Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Officials talk "best ideas" to survive shuttle shutdown

Officials gathered for a "Best Ideas" forum in Orlando today to discuss ways to help the region weather the end of the space shuttle program.

The gathering, sponsored by Space Florida, in partnership with regional economic development organizations, was designed to put forward suggestions to a White House task force charged with helping the Space Coast.

"Collaboration among government, industry and economic development leaders across the region as we move into this transition is unprecedented," said Space Florida President Frank DiBello in a news release. The Best Ideas Forum is another way to ensure that all stakeholders' ideas are considered as we support the Task Force and their mission to stabilize our economy."

The meeting is being held all day at the Hyatt Regency at the Orlando International Airport.

All concepts will be provided to the task force, set up by President Barack Obama, for their consideration.


Anonymous said...

Maybe they could replace the Shuttle Program with another Glorified Social Welfare Program.

Something different this time, MILK IT BABY, MILK IT!

Mark Lopa said...

Here's an idea: don't end the shuttle program. The problems with Progress this past weekend are just scratching the surface to what's in store.

Anonymous said...

This is PRICELESS!! They are NOW pondering the best ideas? Are you kidding? Did they just wake up from a 10 year coma? As I sit watching mine and other businesses fold like a stack of cards throughout Tville, drive through NO traffic because it is already a ghost town, having practically screamed the need to prepare for years, it is like a slap in the face to read that anyone is pondering best ideas for what to do now. This is criminal. Any att'y who would like to take up the cause of small business in Tville, just let me know!

Anonymous said...

It's too late to "Ponder" folks. It is approximately 7 months to T-0. So sucking it up now won't produce anything. Remember that the program contributed approximately 1.8 billion to Brevard county each year and that is hard to replace. Remember that NASA leadership has been bought off and will never tell the truth as it is strictly political now.

Anonymous said...

Will these ideas help improve our relationship with Muslims? That is the direction from above!!!

Anonymous said...

With a whole nation in a recession, how can the Space Coast endure the shutdown of the shuttle? There are the usual problems on top of the shutdown. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

The task force, set up by pres. Owe-Bama--

This about kills this idea if there was any idea at all. Owe-Bama is involved and that isn't good for anyone.

jupiterslion said...

Well they can't move north and work making refrigerators or cars, all manufacturing has been sent to China or Mexico's plants. Kentucky fried has closed a lot of stores, shopping Malls are laying off. Don't worry Shuttle workers, Bush gave rich people Tax cuts, if you didn't get yours its your fault you didn't get rich under Bush republicanism.

Anonymous said...

How about continue Ares and Constellation and keep the shuttles for occasional use until that series is ready .Nah ,lets use homebuilder rockets ,that ill work.

Anonymous said...

There are several job fairs being set up just for space workers, extra funding by NASA was announced that laid off employees will be given free education to retrain for new jobs, rewrite resumes, job assistance programs, etc. etc. etc. What more do they want? The private sector didn't get all these free perks when they lost their jobs. Watch them get the next Obama Bailout Fund paid for by none-other than the struggling taxpayers in the private sector. They all knew that they were contract employees so when the contract/project ends they should saved for a rainy day. After all they are supposedly highly educated people.

Anonymous said...

A meeting of this magnitude and numbers of attendees to discuss economic conditions of the Space Coast(Titusville, Cocoa, Cocoa Beach, Merritt Island, Melbourne, Palm Bay Melbourne Beach), must at the same time bring thousands of dollars economic stimulus to the City of Orlando?

Anonymous said...

800-1000 people to be laid off in October. The first wave of many.

Anonymous said...

Question: Are Brevard County officials, cities of Titusville, Cocoa, Cocoa Beach, Palm Bay, Merritt Island, Melbourne, Melbourne Beach considered to be Stakeholders? Are officials from these municipalities in attendance at these meetings in Orlando, Orange County?

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous who posted, "There are several job fairs being set up just for space workers, extra funding by NASA was announced that laid off employees will be given free education to retrain for new jobs, rewrite resumes, job assistance programs, etc. etc. etc. What more do they want? ...After all they are supposedly highly educated people."
Have a little compassion. USA employees are grateful for the resume help and the job fairs, etc. The "free education" is limited to essentially one credit per semester. Nearly all of the jobs presented by the job fair are out of the state of Florida and many of these companies have very few openings. They were paid to do this. However, we have known that the shuttle program would end; we had hoped to continue with Constellation. We are just regular people trying to support our families like everyone else. We gave this program our heart and soul and our "work family" is dissolving before us. Still we hold our head high for what we accomplished. Have a heart!

Graham (England) said...

My heart goes out to all the dedicated NASA workers that are going to be kicked in the teeth by obama.This chaotic mess is going to DESTROY your great nations lead in space. Once the know how has gone,the next generation doesn't know how (get it).!!