Tuesday, July 20, 2010

House Committee puts NASA focus back on government vehicles

A U.S. House committee published its draft NASA spending bill today, putting the focus back on a government heavy-lift vehicle and a crew vehicle.

The draft bill would hold spending at the same level - $19 billion - requested by President Barack Obama. But it shifts much of that toward development of a government rocket and vehicle, along the lines of the Constellation program, which Obama wanted to cancel.

It would reduce the emphasis on developing a commercial sector alternative. It also doesn't include funding for an additional shuttle flight.

The House Committee on Science and Technology has scheduled a mark-up of the bill for 10 a.m. Thursday.

Read the House NASA spending bill.

Read about the Senate version of its NASA spending bill.


Anonymous said...

So Socialism is okay when Defense Contractors can make billions off of Tax Payers.

This program will waste tax dollars just like the Shuttle Program.

What are they going to do for us, orbit the earth?

Wow, that is really great.

How about providing something useful like Universal Health Care.

Something that actually helps all the tax payers, not just the few privelaged ones?

Nepotism in progress!

Anonymous said...

Constellation LIVES !

Sorry SpaceX.

Anonymous said...

" It also doesn't include funding for an additional shuttle flight."

Well, when B. Hussein pledged half a billion in aid to Pakistan, 63 million to Hamas, 50 million to provide health care in friggin Africa, etc., etc., the money to keep and American space program and American workers employed couldn't be funded.

The time to stop blaming the past administration is over. Show me the "Hope and Change".

As they say in the White House, "Yes We've Conned".

Anonymous said...

19 Billion Dollar Glorified Social Welfare Program.

This welfare program of course puts 80% of the 19 billion into the pockets of Defense Contractor CEO's.

Now that's a real deal for tax payers.

Let me see now, what did I get out of the 20 years or so?
That's 19 Billion times 20 = ?

What did you get out of it?

I got less than nothing because I got taxed to pay for it.

I have a real job where you have to work first before you get paid.

Barry Onetermer said...

"But it shifts much of that toward development of a government rocket"
of course it does. Because everybody knows government does it faster, better, cheaper than private enterprise.

Anonymous said...

Finally, Congree is showing signs of common sense and listening to all of us.. Between this house bill and the senate bill hopefully we will find common area to land and restore the pride we have in the work we do here at Kennedy and other centers. The contractor employees, the local communities will be very grateful to have our jobs and the nation can continue to be the leaders on Manned space exploration.. Good job..

Anonymous said...

It's silly to spend billions on a space program which promises at best, limited return in exchange for plenty of gov't sponsored high paying jobs. Let's spend the money on health care and middle class job growth.

Anonymous said...

you already spent money on health care.

Anonymous said...

Why does everybody think that the people who work on the space program all have high paying jobs??? Most ARE middle class, so killing the program means more middle class jobs that have to be created. Not to mention the waterfall effect these job losses will have to their surrounding communities.

Anonymous said...

Constellation + NASA = social welfare for a select few.

Anonymous said...

Those magnificent men in their flying machines, They go up diddley up-up, they go down diddley down-down!

Anonymous said...

Go spout your political discontent elsewhere - I'm sure there are plenty of other places that your hate and malcontent are appreciated.

Anonymous said...

"Why does everybody think that the people who work on the space program all have high paying jobs??? Most ARE middle class, so killing the program means more middle class jobs that have to be created. Not to mention the waterfall effect these job losses will have to their surrounding communities."
In this county, anyone who makes more than $8.00 a hour is Middle Class. Around here, you make more than 30 grand a year, you are rich!

Anonymous said...

Me buildum rocket, this big.

Anonymous said...

That's why they call it the space coast cause that's what we do. And yes, there's a few haters and retards that have devoted they life to hanging out on the FT boards. Trying to change the US political system from Brevard.

No secret... that would be broken record Antagonist. FT idiot.
You really need to get out once in a while.

Anonymous said...

1:00 pm said: "Constellation LIVES !

Sorry SpaceX."

Don't count out SpaceX so quickly.
Your hubris may come back on you.

Graham (England) said...

Please at last there may be some sense emerging. NOW GET ON AND COMPLETE THE BUILDING OF CONSTELLATION WHICH YOU'VE STARTED.!!!! (Sorry it looks like i'm shouting, there's no bold type option on the board) Your congress does have some backbone after all.!!

Anonymous said...

Obama + Crack/Welfare*the square root of Healthcare-the deficit^3(x+3.141592653589793238462)=SOCIALISM FOR THE MASSES

Anonymous said...

Sounds like good news for the space program. Not sure how many jobs it will save locally. However, it still good news. Private/comercial companies should not be subsedized by the federal gov.

Anonymous said...

USA is handing out layoff notices next week.
I'm a democrat and voted for NoBamma. Sorry I did that. I'll be voting in November to change the balance.
He has really got to go. Such a liar.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Republicans until I saw what they did with the Oil Disaster, they are against socialism until it comes to Socializing the losses of huge corporations. They Republicans are against Socialized Medicine but for Socialized Space Programs.

I thought Conservative meant Conservative but with these Republicans it is spend spend spend when it comes to bailing out their friends the Oil Companies and Defense Contractors.
Democrats are Spineless Republican Wannabees except for Alan Grayson. I hope he runs for President!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this just a budget authorization? It's budget appropriation that really matters.

Deltadog said...

Space workers keep the nation free and proud

Anonymous said...

The tax payers get paid back go NASA

Anonymous said...

some of these posters are illiterate. If you don't understand the importance of a strong American Space Program, you are hopeless. You can babble all you want about socialism, but this nation is better off with a thriving Space Center. If not us, then our lying former (and present) Communist friends will be glad to pick up the slack.

Anonymous said...

This is a good move; it would be nice to see this Congress override something from Obama for once.

Anonymous said...

Come on, Antagonist, you have a job? I thought you were on wellfare.

Anonymous said...

I love watching all these people complain about the space program and we "socialized workers". Don't you people realize what's going to happen to towns like Titusville, Port St. John, M.I. when these large layoffs happen and there are no more jobs left...we're leaving, not because we want to, but because we will be forced to find jobs matching our technical skill sets in other places. Yes the waterfall of money from the gov't flows into our paychecks but do you really think we just hoard our money away..no we spend most of it at local restaurants, car dealers, houses, home repair & maintenance, veterinarians, grocery stores, medical clinics, pharmacies and the list goes on. We put our kids in your school systems, WE PAY TAXES!! Don't you guys get it, the money flows back into the local economies that support most of your livelihoods as well, so I don't understand why you want us gone so bad. How loud will you scream at your politicians then when 8,000 + opportunities for your income just disappear, and don't count on private rocketeers bringing a bunch of jobs down here for a long time. Check out SpaceX's website and see how many jobs they have posted for FL, and ask anyone who went to the job fairs what the main question was they got asked...would you be able to relocate....to CA. We love our jobs, our work, space, and are proud with the accomplishments that we are a part of. You space haters, if you live in central FL, especially on the East coast, really need to wake up, step back, and really take a hard look at the dire straits this local economy is in.

Anonymous said...

Don't give up a 50 year lead in Space for Homebuilt rockets .In less then a year we won't be able to reach our own space Station unless the Russians send us up .Thats criminally stupid.The Shuttle had to end sometime (1970 design) but it could be on standby if Obama had not sent Bolden here to make NASA a Global Warming and Muslim outreach center .Oh I forgot the administration says they never told Boldin that ,so who is the liar?

Anonymous said...

This is very very good news. Especially for BREVARD County!! Yeah! Hell yeah!

anti-antagonist said...

I was going to vote for Antagonist until I saw him cause the oil disaster and then let the oil spew for over 3 months and ruin the environment while he chose to socialize health care on the backs of workers and eliminate America's space program that costs 1/50th of his health care plan all because he can't change the law to marry his life partner, Alan Grayson, who I hope runs for President so Antagonist can be his first ladyman.

guess men's watches said...

I was going to vote for Antagonist until I saw him cause the oil disaster and then let the oil spew for over 3 months and ruin the environment while he chose to socialize health care on the backs of workers and eliminate America's space program that costs 1/50th of his health care plan all because he can't change the law to marry his life partner, Alan Grayson, who I hope runs for President so Antagonist can be his first ladyman.