Some on Congress, meanwhile, continue to say NASA and the Obama Administration are skirting legislation that prohibits the agency from termination or making changes to Project Constellation, which aims to return American astronauts to the moon.
"This is one more attempt by this Administration to terminate a program that Congress specifically directed them to continue,” said U.S. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Rockledge. "This effort is not only directly contrary to congressional direction, but it is an affront to the hardworking NASA and contractor workforce. Clearly the Administration has mismanaged this program."
NASA this week informed Congress that it intends to stop funding the Ares rocket project for the remainder of the year, defer work on the Orion spacecraft and, among other things, cut $89 million from ground operations at Kennedy Space Center.
Saying NASA is bound by law to save money to cover President Obama’s plan to cancel Constellation, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said the agency must cut off $1 billion that otherwise would be spent on the program by the end of the year.
Bolden claimed a 140-year-old federal spending law called the Anti-Deficiency Act forced the action. Enacted in 1870, the Anti-Deficiency Act says the federal government cannot spend money in excess of appropriations made by Congress. NASA officials say the law also requires contractors to set aside money to cover termination costs in case a government contract is cancelled.
Bolden told legislators the current estimate for "potential termination liability" for Constellation contracts is $994 million. Once those estimates are accounted for, Bolden said, the Constellation program is facing a shortfall of $991 million for the remainder of the year.
In a missive written in response to congressional inquiries, ATK noted that NASA since the mid-1970s has instructed the company not to set aside money to cover termination liabilities. Internal memos dating back to 1976 were forwarded to buttress that claim.
Based in Utah, the company makes shuttle solid rocket boosters and the first stage of the Ares I rocket. It stands to bear the brunt of the 2,500 of 5,000 jobs cuts NASA forecasts by the end of the year as a result of the accounting change.
"NASA has for several years deliberately taken the position that they will not fully cover a contractor for his costs and termination liabilities so that NASA may obtain maximum utilization of those funds appropriated by Congress," said R.E. Davis, chief executive officer of Thiokol Corp., said in a 1976 memo. Thiokol was subsequently acquired by Alliant Techsystems, also know as ATK.
A 1992 memo says NASA "deliberately underfunded the costs as a matter of common practice."
NASA this week decided to change its longstanding accounting practices and require contractors to set aside enough money to cover the cost of terminating Project Constellation, which the Obama Administration intends to do as part of its proposed 2011 budget.
Bolden told legislators the current estimate for "potential termination liability" for Constellation contracts is $994 million. Once those estimates are accounted for, Bolden said, the Constellation program is facing a shortfall of $991 million for the remainder of the year.
Brian Wagner, a legislative affairs official with ATK, said in a note to Congress that NASA "created this funding shortfall by changing its decades-long management practice with respect to termination liability."
Federal courts have held that the Anti-Deficiency Act in many cases does not require contractors to set aside money to cover potential termination costs, Wagner noted. In one case the court stated that "the government may not hide behind the Anti-Deficiency Act when there is a binding obligation to pay and the government has general appropriations sufficient to cover the contractual obligation," he said.
"If NASA had continued to operate for the remainder of FY2010 under the same practices it has used for decades, instead of suddenly and drastically changing their approach to termination liability with only 4 months remaining in the fiscal year, there would be no funding shortfall at all, and it would be completely compliant with Congressional direction. In fact there would be a $3 million surplus by NASA's own estimates for the Constellation work planned in FY10," Wagner wrote.
NASA spokesman Bob Jacobs said the agency is reviewing ATK's response but believes it is taking the proper steps to maintain compliance with federal spending laws.
“We took the action we believe is required by law," Jacobs said.
Project Constellation has strong backing from members of Congress in Florida, Texas, Alabama, Utah, California and other states where NASA operates satellite field centers. And some legislators in those states claim NASA and the administration are trying to kill the program without congressional approval.
The House and Senate Committees on Appropriations reached an agreement last December on a bill that requires congressional approval of any changes to Project Constellation. The bill requires congressional approval of “any program termination or elimination or the creation of any new program, project or activity."
Posey said the accounting switch by NASA appears to be the latest step in what he believes is a concerted effort to circumvent the law and start scaling down the Constellation program.
“Given that the Congress has yet to act on the President’s proposal and Constellation is the program of record," he said, "the Administration has an obligation to follow the law rather than find convenient excuses to change their practices to kill Constellation in the absence of Congressional consent.”
Perhaps ATK should have read the contract they signed with more care. You know, that part about the Anti-Deficiency Act being in play.
The real question: by what authority did NASA offer these sweetheart deals over the past decades?
And anything that Birther Bill says is utterly without meaning. He's even dumber than Weldon.
Rubber Ducky,
So you're read the contract ATK signed, by all means enlighten us. What blows me away is the complete contempt the current president and NASA adminsitratior show to long time suppliers. Totally classless. My money is with ATK on this one. I say Bolden will be gone long before they are.....
Glad to see ATK is finally fighting back. This whole Obama-Bolden plan is nothing more that funneling NASA jobs from Republican states to Democratic or swing states. This plan is so terrible the Democratic congress wont even support it. It's obvious that Bolden is in way over his head, he needs to do the right thing and step aside.
Obama and Bolden are scrambling to shore up Florida for 2012 by sacrificing jobs in Texas, Alabama and Utah. This wouldn't be happening if ATK was based in Florida and SpaceX was based in Utah.....
I agree. Bolden needs to step down. He has no idea what he's doing and is making himself, and at the same time NASA, look stupid. Obama has him under his thumb and is destroying NASA. This is just ridiculous now.
I wonder what John McCain would have done. Who knows, maybe the same thing.
"Rubber Ducky, So you're read the contract ATK signed, by all means enlighten us."
News reports have stated that only one Constellation contract, that held by Boeing, specified that contract cancellation costs would be borne by the government. According to these reports, all other contracts for this program invoked the clause of the Anti-Deficiency Act requiring that the contractor set aside cost of contract termination.
Be clear: this does not require that the money come from the contractor, only that the contractor not avoid this set-aside requirement and instead use the money to expand the work done.
The Anti-Deficiency Act is not some obscure statute easily overlooked - it is one of the most prominent and important laws on the books governing how federal money can be spent. Again: The real question: by what authority did NASA offer these sweetheart deals over the past decades?
This administration seems set on destroying NASA as quickly as possible. Maybe it's part ofhis plan to spread the wealth around. After allergy are now paying the Russian big bucks to fly on Soyuz and the price is sure to keep going up.
My question is why is Boeing getting sweetheart deals?
worst....and dumbest....president....EVER!!!! send barry from kenya back to rabble rousing on a street corner....that is the limit of his capabilities.
Challenge - name ONE THING barry has done that strengthens the USA......
Rubber Ducky,
I pulled this out of the article....."Federal courts have held that the Anti-Deficiency Act in many cases does not require contractors to set aside money to cover potential termination costs"...the real question is why is NASA fighting this battle knowing they are probably going to loose it? Why do this to a company and workforce that has served you well for more than 30 years? It's not ATK's fault the democratic congress does not agree with the Obama-Bolden plan for NASA. The Constellation program is backed by law, Bolden cant just wave a magic wand and make it go away. This whole fiasco makes Bolden and Obama look weak and creates a lot of stress for a lot of good people who have devoted their entire careers to the US space program. If the Constellation program is behind schedule it has nothing to do with ATK's part in the project, from what I hear they are right on schedule and budget. It's no wonder people are so cynical about our government.
I have a buddy that was hired by ARSC on Tuesday, he got the call today that told him he will not be working for ARSC.
This is nothing more than Guillotine (yanno, that french execution devive that cuts peoples heads off) politics.
All civil service jobs at the cape will be saved and re-assigned....all contractor jobs are FINISHED.
Ohhhh that hopey changey feeling, feels like.....
Sorry, I just cannot say it here.
The last I checked, the congress, not President Obama or Charles Bolden, decides how money is spent in this country. Large corporations are not going to destroy their work force and stop delivering on legal contracts just because Charles Bolden orders them to do so. They have an obligation to their employees and shareholders. It's amazing to see a President and a head of NASA go to such extremes to skirt the law. NASA and Obama know that leagally they can't touch the Constellation program, that is why they are going to such unprecedended measures. If you want to work with congress and change the law fine, but don't cheapen NASA by attempting what you're attemping now. Everyone see's through it. Also, remember, these are real people they are dealing with, not cattle.
What Obama and his clone Boldin don't realize is that they are not going to win more votes by this deceptive accounting scheme, they'll loose Frolida, Ohio, and other states that are affected by the huge layoffs that are coming.
If the congress finally grows a pair and puts an end to Obama's crooked ways. Maybe then we'll get a real space rogram again.
This is what you get when a candidate for president has no idea on how to run a republic and his cronies are just some has been ex-democrat astronaut who didn't do that much except vote for a sleezy impersonator who's a communist at heart!!
It's ironic that yesterday Congress was using the Anti-Deficiency Act as the reason NASA cannot stop funding the moon project and today NASA is claiming that the Anti-Deficiency Act is the reason the must stop funding the moon project.
ATK, move your operations to Florida.
Hey the world is watching AMERICA .!!! Stop beating each other up, and get on with constellation.Get back out to the moon and then on to mars. Otherwise you WILL lose the worlds respect.
Waahh, waahh, waahh ... You built a boondoggle and got shown up by a private sector rocket. The gravy train has pulled into the station. Time to get off.
If Bolden will be gone, Obama will just hire another puppet.
And since when did this administration follow laws?
I guess they follow the ones they want to.
No Ducky unlike you I have been involved in ATK's contract for constellation and have recently reviewed the contract again. Let Me Be Clear there is NO clause relating to the Anti-Deficiency Act. Also this Act has come under fire in the past in the U. S. Supreme Court case Dupont vs US where the court ruled in favor of the company over the government
NASA has no plan even though they supposedly received more funding. It seems the Obama/Bolden just want to dismantle NASA to spend the money on a different social program in the future. I can't wait for the next election.
What 1870 act !Now it makes a difference.
Watch out anon. 8:00. You are confusing the issue with facts. Facts can be very annoying to left-wing folks who only know what their talking points are. Next someone will attempt to win the debate by telling you to shut up.
Obama "the Destroyer of U.S. Manned Space Flight"
If Obama supported manned space flight he would have extended the Space Shuttle program to 2016 and saved jobs in Utah, Alabama, Texas and Florida. Save the Ares V program too.
We need to cut foreign country aid and invest in the U.S.
Obama just signed $400 million for Palestines. Reduce appropriations for Air Force One -- Obama's campaign plane.
Obama should teleconference!
So some think that the SpaceX launch was a complete success? If you all only knew what SpaceX is not releasing to the public, you'd understand that it sure as hell was not a success!!
It is unfortunate that since the shuttle program is closer to ending everyone want to cry a river....if "Congress" wants to keep the Constellation program then they have to put up the funding. So contact your Congressional representative and ask them to show you the money blaming Obama and Bolden is a mute point they can only work with the funding they have.
Blaming Obama and Bolden is a mute point; contact your congressional representative and ask them to show you the money to extend the Constellation program.......no money no program.
This whole thing is a setup to strip NASA of money. First remove any high profile programs that have a goal and dates (Constellation)while appearing to increase the budget with a nebulous goal-less vision. Honestly who cares about asteroids. It's junior project. Let several months go by then reassign the money to a crisis project designed to drive democratic voters.
No, it couldn't be the the novice Administrator's fault. I mean who knew you had to work with Congress on a budget, or perhaps coordinate with Senators and Congressman before proposing the lay off of tens of thousands on Americans? Who knew you were supposed to look at the budget before you testify on it before Congress? Who knew that canceling a contract might affect the military industrial base and perhaps affect national security and drive up costs to the DoD? Who knew that once the skilled human spaceflight workforce was fired they might never return? Not Administrator Bolden. You're right, it must be the contractor who has worked with NASA for over 30 years' fault.
I think most all of us here are in agreement with what the Obama Administration and its NASA chief have done. First of all, it is the most grotesque and sickening example of treachery and perfidy that has ever been enacted on NASA suppliers or any other federal suppliers. If this is the case, should not Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, etc. begin setting aside shutdown costs for F-35 Lightning? I mean if Obama Administration wants to play hardball why not hit the small Michigan tooling supplier that works on Orion with shut down cost memos? The President has shown utter contempt for the people working at NASA - complete utter annhilatingly cheap political contempt for those around the country from Florida to Michigan, from Alabama to Utah who have had anyone working on Constellation in this God awful recession - depression that we have endured. Let's be accurate in our usage of descriptive adjectives here, Bolden and his actions are the ultimate and supreme example of PERFIDY, TREACHERY, CONTEMPT, DISHONOR, SCANDAL, POLITICALLY MOTIVATED AGENDA, ASSININE SKILLS AS AN ADMINISTRATOR, LIES, EQUIVOCATIONS, PREVARICATIONS, SLIGHT OF HAND, DASTARDLYNESS, INEPTITUDE, IMBECILITY, BACK-STABBING, SCORN, COWARDICE, MALICE, NON-COMPASSIONATE ACTIONS, IDIOCY, STUPIDITY, ACTIONS THAT LACK HUMILITY, ACTIONS HAVE NO CONCERN FOR FAMILIES WHOSE PARENTS SHALL LOSE THEIR JOBS. I trust that our Congress can right this wrong and do what is right and keep this program and tell the administration to carefully place its cheap petty politics where the sun absolutely does not shine!!!!
By the way folks, the layoff's have already started. The Ares engineers are being notified that they will have no work after the end of June in most cases, the extended ones will run out to the month of August in a very very few cases.
What a wonderful way to close out the National Manned Space Program. Oh well, perhaps these tens of thousands can find a job working for another space agency, say ESA?
Damn sure won't see any jobs opening up with the South African butt head and his pissy company.
May the entire Administration's NASA stooges all roast in Hell.
You are all worthless and weak.
For a long while we have all known the gravy train is ending.
I have a 30 year stint at the rocket ranch and have made my changes to cope with this shut down.
If you are still holding out for program reversal, you are as I said...jeez
How dare you for removing my comment about how much money was sent to the palestinians....THAT IS OUR MONEY.
To Steven C. Smith, your are one classy dude, and you claim to be a professional? Why don't you come out to Utah so we can all punch you in the face!
To Steven C. Smith,
My two year old grandson has more class than you. I find it hard to believe anything on your blog. I guess it's because I figured someone with as much education and contacts as you claim to have would act a little more.....how should I say it....grown up.
To Anonymous 9:11,
You're not the only one that has planned for his or her future. Some of us are willing to fight for what we believe in. To be blunt, you sound like a quitter to me.....jeez.
Obama has no clue about the space program other than a source of funding, it is Holdren and Carver who are dismantling NASA's human space program. They are responsible for creating all this extra unemployment during a recession.
Checkout Doc" Horowitz's take on what happened:
Obama has no interest in space or NASA other than as a source of funding for other programs. It is Holdren and Carver who are responsible for dismantling the human space program and creating unnecessary layoffs during a recession.
Check out Doc Horowitz's take on what happened:
Some will do fine.
Some will manage to stuggle along.
Others will melt down and not survive.
The weak should not be breathing my air.
This is a press release from Bill Posey, a Florida Congressman, sent out Friday.
WASHINGTON, DC – In a hastily announced conference call with Congressional offices, NASA said that it had just “discovered” a $1 billion shortfall in the Constellation program forcing contractors to immediately start shutting down operations in order to comply with NASA’s revision of long-standing accounting practices.
“This is one more attempt by this Administration to terminate a program that Congress specifically directed them to continue,” said Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge). “This effort is not only directly contrary to Congressional direction, but it is an affront to the hardworking NASA and contractor workforce. Clearly the Administration has mismanaged this program.”
Since the President’s budget was released in February which proposed terminating the Constellation program, NASA has claimed that it was not circumventing a Congressional directive that NASA continue to move forward with Constellation. However, this announcement yesterday is the latest step in what seems to be a concerted effort by NASA to circumvent the law and start scaling down the Constellation program.
“Given that the Congress has yet to act on the President’s proposal and Constellation is the program of record, the Administration has an obligation to follow the law rather than find convenient excuses to change their practices to kill Constellation in the absence of Congressional consent.”
Guys, it will not matter who is wrong soon, Congress has put off deciding to long!! Obama & Bolden has pulled a slick one. When USA lay offs in the next 30 to 60 days 80 to 90% of its workforce, there will not be anyone left there to work a space program in fl.
We need to pray that the last shuttle flights will go well and for the safty of those on board it.
We need to fight and stand together for change! Maybe a good old march down to The WHITE HOUSE just like King did, Might scare the hell out of a few!!
God bless,
This is proof that the Obama administration wants to destroy the manned space flight program. Forget all this business about a "bold new vision." Obviously they were looking for some obscure way to force an immediate shutdown. The result of this will be layoffs of essentially everybody involved in the Constellation program. Couple that with the Shuttle losses and you have essentially lost everybody who specializes in manned spaceflight.
If Obama really cared about space flight, he would not orchestrate a layoff of everybody at once. If you care about retaining expertise, you don't cancel one program until there is replacement work.
Anonymous 3:49, great article. This whole fiasco makes Obama, Bolden and Garver look like.....well, amateurs.
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