The 2010 NASA Authorization act recommends $428.6 million in the 2011 fiscal year, which started in October, for an infrastructure modernization program focused on KSC.
But the agency is operating under a continuing budget resolution that holds funding at 2010 levels, a status that could extend through the entire 2011 fiscal year.
Under that scenario, NASA's 2011 budget would hold at $18.7 billion instead of the $19 billion proposed in the authorization act.
During a Senate committee hearing today, NASA's chief financial officer testified that Administrator Charlie Bolden had already decided to account for the $276 million shortfall by pulling it from the infrastructure initiative -- a 64 percent cut.
"The administrator has already considered that, and he decided that the best place to take that money would be the 21st Century launch initiative for 2011," said Elizabeth Robinson, the CFO.
Given that the fiscal year is already a almost quarter over, she said, it would be difficult to obligate the money for contracts this year even if it came through.
"He wanted to take the reduction there with the thought that we would make it up later," she said.
Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., asked whether the money would be restored in future years.
Robinson said the goal is to spend $1.9 billion on the launch complex over five years, so that funding would be shifted to later years -- so long as Congress agrees.
"I'd like to have some specific information on that," Nelson said.
IMAGE: At Kennedy Space Center on Oct. 18, the rotating service structure on launch pad 39B is being dismantled. Starting in 2009, the structure at the pad was no longer needed for the shuttle program, so it is being restructured for future use. The new design will feature a "clean pad" for rockets to come with their own launcher, making it more versatile for a number of vehicles. The new lightning protection system, left, will remain. Credit: NASA/Frankie Martin
Can you say PORK! Disband NASA already. There day has come and are not needed like in the past. Let the private sector perform the work at a better value for the American People.
wow and there is another person with out a clue as to what NASA has provided to the US tax payers, check its out http://www.sti.nasa.gov/tto/ maybe if DOD would get its act together and the President would stop giving US taxes dollars away, hey and while we are at it, get the US territories to pay taxes since they collect all the benefits from those of us paying taxes, that's right they pay no federal taxes like the rest of us do in the 50 States
disband NASA ? how about disbanding the Democratic party ?
So where to cut was Charlie Bolden's call. Wonder why he is taking $276 million from infrastructure at KSC and spending it somewhere else? Wonder where he is going to spend it?
Remember, Congress didn't cut NASA's budget, they just didn't increase it. Mr. Bolden is the one who cut the infrastructure spending.
Thanks, Charlie!
Hope the money spent to convert 39B into an Aries pad, and now the money being spent to tear it all down was worth it for the one test flight.
So where IS Charlie going to spend that money?
I'm confused. Why does it have to be modernized if there is no shuttle or space program?
No surprise here, why modernize a facility that has a very bleak future?
If I read and understand the situation, this is temporary but does not mean NASA is out of the woods, simply a reprieve for now. The Continuing Resolution Authorization (CRA) is a management tool used by Congress to keep the Government running at last year's level until it passes a budget. Using last years authorization as the initial budget for this year keeps things going, but does not allow any new activities until the budget gets done. I've worked under these CRA's since I started working in a Project Management office in '81.
Disband NASA. Disband because NASA is just another huge multi tiered government bureaucracy consuming huge sums of tax payers money. Fund not NASA huge sums of money, but fund the private space companies with huge sums of money. More jobs will be created when other organizations than just NASA are vying for tax payers money. Access to space should not be like a PTT(Post,Telephone,Telegraph). When the time comes and the private companies generate ROI this will allow the Fed to spend less on space exploration. Equating into tax payer savings.
Gee thanks - we like to eat too!
Anonymous said...
Can you say PORK! Disband NASA already. There day has come and are not needed like in the past. Let the private sector perform the work at a better value for the American People.
GO Space X.
We started down this road five years ago when Mike Griffin and George Bush abandoned 30 years of work on Shuttle and ISS because they were bored and had a fantasy of re-enacting Project Apollo. So much of the Shuttle tooling was destroyed under Bush and Griffin that Obama could not keep Shuttle flying. Since then KSC has been an express train headed for a cliff.
There is no money for KSC because Republicans in Congress are forcing NASA to spend billions of obsolete solid-fueled boosters from Utah and Constellation jobs in Alabama which seem to be intended to force NASA back to the 60's. If we can get funding shifted to commercial launch systems more of the jobs will be here.
"The first year of an effort to modernize Kennedy Space Center's launch infrastructure for the post-shuttle world will likely be scaled back significantly if NASA's budget remains flat this year."
NASA forgot to cut back on wasteful spending remodeling their offices which they recently did. No money for the space program but there seems to be money to re-decorate & update their offices which will sit empty after the huge layoffs. That sure makes sense. Executives always find ways to have the best for themselves while collecting those 6-figure payrolls taxpayers provide them. Too many chiefs + wasteful govt spending. NASA's Space Program is only a museum now. Why bother launching the last 2 shuttles as they will probably have significant problems with the lack of employee morale.
Close down NASA's shuttle program now before another avoidable Challenger incident happens. Its just a waste of unnecessary govt spending as the remaining workers milk every tax dollar with continued delays & sloppy oversights.
Right - It's George Bush's fault.
"We started down this road five years ago when Mike Griffin and George Bush abandoned 30 years of work on Shuttle and ISS because they were bored and had a fantasy of re-enacting Project Apollo. So much of the Shuttle tooling was destroyed under Bush and Griffin that Obama could not keep Shuttle flying. Since then KSC has been an express train headed for a cliff."
Couldn't have said it better & for those that are ignorant to the FACTS YES, It is George Bush's fault as he initiated it with no focus towards the future of space exploration. He's enjoying his life of luxury & doesn't give a damn about the outcome of his uneducated decisions. His two drunken daughters were there for inspiration & moral support when he decided to end our space program. It would be news if those solid rocket boosters would impact his ranch.
A little late. Most of NASA has recently been updated, refurnished & decorated costing thousands more in unnecessary waste of govt funds. The workers can pack up their personal belonging & collect their nice compensations since NASA leaders lost focus for the future of spaceflight.
What I think is a sad note is Charlie Bolden said NO civil servants would lose any jobs! Here's a big story for you, I suddenly seen 20 new faces with temp badges that have been hired as civil servants by NASA for KSC! Not one looks over 30 and think its great to be starting at KSC! So if the money has stayed the same as 2010 then why cut whats needed, force lay-offs of NON-civil servant workers (which has done everything since the beginning only with NASA oversight)and start hiring more protected personnel? All NASA personnel do at KSC is sit in plush offices in suits and read reports of all the contractors work being done!
Charlie you better get your priorities straight or you will sink whats left of space flight ANYWHERE in the US.
As to the redecorating that was done...yes to headquarters for NASA personnel. Every building out there is filled with asbestos and is falling apart! if we dont fix them we need to tear them down and I know you will never find and NASA personnel driving fancy cars doing any demo work! NASA pays huge salaries to people (some of which dont even have more than a HS diploma)I'm talking over 100k to sit in an office and read papers and go for long walks or work out in the health clubs that are off limits to anyone BUT NASA personnel.
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