Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Putin: Russia to build a new spaceport

Russia plans to build a new spaceport in the country's Far East, the Russian prime minister said during a visit to rhe Russian space agency on Monday.

The cosmodrome, to be called "Vostochny," would be built near the town of Uglegorsk in the Amur region, which is close to the border with China. Vostochny means "eastern" in Russian.

Putin said this would be used mainly for civilian launches and would ease dependence on the Baikonaur Cosmodrome, located in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan.

Russia will spend about $800 million over the next three years on its construction, Putin said, according to his remarks on the Russian space agency's Web site.

Read more about Russia's plans for the new cosmodrome in this BBC article.


Anonymous said...

I come from Ukraine. You not say Ukraine weak.

Anonymous said...

Russian Socialism at it's best!

They probably have Socialized Medical Coverage too!

First we should have a Universal Single Payer Medical Program before we can even think about having a Space Program.

Bush gave away all our Space Program money to Defense Contractors like Halliburton looking for WMD in Iraq and re-building Iraq.

Did you know the US tax payers pay for Universal Health Care in Iraq and Israel.
Thank the Republicans for that!

Anonymous said...

That should make striking the US with ICBM's a lot easier...

Anonymous said...

why not.......the americans will be paying for it. At 51 million per trip for our astronauts they can have the 800 million paid for in about a dozen trips. lets send more jobs and money overseas.

Anonymous said...

Is o bama funding this?

Anonymous said...

Yet we are turning away space exploration. This country is really going down hill. We need adventurists, entrepreneurs, scientists, explorers, etc. Replace all politicians with them. First a president gives us decades to get to the moon when it only took years the first time. Then we have a president that has paused the space program all together. We have lost the edge on this planet.

Anonymous said...

@11:55 - you neglect to consider the actual cost of providing a launch vehicle, crew capsule, fuel and training that the $51 million includes. It's not like we pay 'em $51 million and they have no costs. Call it $20 million 'profit' per launch and that $800 million takes 40 launches to cover. I don't think we're buying 40 rides from the Russians.

Anonymous said...

51 Million a trip is a great deal compared to the rip-off NASA was conducting.

Universal Health Care would be a better Govt Program than this one.

Anonymous said...

51 Million is a sweet deal compared to what we were spending.

Anonymous said...

We are led by an idiot who decided we don''t need access to manned space .Some Neanderthals here still think Bush is in office 20 months in .Too bad he's not then we would have 1/4 of the debt Obama has fostered
Say Anything to change the subject from Reverend Wrights disciple's multiple failings .

Anonymous said...

Reverend Wright was right!

Anonymous said...

What part of WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY BECAUSE BUSH & CO STARTED 2 WARS AND AN UNPRECEDENTED BUILDING BOOM THAT CREATED FALSE WEALTH AT THE SAME TIME do you people not understand?Also Bush & Co retired the shuttle, not Obama. He inherited it and the Constellation was already WAY over the budgeted funds for it so they cut off funding and rightfully so. Again, what part of THERE'S NOT ENOUGH MONEY do you people not understand? If you voted for Bush, you helped create this messed up situation we're in. Thanks for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Sure he did. Russia (and all the other Chi-Com Countries) have been waiting for a weak, gutless Socialist to take power in America for decades, and now they've got one. Does the statement "We will bury you" ring a bell?

Anonymous said...

Don't even think of blaming Bush for the housing crisis. There is absolutely no denying that the huge run up in the houing market and subsequent crash is due, in totality, to the Community Reinvestment Act which was a product of the Clinton Administration. For that matter, we're all to blame because many of us took advantage of ridiculously lenient mortgage terms. In any event I digress.....

The disasterous space policy currently in place squanders 60 years of investment, research and experience. It is the product of the current Administration and absolutely indefensible. I have no problem with privatization of LEO crew transport but to ceed NASA's role in heavy lift and human space exploration to private industry defies all logic.