Thursday, June 24, 2010

Obama Wants You To Weigh In On Space Recovery Plan

President Obama and his administration want you to weigh in on ways to promote economic growth on Florida's Space Coast after NASA's shuttle fleet is retired and its moon program is canceled -- a double whammy that is expected to cost the region 23,000 jobs.

The Task Force on Space Industry Workforce and Economic Development, which was established by Obama earlier this year, is launching a website where Floridians can comment on generating new industry to shore up the highly skilled aerospace workforce in the state.

Check it out HERE. Look on the left side of the page and click on "Share Your Ideas."

Officials at NASA and the Department of Commerce say the site offers "valuable information about the work the administration is doing to create jobs in the region by fostering a more supportive entrepreneurial ecosystem."

"We consider the new interactive website an important tool to understand public concerns and challenges about the economic growth and well being of Florida's Space Coast," said former Kennedy Space Center Deputy Director Woodrow Whitlow, now NASA's associate administrator for the Mission Support Directorate in Washington. "This tool and our other outreach efforts will help the task force prepare recommendations for the president that reflects the greatest needs and concerns of both the public and the area's aerospace-related industries."

President Obama established the task force May 3, a little less than three weeks after he visited KSC and outlined his plans for NASA and the nation's space program. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke are co-chairing the effort.

"President Obama is committed to helping Florida's Space Coast adapt and thrive in the years ahead," said U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development John Fernandez. "The work of the task force adds to this administration's unprecedented level of transparency, and ensures public trust, participation and confidence. Our efforts depend on the participation of local stakeholders who
will ultimately devise and implement a bottom-up, regionally driven strategic plan."

The task force aims to develop a plan to enhance economic development along Florida's Space Coast and ensure the region is equipped to adapt to changes in local economies resulting from the shutdown of the shuttle program and the proposed cancellation of Project Constellation.

President Obama's proposed 2011 budget calls for NASA to cancel Constellation and instead invest in the development of commercial space taxis to ferry astronauts to and from the International Space Station, the operation of which would be extended from 2015 to at least 2020.

The budget also includes $40 million in federal funding to execute the plan the task force is developing. The plan is to be presented to Obama by Ag. 15.


Anonymous said...

He lied before! We have all been making suggestions for months now and he has not listened to anyone. He is, once again, a day late and a zillion dollars short! Buzz off, mr. don't truly care about anyone!

Anonymous said...

Put him on the last one and cut it loose.

Anonymous said...

Bobo, to see what we think, read the billions of strongly worded emails and letters we've been sending you the entire time you've been in office.

Anonymous said...

o bama resign now!

Anonymous said...

The page is blatant propaganda. Free advertising for re-election. Still, everyone should go online. Suggest that the government cancel Bill Nelson's Florida Light Railway to nowhere.
The Light Rail money will go overseas, employing French, German or Japanese engineers.

Use the light-rail money to create a SpaceX-like company in Brevard.

Tell Nelson and Kosmas that you're sick of being soldout. Here's a chance to fix their crime against their constituents.

Stephen C. Smith said...

Mr. President, forget about these people. All they want is for you to keep funding their obsolete government jobs that don't serve the nation's interest. You're better off sending them a check for $100,000 a year to sit at home fantasizing that the black helicopters are coming to get them.

By the way, thanks for saving us from the next Great Depression. It's appreciated. Just not by them.

Anonymous said...

Lots of greaat and constructive comments here! Clearly we have a wealth of problem solvers on this forum.

Anonymous said...

Now he want our Ideas! Is this guy serious? I thought the fool had it all planned out!
And don't worry Smith, plenty of people all across the nation are execting to sit home and collect a check, and you will be paying for it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what about the plan to go to an Asteroid and deflect its path in 2032 or whatever it is, so the world does not end?!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea...stop wasting our tax dollars on slush funds and pump billions into our Space Program. Oh yeah, and then resign.

Anonymous said...

"President Obama and his administration want you to weigh in on ways to promote economic growth on Florida's Space Coast...."

My advice to Obama to not do anything. Everything Obama touches turns to crap.

Obama always has grand expectations and then falls flat on his face. He said we needed the stimulus to keep unemployment at an 8% ceiling. Guess what? The unemployment went to 12% and the real unemployment, including those who are underemployed and those who have given up looking, is at 20%

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work of creating jobs and selling houses. And spending China's money.

Anonymous said...

brevard should've diversified its economy for the last FORTY YEARS instead of waiting until the year Shuttle is suppose to end "planning" then begging Uncle Sam for a hand out.

Anonymous said...

Just more jive coming from obama. Like he really wants to hear from the people...ya right! Like the way he listened to 75 % of people who didn't want his bogus health care. I for one can't wait until November when this country gives Obama the collective finger...what a socialist, marxist PUKE!!

Anonymous said...

If the President is taking ideas from the people who usually post on Florida Today forums then lord help us all, he must be really out of options to listen to these nuts!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you take the shuttle out for a spin Barry? You took the controls of this country with NO experience, NO plan and NO idea of what you were doing, the shuttle shouldn't be any harder! Just jump in and push a few buttons! What could possibly go wrong?

Anonymous said...

6:55 wait till he gets to orbit and tell him to look for 'cabin vent valve'. From the commanders seat , it's on the panel next to your left arm. Tell him to take a deep breath and turn it to 'open' and blow his 'vision' out his A--.

Anonymous said...

Run like chickens Boys and Girls.
The AXE has a sharp edge...Some have felt it.
Your time is getting shorter.

Anonymous said...

Obama wants our opinion???? Our opinion is not nice. I would not hire Obama to pick-up my dogs feces in the backyard....

Anonymous said... he doesn't. He couldn't give a fishes nipple what happens here. He has as much interest in space as I do about Barney Franks social life.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they will listen...If it is like the School Board of Brevard County, in one ear and out the other!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the government will listen...If it is like the
Brevard County School board, it will go in one ear and out the other

Anonymous said...

I hope they listen better than the Brevard County School Board does!

Anonymous said...

Everyone should remember that this Shuttle retirement has been planned for years now, previous to Prez Obama's inauguration, and that Constellation was not going to "save" Brevard from massive layoffs. Every single person who complains about bloated, much-delayed gov't programs should be HAPPY that Constellation will be cancelled. Space-X is a free-market produced private business that will launch payloads into space at a much lower cost to us, the taxpayers. By the way, I'm under that AXE spoken of above and I STILL hold these opinions (and I support of our Prez who has done much more for this country than FOX news will ever admit).

Also, those comments alluding to harm to our country's elected leader are sickening. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe YOU are part of the problem?

Anonymous said...

We will be supporting the Russians while NASA loses jobs in the USA. The shuttle is still viable. Thanks for nothing Obama. Time for impeachment as far as I'm concerned.