This just in from KSC Bureau Chief Todd Halvorson:
President Barack Obama is scheduled to arrive at Kennedy Space Center at 1:45 p.m. on Thursday, April 15.
He'll make live remarks at 3 p.m. and depart at 3:45 p.m., the White House said.
On Thursday, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said Obama would use the visit to make a "major space policy speech." That will be followed by four panel discussions involving invited space experts.
Obama's visit will be shown on NASA TV, Bolden said.
So, he's decided to come down to see first hand what he's destroying. Not that it will make one bit of difference to him.
yeah to cut the waste of all those lazy folks out there. Gives the few bright minds and hard workers a bad name...
He's expected to "Moonwalk" on the water going to the VAB
It isn't enough Obama puts 9000 talented space workers on the street...specific lies to the contrary. No...he MUST gloat! Can't wait for the November elections. Dump all Democrats, everywhere.
The program had a end date before his term in office and if your gonna complain, complain to congress they approve the budget...
WOW! POTUS is only going to take two hours to kill the U.S. Manned Space Program. Took us 49 years to get where we are, second to none in space. Now we will be, I guess behind India in a few years? India has all that money from outsourced U.S. jobs, now they can afford to go to the moon, although I would rather wish them to go to hell? Sick of talking to them every time I want customer service.
It was "destroyed" by Bush when he cancelled Shuttle in 2004, contracted with the Russians in 2007 to fly astronauts once Shuttle retired in 2010, and his administration ran Constellation into the ground with mismanagement.
1. So Bush cancelled it BUT the new prez DOES HAVE THE POWER to change things - and I thought that was his motto - 'CHANGE!!!
2. Re: Moonwalk to VAB - LOL!!
3. Re: India - totally agree!!!!
Are we all supposed to get excited because Air Force I might land on OUR landing strip? I don't think that is or will be the case. Send a few live gators to greet him - lets take a bite out of crime :)
It's still funny that Obama won't speak at a place where the general public can see him. I guess he doesn't want to see or hear what the people think of him!
where will the six airplanes and 500 secret service be landing ?
Don't forget the Save Space Rally Sunday at Cocoa Expo. You can share your thoughts in person with many of our politicians.
I invite him to take a drive down US1 in Titusville. See all the businesses that are no longer there. Its a sad ride. I didnt think it could get much worse from what it was but wow, what a change in a town. Maybe he could get out and talk to some of the business owners, see the fear and worry. Of course its not all his fault but he has it in his hands now. The question is why is he coming? What purpose does spending the money for Air Force One for this trip? We're adults, we dont need to see the president, we need him in his office working on the number one, not healthcare or anything else. Not right now.
Ya know.. if he is so worried about unemployment rates...think of what will happen once this program ends. Sure the space center will still be open for people to see what once was, but 9000 people will be jobless, and Brevard is going to plummet because we will lose one of our main attractions for tourists. Basically this is going to ruin our economy. We can thank our awesome politicians for this. =]
So the great leader is expected spend LESS THAN ONE HOUR in his so called "forum".
Then he'll jive talk after he's jammed this down peoples throats...sideways.
So much for a compromise as reported by Keith Cowling on Nasawatch...his "sources" have totalled whatever reputation he had to begin with.
With the time constraints Air Force 1 WILL be landing at the Shuttle Landing Strip. Probably motorcade over to the OPF & VAB, look out at the soon to be "empty" 39A & 39B from the LCC and say goodbye to U.S. Manned Space Flight & leave. If POTUS would stop flying all over the country for two hour visits perhaps we WOULD have some money to jump start Ares & Orion? Foreign aid is 1% of the federal budget while NASA is only .07%. Something is wrong here. Mr. President, save the air miles for Air Force 1 and fly to someplace where you may be welcome, like Wall Street!
of course none of the KSC work force is invited to hear his "speach"...... we would have eaten him alive.
Come on out to the entrance to KSC (Hwy 405) on April 15th for a Pro-Space Rally from 2-4 pm.
This will be a chance to express your support for America's Space Program.
Bring your signs and sunscreen !!
Oh yipe, lets all jump for joy Obammy is coming!! Big deal the guys not gonna tell us anything good about the space program. Maybe he's here to declare it a historical site, after all it's pretty much mothballed this time next year anyway. Go away and don't come back till you want to tell us something good about space.
2010 can't come soon enough, then on to 2012. lets all show the Socialist regime what its like to be with out a job. I would rather be a so called right wing nut job, then a progressive socialist liberal with no nuts and no job. And certainly no common sense. How's all this hope and change working for you?
These Gravy Train Riders preached us all a sermon about how they hated bailing the Auto Industry and how everyone who needed health care wanted a free ride and a hand-out.
Now the shoe is on the other foot and they want President Obama to Bail-them-out.
I guess Bad Karma is a bee-otch isn't it?
Suffering is okay for other people, just not for Conservative Republicans. Killing people in other lands is okay with them too as long as someone makes a profit -Bound For Hell!
These Conservative Republicans are led by Corporate Fascist (Talk Radio / Fox News) one more of their peers crashed his plane into the IRS Building in Austing recently an avid Talk Radio listener. He crashed his plane quoting Sean Hannity.
These Talk Radio Host are as guilty as Charles Manson for conspiracy to murder and need to be charged as criminals, prosecuted and imprisoned for the murderers that they are.
Re-enact the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE -Call you representatives & demand it!
God Bless our Beloved President Barrack Hussien Obama.
Thank God that Palin the Fascist didn't get near the Presidency.
The defeat of the Republicans restored my faith in God.
I wouldn't be so proud to be something that I couldn't even spell. Democrat
Apprently righties don't understand what an increased budget for NASA means. The shuttles time has gone by, we don't need anything on Mars, we need low cost methods to get things into space.
This article is guaranteed to get the right winged flies to the bug-zapper.
Reading this thread makes me proud to be American. Let's see what vision he has for us before we burn him at the stake. You know that's what most of you sound like, the angry mob burning the witch in the Holy Grail. Stop speculating!
Good riddance to all of these overpaid engineers... what a WASTE!!! Go get a real job doing something that makes a difference. The majority of the space center is hard core good ole boys network at work.
Here is my two pesos. . .He is not coming hear to tell everyone what they already know.
Hopefully our Democratic Representative Suzanne Kosmas for North Brevard brought the pork home. . .
It is going to be good, and different.
Good to read some folks know what really goes on at the Space Center. It is nothing but a waste of money. I've watched trades take an hour to eat a donut on the clock and race to get home, the only time they seem to be able to move faster than slow. The AF side is just as bad. People with their hiding places that they literally sleep while on the clock. Don't feel bad for you at all!!! There is a small core of dedicated, intelligent good folks out there. The AF side, you would be hard pressed to find them. Stop wasting my tax dollars, I WORKED FOR MINE!!!! And Powell, you want to jump start the Orion pgm just to what, waste more money?
I work there, he's already picked his controlled audience. Oh, and you losers who keep calling for the Space Program to shut down will be the first to complain when this county dries up. Stop whining about a program that is so much a part of the American experience and the security of our nation. Its' departure is one of the saddest days in this nation's history.
"I invite him to take a drive down US1 in Titusville. See all the businesses that are no longer there. Its a sad ride."'s been a sad ride for decades.
I'm looking forward to it. I don't expect much technical detail (if at all), but I would expect plenty of Policy direction.
Token visit from Token President
who care just another politician
Who cares just another politician!
Well lets all hope he back peddles on this the same as he did on oil drilling! This guy is such a joke. Lori was the worst thing that could have happened to the program. Charlie is also a big embarrassment to the corp., (marine and astronaut). We have to hold the high ground against the enemies of the state, (within and without). Fly the shuttle at a reduced rate and build a state sponsored replacement, (i.e. shuttle C and Orion), until the commercial kids prove their metal. We do not need to hitch a ride with the Russians to a tin can that we paid for. The plan as proposed by the administration should have been labeled "LEO or Bust - If We Must"! What a joke!!
Carl (Surfduke) Hewlett
He's going to announce Change you never saw coming... A giant Black Hole, that is going to suck up NASA, and all of Brevard County, and make it disappear. Then he's going to redistribute the "Wealth" to Port Saint Lucie.
Here is my two pesos. . .He is not coming here to tell everyone what they already know.
Hopefully our Democratic Representative Suzanne Kosmas for North Brevard brought the pork home. . .
It is going to be good, and different.
cant even spell Democrat
The time for manned space exploration is over. There is no need for it in the age of probes and robotic landers. Manned spaceflight is incredibly more expensive and dangerous, for no added scientific value. For what we'd spend to put a man on the moon again, we could launch 40 robotic experiments. It's just a pride thing, and my tax dollars are not going to some engineering welfare program just so we can feel macho about ourselves.
Face it, manned spaceflight is unnecessary in this day and age.
BUSH (Conservative Republican) KILLED THE SHUTTLE PROGRAM.
Republicans killed the economy too.
Republicans killed over 4,373 US Troops as part of the WMD SCAM which made billions in profit for the likes of Halliburton and countless other defense contractors.
Republicans killed over 655,000 civilians in Bush's Iraq WMD SCAM many who were women and children.
Bush knew you could make a pile of money for Defense Contractors invading other countrys and killing almost a million people.
Divide the Defense Contractor Profit 276 Billion by the amount of Dead US Soldiers 4,331 and you get over $60,000,000.00 profit per Dead US Soldier.
The business of killing people is way easier and lots more profitable than exploring Space.
Vote for a Republican = NO Space Program, war instead.
Brevard Republican Voters made a fatal mistake voting for Bush.
We don't want you here Barry!
Some of the ill informed people think that there are lazy people at the space center, well they are way wrong. I used to work there and I never had a chance to be lazy. My management demanded that the prople give 8 1/2 hrs for ever 8 hrs. pay. Some days it was even worse. I remember when they put up cots in the spaces between desks and tell you to come to work and go home after the next launch, so don't feed me bovine excrement about lazy!
If these comments are from the "best & brightest" I shudder to think what would be said by the average & dull.
Shuttle was canceled Apil 1, 2005: "We cannot find any justification to continue the deficit funding of a program that has no application other that proving that with enough money America can do anything," said Bush.
What have you people done in 5 years to prepare yourselves? Most of you need to go back and read what Candidate Obama said in August of 2008. He didn't say anything about keeping the shuttle program or to continue spending on wasteful programs.
And for you "anti-government" spending and "get government out of my life" people, really only mean "except when the deficit funding means a paycheck for me every two weeks".
To paraphrase the Tea Party people who berated the man with Parkinson's: "no free handouts here're gonna have to work". Now, a lot of you are going to be wishing that a more substantial health care law was passed.
I've been wrong about a lot of things...I said Obama was gonna take our guns, he hasn't...I said Obama would destroy the economy, he's fixing it...I said Obama gave a trillion dollars to wall street, Bush actually did and under Obama it's getting paid back almost completely
So I'm probably wrong about this as well.
I have no credibility on anything, especially when I cry against socialism, yet insist we need to keep a government pork project going just so my property value doesn't go down any further.
So, I've come to the realization that it is time for me to support the President of the United States and the people who work for him who are obviously much more qualified than I to plot the future of this great country.
"2010 can't come soon enough, then on to 2012. lets all show the Socialist regime what its like to be with out a job. I would rather be a so called right wing nut job, then a progressive socialist liberal with no nuts and no job. And certainly no common sense. How's all this hope and change working for you?"
Congratulations, you've been brainwashed by the talking heads.
now why is he comin to a place that he intends to shut down? go figure.....
The things that NRA Benefactor just typed have put me into anaphylactic shock.
Glad to see he could squeeze it in his schedule. If he is going to be here for only 45 minutes, how much does that cost the tax payers?
He s laying off 8k people hiring back 2k people for what ever sub par replacement for a launch vehicle he has in mind and will be considered a genious or Messiah by the media . NRA benafactor better hold on tight to that gun ! And all you liberals keep drinking the KOOL - AID and keep following the Messiah off the cliff 2010 election s will be BEEEIIOOTCH for the Dems The Republicans want blow their chance this time
Obama IS trying change because the old ways did NOT deliver the results. Over and over again.
Obama did not kill the VSE, the implementation of Constellation that was chosen did kill it. It was DOA, easy to see for anyone who read the ESAS report half a decade ago.
The "Socialists" (some of you need to upgrade their semantic skills, and soon) are not responsible for sending jobs to India and China. The stock exchange system made this move inevitable.
Space cannot get cheaper AND keep all the jobs. Basic math does not allow this.
And not many people get 6 years time to find a new job/relocate (2005-2011).
And of course you could keep the Shuttle flying AND go to Moon and Mars if you got a 3% dsicount of the DOD budget for spaceflight instead. Worth mentioning.
Greetings from Europe
G. Hauer
What a joke! But then who is surprised. This president NEVER takes the chance of having an open public dialog.
So he will arrive on the KSC runway at 1:45, take 15 minutes to get to the Headq1uarters Area, spend an hour or so smoozing with the NASA high rollers, make brief remarks at 3 PM, and boogie out of town at 3:45. All on government controlled property, without any type of public interface or dialog. Why is it that some people cannot see through this phony!
To the poster Anonymous @ 3:39PM: It was NOT the Democrats who ruined your budget, your economy. With the surplus that Clinton left Bush - after "winning" his election - could have brought you Mars within 20 years, no problem. Instead he (was) decided to give Americas wealth to the RRRRICH (tax reduction does sound good, doesn't it).
So pls stop whining.
I was just thinking. NASA still wants to use the Orion spacecraft with a commercial booster. Well, say we use the Falcon 9? The diameter of the Orion is about 15'6". The diameter of the Falcon 9 upper stage or second stage is 12'. Guess we will need an adapter between the Orion & Falcon 9? I think it would look similar to the Mercury/Atlas configuration. We could use it as a "BACK-UP" to Ares I. Come on guys, we have 39A already modified for Ares, lets USE IT!!!!
To all the simple minded people who have commented about the space program being a waste of time and money. Will you please pack up all of the electronic devices around your house from your computers to flat screen tv's as well as dvd and cd players.
Also get rid of your highly efficient cars and air conditioners and many more items that are all by-products of the space program. I guess you really want to revert back to the mid 1950's and keep your head stuck in the dirt or another equally dark place.
Antagonist, your posts are so similar and predictable, it is easy to pick out every one of them you have made here. Please, I implore you, get some new catch phrases. Your old ones are getting way beyond boring.
To poster at 4:48, people are seeing through this phony. It is pretty amazing that he doesn't have the balls to face the general public or NASA employees that are being laid off. What a Super Jerk.
It was built and advanced by a reluctant Eisenhower and an enthusiastic Kennedy and Johnson and was gradually destroyed by Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush. And now Obama will place the final nail in NASA's coffin.
What a shame for NASA and the American people!
lets see Doc Weldon took office and screwed NASA to give more money to Gingritch, Posey screwed us in 2009 and now he changes hyis mind... Oh too Bad no one wants the birther at this event. I love it when he wears his tin hat for special occasions and then toots his little horn at the moon
Anonymous at 5:41 PM wrote:
"It is pretty amazing that he doesn't have the balls to face the general public or NASA employees that are being laid off. What a Super Jerk."
No, the "super jerks" are those who think the President of the United States and leader of the free world should drop everything to placate whining employees of government contractors who think the taxpayers owe them a job. These people really need to get a grip on their place in the universe. It's not at the center.
The people who work at NASA have no idea what a real job is.With the money they have made in their many years at NASA,highest paid employees in the county,laziest people in Brevard County,hard to feel sorry for you. Huge waste of taxpayers dollars
I would love to know what kind of education some of these posters have. I bet it is highschool at best, and they have pay rate envy.
just 6 days left to the Florida Space Summit and counting
if you’ve something useful to say post your proposals now
Bush NEVER visited KSC during his two terms. When asked to visit, Bush told his advisers that the colonel's fried chicken made him gain weight.
Most of you with snide remarks about the Techs & Engineers at NASA couldn't get a job sweeping floors there. The person saying you wouldn't have half of the electronic goodies you can't seem to do without all came from NASA or the contractors working there is totally correct. Most of you, including Obama aren't intelligent enough to ever get that type of job. It requires a skill which the majority of you aren't capable of ever having or even understanding.
No one's perfect, certainly not Obama and his administration. Its not what policy they develop next that I am afraid of; yet it's the 8 or 10 years that follow when the policy impact becomes visible that scares me.
Right wingnut: "How's that hopey, changie thing workin' for ya"?
Me: Oh, pretty good actually. How did that Dopey, Cheney thing work out for you?
What a bunch of sniveling whiners, I am sitting here moving the mouse for a vet that just got released from the hospital. She lost both hands in Iraq last year, you really think you got something to BEECH about, same crowd of jerks every day.
Second to none? What a joke? With the rise of the Chinese and Indian programs, the steady, workmanlike, but not flashy continuing performance of Russia's Soyuz, and vehicles like ESA Jules Verne unmanned cargo ship, NASA's human spaceflight program was already slipping into embarassing irrelevance. In some aspects, like their Progress supply ships, the Russians had already outstripped NASA a long time ago. The hopefully soon to be dead Constellation program offers nothing in the way of sustainability or even the remotest potential to reduce flight costs. The ditching of the DCX, and the cancellation of the X-33 and X-34 flight test programs all showed a NASA that has never had the slightest intention of trying to turn manned space travel into an airline-style, economically feasible endeavor. As Burt Rutan put it NASA stands for "No Adult Supervision Apparent!" The Shuttle Army has to die or the Chinese really will inherit the Solar System. Elon Musk. Burt Rutan, Robert Bigelow, and Jeff Bezos are the new American heros. You sniffling shuttle people are bureaucratic dodos that need to be put out of America's misery.
Michael G. Gallagher
Mike Gallagher
I want my Obama Money. I want a GM car with 50% off because we own half the company. I want free health care. I want my mortgage payment to be wiped clean and most of all I am Glad I will be off Thursday so there is no chance I will be caught in traffic on KSC when he visits.
Let's not forget about UTAH !! The boosters come from here and we have been busy with Aries. We've been hit hard with 3 lay-offs this last tear and another one coming in a few weeks! It's affected all of us. And there hasn't seem to be anything we can do about it.
President Obama cannot support extending the Space Shuttle Program; but, he must sent more then $2 billion on travel.
It is an expensive 45 minute speech!
Obama should be teleconferencing to save money!
"Obama the Destroyer of manned space flight"
After thirty plus years of bad leadership from Presidents, politicians and political hacks who made the Manned Space Program a private reserve of political pork. and turf wars while the Public in whose name it was all done grew jaded, bored, and out of touch, what else can we expect? The hardest part is watching people who've done such miracles being asked to eat SOS while a bunch of hacks can't seem to find a spare roll of quarters to continue and honor something built and sacrificed for by our friends and Family. It sucks. But now isn't the time to cry in our beer, pat each other on the back, and retire with our memories to the sunny sands. We have work to do. Some of it hasn't been done since 1972. Some of it since 1981. But all of it still needs doing, and we are the only ones who can do it. Get involved with your kids and your friends kids, and every kid you know. Make sure that they get Math and Science while we give them the History we have lived. They say it'll be eight years before we have LEO capability back. Eight years is enough time to start bringing up and helping out the next generation, who will want, need, and support an Manned Space Program that makes them as proud as ours has made us. Teach them to vote,when their turn comes and stand up loud and proud for what they believe, rather than be put on a post it note from some political hack who'll try to tell them what they believe is expendable to political convenience. That's the job ahead, and we can't stop or slow down, unless we want the same thing done to our kid's dream that has been done to ours. It isn't a budget question, it isn't a political question. its a question of a better world for those who come after us. Isn't that what we're all about?
This is for all of the NASA nay-sayers out there in the internet ether. Man has always had a vision of exploration. We have always been trying to see what is over the next horizon. That is why America exists. It was because of a dream to explore and reap the rewards of that exploration that has made us a Nation to be envied in the world. Since the evolution of Manned Spaceflight we have made significant strides in the direction of a possible settlement on another rock in our Solar System. Spaceflight has never been easy of completely safe. Even with that , there are people who think it is important enough to risk their lives to further our education and knowledge. Who knows where and when that knowledge may become necessary for all of our safety. Robots and unmanned craft will never be able to replace the ability of a human being. After all, the robots we use now still depend on us for their operation and maintenance. Without the advances of future manned programs in the U.S , we really will become just another 3'rd world country. By the way, I am not associated with the space program.
Obama's first draft of KSC visit speech has just been leaked:
"And so ends the hopes for a future with the United States as a space science and human transport leader. Now lets get the wreaking balls to work and I have another engagement this evening in Miami see-ya bye!"
Good luck all you folks at the cape. We honor the long hours and hard work you have done to keep the crews safe and payloads om track.
Carl, (Surfduke) Hewlett
I'm sick of the crappy leadership this country always has, year after year, decade after decade. Republican, democrat, either way you get crap.
> So much for a compromise as reported by Keith Cowling on Nasawatch...his "sources" have totalled whatever reputation he had to begin with."
What "compromise"? Keith's "compromise" called for nothing less than total surrender and return to the Bush Vision of Space Exploration, with different-looking hardware. Specifically, the "side mount" HLV being pushed by Keith's friends at MSFC. The result would be "back to the future" -- another expensive, dead-end rush to the Moon.
What "sources"? Keith likes to whine about "anonymous cowards" who disagree with him, but his own "reporting" comes entirely from anonymous cowards. When has Keith provided verifiable sources for anything?
Keith continues to believe the US space program exists solely for the benefit of those employed by the space program -- "those who are most affected," as he likes to put it. We need to put the national interest ahead of local and special interests and being willing to try things that are new, no matter how much that upsets the Old Guard at NASA Watch.
What's the point Obama? I don't think one of your speeches is going to cut it this time. Don't be surprised if people are protesting against what you've done to KSC and about all of your other policies.
Do we really believe that those 51 million dollar seats on the Russian rockets are going to be that price when we need them? Maybe they will be 70 or 80 million. How about this for an option? They tell us that all the missions this year are scheduled and we can't fly until next year. Do we want to leave them up there alone? These are the same people we almost went to nuclear war with. I was 12 years old in 1962 and and still remember being scared out of my mind. Did our President sleep through the entire Cold War? We paid for about half of the costs of the ISS, we NEED unlimited access to it. If that means extending Shuttle for a few years, it is a small price to pay for our security. God knows we spent plenty of money on a bunch of thieving bankers and inept car companies.
This was sent to all 100 US Senators and Pelosi.
Cancel ALL FOREIGN AID $$$ Programs NOW!!
The Manned Space Program of the USA is HOMELAND SECURITY! OUR NATIONAL DEFENSE!! Support it NOW!!
Tell Obama to contact me if he wants to get an ear full of TRUTH.
Or better yet, YOU tell him OFF for OUR aerospace teams at KSC. LOL.
I worked in the US Space Program for most of my life. 669 missions launched or witnessed.
The destruction of OUR world leading program by the criminal, Obama and his secret Shadow Government is HIGH TREASON against every birth right tax paying patriotic citizen in this once great nation. That includes YOU.
IF the US Senate passes his destructive bill to destroy OUR Manned Space Program THEY will be sentenced as fellow High Treason criminals with Obama.
DO NOT ALLOW OUR MANNED SPACE PROGRAM to fall into the hands of what many call a "past" enemy nation, called Russia. It is insane to do so. YOU know that.
The three remaining Space Shuttle can fly for many more years. Keep them flying until the USA has another trustworthy spacecraft to carry on our national pride.
Cut foreign aid and gain the $$ required for that future craft. How about the TR-3B?
OUR national citizens paid 97 % of the cost of that International Space
Station. IT IS OURS!!! MUST WE GIVE IT AWAY like so many other FREEBIES. NO!!
VOTE to KEEP the Space Shuttles flying.
Or else!
Clark C. McClelland, ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, KSC, Florida 1958 to 1992.
Cancel ALL FOREIGN AID $$$ Programs NOW!!
The Manned Space Program of the USA is HOMELAND SECURITY! OUR NATIONAL DEFENSE!! Support it NOW!!
Tell Obama to contact me if he wants to get an ear full of TRUTH.
Or better yet, YOU tell him OFF for OUR aerospace teams at KSC. LOL.
I worked in the US Space Program for most of my life. 669 missions launched or witnessed.
The destruction of OUR world leading program by the criminal, Obama and his secret Shadow Government is HIGH TREASON against every birth right tax paying patriotic citizen in this once great nation. That includes YOU.
IF the US Senate passes his destructive bill to destroy OUR Manned Space Program THEY will be sentenced as fellow High Treason criminals with Obama.
DO NOT ALLOW OUR MANNED SPACE PROGRAM to fall into the hands of what many call a "past" enemy nation, called Russia. It is insane to do so. YOU know that.
The three remaining Space Shuttle can fly for many more years. Keep them flying until the USA has another trustworthy spacecraft to carry on our national pride.
Cut foreign aid and gain the $$ required for that future craft. How about the TR-3B?
OUR national citizens paid 97 % of the cost of that International Space
Station. IT IS OURS!!! MUST WE GIVE IT AWAY like so many other FREEBIES. NO!!
VOTE to KEEP the Space Shuttles flying.
Or else!
Clark C. McClelland, ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, KSC, Florida 1958 to 1992.
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