United Space Alliance will lay off about 100 Kennedy Space Center workers on June 4, as part of the normal attrition leading to the end of the shuttle program, when up to 8,000 space industry workers will lose their jobs.
This will leave just under 5,400 USA workers at KSC. The company couldn't say when the next layoffs will occur.
A total of 175 workers will be laid off at KSC and at Johnson Space Center in Houston.
"We're doing this layoff as a way to align our workforce with the approved 2010 budget and the space program operations contract workscope," USA spokesperson Tracy Yates said.
The company hopes most of the layoffs will be voluntary, as workers come forward to accept severance packages.
"So, it's hard to say who it's going to be," Yates said. "Obviously, we'll keep the people we'll need to safely fly out the shuttle."
Good for them. Hopefully these 100 are some of the jerk(offs) who speed down SR3 at 80-90 mph in their big ford trucks and motorcycles, an hour before shift end racing to their bar stools at shuttles or kings duck inn or another dank hole on north Merritt island or in titusville, as opposed to the few dedicated employees, who wake up every morning and can only think of how far they can push manned spaceflight today.
Leave over 5000 People still on Govt Paychecks at the Tax Payers expense doing what?
Here we go the countdown is on. Look what Pres.ODUMMY has started.
See...the folks that take glee in people losing there jobs are already here! Good for you. Have a wonderful hate fill day. Try and not choke on your bitterness!
Tag for dank holes reference. I agree. Check parking areas for bars at 3pm and see how many have nasa/usa stickers and license plates....its astounding.
Needless to say Wernher Von Braun wouldn't have tolerated any of this behavior........
....and so it begins.
So please tell me, what's wrong with owning a truck and/or motorcycle ? I'm quite sure there will be plenty of them up for sale in the near future, along with homes with upsidedown mortgages.
These yayhoos have known FOR 5 YEARS their jobs were going to evaporate. If they didn't have the intelligence to plan for their futures....MAYBE THEY SHOUILDN'T BE WORKING ON SPACE PROGRAM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!
"The company hopes most of the layoffs will be voluntary, as workers come forward to accept severance packages."
HMMM......paying people a bonus to go away....kind of like a prostitute.....
jupiterslion ... The problem with your comment is that all the Space Program Workers will go find another job. If they have to move so be it. They wont sit around on their lazy butt and free ride off of working people. My guess is you probably didn't make the cut to work there so now your bitter.
It amazes me how much hate individuals have for people they do not even know. If this was your job, I would imagine you would not feel the same way! Oh yeah, ingnorance is bliss...
Stop the anti Reagan rhetoric, the man is dead and freedom rang! as far as the dedicated employees who work the manned spaceflight...don't give up...learn Russian...there is a job for you waiting out there!
Reagan is dead so respect calls for a change of rhetoric. There is a job for you waiting out there but if the educated cannot find a job...what are your chances?
This country has sure bred some of the most ill-spirited people on this planet. You sound like someone who is never happy and will never be happy. Have a good life.
Anonymous said...
It amazes me how much hate individuals have for people they do not even know. If this was your job, I would imagine you would not feel the same way! Oh yeah, ingnorance is bliss...
6:34 PM
No....If this was my job I would be ASHAMED at the utter, epic and total FAILURE that is manned space exploration over the last 30 years.
Come on....The farthest we've been off this rock 30 YEARS is less than the distance between Jacksonville and Miami!
Hundreds of billions wasted...for a few hours drive worth of distance off this rock.
Anonymous said...
It amazes me how much hate individuals have for people they do not even know. If this was your job, I would imagine you would not feel the same way!
That's the problem, for too many, It's just a job. not their passion, not their calling in life. Too many worried about getting to that bar stool, or how the (insert team name here) are doing, or where they're a goin' four-wheelin' this weekend instead of concerning themselves 100% with supporting manned spaceflight to the best of their ability with every waking breath. NASA needs to pour some serious bleach into its labor pool. and re-stock the pond with a few hundred dedicated people.
Anonymous said...
....and so it begins.
So please tell me, what's wrong with owning a truck and/or motorcycle ? I'm quite sure there will be plenty of them up for sale in the near future, along with homes with upsidedown mortgages.
6:08 PM
Not what they own but what they choose to do with it.....and how they mistreat their fellow Americans/Floridians/Neighbors.
The disrespect they show every day with their blatant disregard for speed limits and traffic lights...I cant count how many cars/trucks/bikes blow by me every day at 15-20 Mph+ over the posted speed limit on SR3 and 405, or times I've seen 5-10 cars run the 'no right turn' light onto westbound 528 from southbound SR3.
Think I'm wrong....Go see for yourself. Check the parking lots at the bars at 3-4pm, see how many speed thru a red light southbound at Hall road. How many make that right turn against the light onto 528 on ramp....how many speed at 75-85mph up right lane all the way to end of onramp and on the shoulder to pass a few other motorists.
I've seen it everyday for nearly 30 years.....
You reap what you sow.
What a shame.
'I cant count how many cars/trucks/bikes blow by me every day at 15-20 Mph+ over the posted speed limit on SR3 and 405'
-An easy problem to solve-
Choose 1 of the fallowing:
1. Elect a sheriff with either some character or dedication to duty and he will post a few motorcycle officers along those 2 roads and have them write a s-load of tickets every day till the message gets thru.
2. Form a Vigilante posse with a radar gun and pitchforks.
I'm good with either.
Dedication,Common Sense and Intestinal Fortitude are definitely in short supply on KSC. That's why it takes 3 or 4 shifts, mostly on overtime to move from hanger to VAB and lift and mate an orbiter to stack now. Back in the late 80's /early 90's we did it in 2 day shifts....but...that was before USA and the Unions poisoned everything.
But...that being said..... If I was making $150-200 an hour on overtime...I'd probably milk the sacred cow too.
Most of the really useful and intelligent people left for elsewhere in the industry years ago. The Innovators have moved on to Orbital, SpaceX and Scaled Composites-places where new ideas are turned into reality.
Whats left are the 'technicians'....the people who need 'collective bargaining' because they lack the fortitude to stand on their own for what they think they deserve...they are there to do what they're told...not educated enough to do much on theyre own...just....assemble this...replace that..like go cheer at the obama campaign stop in titusville a few years ago....or go on strike when they're told to.
The mean reports are from the folks who could not make the cut at KSC they would have worked at KSC in a heart beat if they had the Quals., but not
Why so much hate for people who are losing their jobs.
Are there really people who concern themselves 100% with whatever their job is? I pity their families.
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