jobs outside of KSC. I am degreed and have 28 years of experience. It was not difficult at all to land a job.

If my ex co-workers are smart, they will stop ignoring what's coming, or hoping for a miracle, and start looking and planning NOW! Two years will fly by in no time.

Anonymous said...

If ending the shuttle program means bringing in a new spacecraft to take its place then that is a good thing. If he's just cutting out the space program with nothing in its place then he's an idiot. What if cylons nuke the Earth, we'll have no place to go, we should colonize Mars. We've been to the moon, at least Mars may have water!

Anonymous said...

2 Q:s from Sweden;

1.) Given the right amount of it even possible for the new spacecraft, Orion, to be developed and produced much earlier than planned. just two years. Is the time to do the development and producing of Orion, generally speaking, fixed or can it be reduced in a significant way with money?

2.) How much is the funding (in one year) for NASA per capita?
(I mean if you spreading this money even to every american taxpayer ?)

My mail is


Anonymous said...

No surprises here, lots of whiners who thought this really was not happening and have done nothing with sharpening their skills for plan B.The union has done a great job in keeping a lot of ill qualified non certified/licensed good ole boys employed for a long long time.USA really gave them a severe whipping this last strike,all that and the rope is getting shorter!

Unknown said...

NASA's budget for:

FY 2007 $16.2B
FY 2008 $17.3B
FY 2009 $17.6B

Population of US: 305,900,272

For FY 2008, that would be:
$17,309,000,000 / 305,900,272 = $56.58 per person per year.


Anonymous said...

That's all you got Matt?

Anonymous said...

The shuttle is old technology - developed 30 years ago. Where is the reverse-engineered technolgy we have spent billions on out in the desert? Let NASA have access. If you ever worked on these programs, you know what we have in the black world and how advanced it is. The intel and military world can provide great stuff for NASA; no more 500,000 gal firecrackers need to be set off.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for the NASA welfare system, you wouldn't have those pc's that allow you to trash NASA in anonymity on this website.

Anonymous said...

Have you not figured it out - They will say anything to get elected. DUH!
You all fell for it.

Anonymous said...

As far as the life expectancy of the shuttles goes...

consider this...

When I buy a new car - I know that it is not going to last 30 years, so at some point I need to plan on buying a new one. NASA should have known about ten years ago (at least), that perhaps they need to start thinking about the next phase of the program.

I am surprised that for such forward thinking people, they missed this and put off creating the next program waiting until it is almost too late to initiate it.

This ramp up of the Orion program should have satarted 5 years ago, not now.

Anonymous said...

Obama gives payback now to those who voted for him. More taxes, taxes, taxes. And less money for the local community.

Congratulations, Obama voters!! Is this the change you vote for???

Anonymous said...

Obama gives payback now to those who voted for him. More taxes, taxes, taxes. And less money for the local community.

Your real bright. NASA has known the shuttle couldnt fly after 2010. The Orion wont be ready until 2015. You people said he would pull the money from NASA as soon as he was elected. You were wrong then, you are wrong now, and ytou will be wrong in the future as you always are.

Anonymous said...

I thought Obama was going to "end the war" and bring our troops home in 30 days. Since he lied on that promise, why would anyone believe he would keep the shuttle flying a few extra times. Just more Obama lies. Drop some more bombs on Pakistan, make my $0.99 Frost go up some more from the $1.039 it is now, tell us how your just going to tax the rich and I should not worry about what that does to inflation. Tax us into prosperity. Those of us that are mixed race are embarassed that you shun your mixed heritage. Shame Shame Obama.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is the change I voted for. Seems like NASA got $2B more than I expected and an extra flight. Sounds like a pretty good deal.

Anonymous said...

All the people who work at the space center and voted for Obama got there change and now that's what you will have in your pocket, Change!

Anonymous said...

As a 30 year contractor employee of the shuttle program, I have many mixed emotions on "her" retirement.. All of knew this day would come some day, granted we all hoped it would have been different than what had been planned by Mr. Bush. As a child, I grew up in Titusville and witnessed the economic distruction in the wake of the Apollo shutdown in 1972. This fear has lingered here ever since and I don't beleive the community ever got over it thus the lack of true business developement in this area..
When Mr. Obama came here last fall, his speach was deceptively absent of any promises to keep shuttle flying.. I believe the people and press were so focused on what we wanted to hear from him that we thought he was actually going to keep shuttle flying.. and now the reality has really hit us... It should be no surprise.. Mr. Obama is a "Master" at speach making, saying much of nothing while making people think he is a god.. the one.. I of course did not vote for him, I studied him carefully, read many books about him and his staff.. they are very good at extending the truth without being truthful.. but I regress, this is a different subject.. In the end he did not lie to us about this program.. we choose to hear what we wanted to hear during the campaign..

The real concern I have with this course of action, is the dependency we will have on the Russians to get to what amounts to our USA built and paid for ISS.. these are the same people (russians) that were caught on the ISS taking high definition photos and video's of the envasion of the Georgian republic last year and sending them to the envading commanders on the ground in "real time".. Our ground controllers in Houston got wind of the activity and had our astronauts on the ISS go over to the Russians and had them stop the activity.. meanwhile on the ground, the two state departments had words and reminded the Russians that there is a signed agreement among the nations that the ISS is to be used for the advancement of science ONLY.. they stopped..

So now what will happen if we can't get to the ISS.. what if the Russians decide to envade another country and prohibit us access to the ISS.. what can we do about it.. It now becomes a Russian Military outpost... Scary...

Anonymous said...

Florida Today posted the link to the budget - it downloads, but you can't save a copy - I am not printing 146 pages of this crap

Anonymous said...

I know it does no good, but not everyone who works for NASA (USA here) earns a ton of cash (I earn significantly less than the national average hourly wage), and some folks have to support disabled spouses and more....

Sorry you have been fed the story that everyone at KSC is rich.

Yeah, we knew the program was going to end in 2010...still doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Also, it wouldn't be so bad if the economy didn't stink to high heaven right now.

Anonymous said...

Well, the Russians are charging plain non astronaut citizens about 35 million a flight to ride the rockets - what do you think they will charge the us for our astronauts to fly on their antique hardware up to the iss - you think it is going to be as inexpensive as 35 mil?

Todd Halvorson said...

To the person having trouble saving/printing:

You should be able to save the document by opening the document and clicking on the icon that looks like a floppy disk....and your printer software should enable you to print just the pages you select -- i.e., the two pages on NASA. I think they are pages 109 and 110 of 146....


Anonymous said...

Thanks - I am aware of how adobe acrobat works - It will not allow me to save the file.

Take Care

Anonymous said...

The entire document failed it's certification status - so somewhere it has been altered.

Todd Halvorson said...

Sorry you're having trouble. I think I can get a PDF of just the two pages on NASA, and post that. Check back in a couple of minutes.....

Todd Halvorson said...

For the person having trouble with the document: I just posted a new PDF of the two pages in the budget document about NASA. Refresh this page and it should be at the top of the item.


Anonymous said...

I saved my copy.. somthing is up with our PC..

30 yr employee continuied:... one last thing.. There have been many thousands of us like myslf that have devoted our working lives to this program.. most of us were satisfied with our lives here on the space coast, normal progression in pay, promotions, and many of us failed to return to school to complete our educations due one reason or another like the load that comes with a new family and bills.. time flys by, and suddenly we are faced with what do we do now, how do we replace our incomes? will I get hired as a 50 somthing? My advise for all young future employees of Kennedy Space Center programs... don't dod what we did.. GET YOUR DEGREES.. leave your self an out, an opening for your future.. Having this paper in your hands is absolutly mandatory for your futures!!

For those of us that might be left out in the cold, without a degree.. lets just hope for some Obama get us through.. I know I speak for alot of people in this area..

Todd Halvorson said...

That is excellent advice. Thanks for posting! And hang in there....


Anonymous said...

For all of you who are lamenting the loss of jobs as a reason to keep NASA strong, gimme a break! If you want a jobs program, let's do something productive, like build roads, schools, levees, etc. I have been working in the space industry for over 15 years, did 3 years at the Cape, too. I had to leave because, as a taxpayer, I couldn't stand to watch my co-workers come in at 10, read the paper for an hour and a half, go out to lunch for 2 hours, then surf the web for an hour or two. All because the government was paying to "retain talent". If you wanna work, you work. Even if that means you may have to load up your mobile home and tow it the heck out of Brevard.
Suck it up. Things change.

Anonymous said...

The cost to the US Taxpayer for sending our astonauts to OUR ISS is $100,000,000 MILLION for 2..

However, I too have the same military mis-use concerns as the other poster... we shold have funded our Space Shuttle for limited flights to access the ISS until we have a flight rated, proven replacement.. the 2015 date will not be made.. not a chance.. the R&D, the redesigns etc.. will blow this date by years... leading to more questions about our NASA program funding by the ill-informed public.. by that time our national debt and hugh taxes will be so great, that the american tax payer will curse the day they elected Mr. Obama..

Anonymous said...

For all those at KSC who voted for B. Husein Obama....Good Job! Why would you ever think O Bama would ever extend shuttle? Come on now. Get your heads out of the sand and get in line for your new job ASAP! It's about to hit the fan Brevard County!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Todd.. and thanks for all the years of reporting on our Space program.. I for one am very proud to be one of the original Technichians on the Shuttle program here at KSC in 1978.. it has been romantic, exciting hard work, while witnessing and feeling the heartbreak of loosing crews,seeing their family's and watching the vehicle you had just worked on the night before go up in a ball of flames and smoke.. it's been a rollercoaster and a prevledge that few Americans can relate too but only talk about..

I just hope that once the people reading these comments have vented there opinions and said their peace, they remember that alot of good people here devoted their entire working lives to this program... AND NONE of the hundreds of people I know here make 6 figure salaries.. none! in fact most people fit in the $40K to $60K range.. were not fat Cats.. we were just in the right place at the right time to get hired when all this started..

I just wanted to thank you again for your coverage and keeping everyone up to date with the happenings at the Kennedy Space Center..

Anonymous said...

Regarding reliance on the Russians: We rely on them now even with Shuttle flying. The Soyuz is needed because Shuttle can only stay at the ISS for about 2 weeks.

Regarding not developing a new spacecraft sooner: NASA does not control its own destiny. The president and the congress do that. NASA would have loved to have developed a new vehicle much sooner. They are given a budget and told how to spend it.

Anonymous said...

Also, don't forget that we will have a means to supply ISS though the Commercial Resupply Services contract that was awarded to SpaceX and Orbital Sciences as a firm fixed price contract.

Anonymous said...

For all of you who drank the obama kool aid--bet you didn't think that adding an extra mission meant doing extra work in the same amount of time...did you.

Anonymous said...

You have a lot of people who are bad mouthing the workers at KSC. As at all jobs in all walks of life, you may have slackers. There are some here. But the majority of the people I know here work their butts off day in and day out trying to keep antiquated equipment from the Apollo era running to support the shuttle until the end. Most of these people supported the Apollo. They will be retiring. There are some of us young people that are having to plan to move or hope we get picked up for the Constellation. Either way a lot of hard-working people are going to out of jobs. It hurts all around.

Anonymous said...

Only damn thing he's done right so far but I have a feeling it won't last. After the nearly 2 trillion bucks this goat has already spent on democrat paybacks there won't be too much left for space.

To the oaf that said we were wrong and always will be about Obama....Your a fool if you think we're wrong...your a fool and probably on the dole already and it will never ever change for you. Your communist buddies up in vashingtona love your type...GULLIBLE

Anonymous said...

The important thing is that Obama is carrying on with Bush's plan. The last thing NASA needs is to be sent off in a new direction every change of president.
As far as the Shuttle is concerned Obama's hands were tied. It's near the end of its useful life, and won't have a role to play once the ISS is built. While it can take crews there, it can't stay in orbit for 6 months in case an emergency evacuation is needed.
I was half expecting him to cancel the Ares 1 and Ares 5, so this is good news.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Obama for that "change we need" HA! Way to throw Florida in the toilet. Now I am going to stand in the unemployment line and wait for him to "share the wealth"!!

Anonymous said...

For whats its worth,, I read the NASA submission to the (CBO) congressional budget office last November.. Griffen and staff plainly stated that to continue the space shuttle would basically be a big mistake from a budegtary point of view.. they need the shuttle funds to move over to the new program in FY2010.. reading the (CBO)'s response to this budget was rather alarming in that they have 20% to 60% confidence in the NASA time line estimates for the new programs readiness to fly..

The big concern is what this does to jobs here and in Houston, what contractor will have these contracts etc... no matter, what, North Brevard becomes a blue-hair retirement community, all but dead..

Anonymous said...

I recall the childhood story about a race between the tortoise and the hare. In the end, (sorry to spoil it for all of the 6-year olds) the tortoise won the race.

Applying this analogy for fun to our current race to access the ISS, NASA’s space shuttle appears to be the tortoise and commercial space entities appear to be the hare. Realizing it is not that simple, I am still excited that someday I hope to witness who is going to win this race.

BTW, didn't an Orbital Sciences rocket recently fail to achieve orbit and SpaceX is preparing to test launch soon? Also, the space shuttle is remaining on the ground because we cannot risk launching because of a potential fingernail sized piece of metal floating around in a tank full of a liquefied gas. These events remind us that getting to space is not a picnic. It is extremely difficult. When it does happen, we should be very proud of our achievements.

Anonymous said...

"BTW, didn't an Orbital Sciences rocket recently fail to achieve orbit"

That was not the same launch vehicle that they will be using for Commercial Resupply. Also, failures are just the nature of this business. Even the veterans still have their fair share. Orbital Sciences Corp is certainly no amateur in this business. SpaceX is the new kid on the block, but they are rapidly proving their worth.

Anonymous said...

On the Russians.. I just don't think people in General get it.. History has taught us time and again about how they operate.. Their new government leader and Putin have pushed the limits of diplomacy at every chance.. they supply weapons to Iran.. which get to Iraq and the region to kill our troops, the invaded Georgia.. And now we have other counties that may have access to the ISS with questionable histories..

I am NOT talk ing about SUPPLY vehicles.. I am talking about our Abiltity to send our astronauts to the ISS on our vehicles.. at any time.. this ability keeps the use of the ISS scientific, not miliary..

When shuttle retires next year, we will be DEPENDANT for a HUGH price to these very contries that really don't like us very much.. this will be for a 4 to 8 year period!!

So If we have a sudden economic war with Hugo Chaves(sp?) or any other oil country while we start going green, or for what ever reason.. they are in a position to "cut us out" of access to the ISS.. not to mention the higher fuel prices..

Imagine for a moment.. we have no one that will take our astronauts to the ISS for what ever reason.. there is nothing to stop the deliberate military use of the ISS, and do it against us!! God Forbid..

I know keeping shuttle is a mute point now.. our governement and NASA are seeing the world in rose colored glasses on this one.. we have a proven vehicle that can keep our " ability" to get to ISS with our folks.. we should have keep one alive and operatioinal until we have the replacement proven and lauch ready.. we are going to cut our nose off despite our face... I hope I am wrong, for America's sake...

Anonymous said...

Without a shuttle how are we going to make trips to the international space station. Are we just giving up on our huge investment into that program ??????

Instead of just shooting for making a few trips (again) to the moon by 2010, (we've been there done that YEARS AGO), we should be setting a goal of establishing a BASE on the moon by 2010.