It leaves 3,303 USA workers at Kennedy Space Center, where two shuttle flights remain. The last flight, scheduled for June 28, will end the 30-year-old space exploration program that has provided long careers to thousands of engineers and technicians.
For many, the grieving over lost livelihoods has turned to acceptance and determination to find another job.
"They made history," USA spokeswoman Tracy Yates said. "At this point in the process most of the folks have accepted the fact that the shuttle program is ending and have been dealing really well with it."
The laid off workers will receive severance, unemployment and assistance looking for another job.
Information manager Amos Brown, 65, of Merritt Island plans to retire, though he was not joyful about leaving the shuttle program.
"I have mixed emotions," he said. "I enjoyed working here."
1 comment:
This is so sad..These people are the REAL HERO's of this country's Space Program.
We all SALUTE you.. may you find work eventually with one of the commercial programs possibly, or something at least compatible.
John M. West
Central Connecticut USA
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