Tuesday, March 09, 2010

SpaceX Ignites Falcon 9 In Test At Cape Canaveral

SpaceX hot-fired its Falcon 9 rocket at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 1:41 p.m.

The planned 3.5-second ignition of the rocket's nine Merlin 1C engines produced a brief flash of orange light and a small diffuse cloud of smoke. But no rumble was felt here at NASA's Launch Complex 39 Press Site, which is about four or five miles north of Launch Complex 40.

It was unclear whether SpaceX achieved a full-duration test-firing.

The test-firing is considered a major milestone to the inaugural launch of the Falcon 9, which now is scheduled for March 22.

The Falcon 9 first stage is equipped with nine Merlin 1C engines that were designed and developed by SpaceX.

The engines use RP-1, a highly refined kerosene, and liquid oxygen as propellants. They are designed to be recovered from the ocean, refurbished and reused. Each of the engines produces 125,000 pounds of thrust at sea level.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a failed attempt to me... Static tests don't usually produce burn marks up the side of the rocket. I would like to see the front of Florida Today tomorrow say, "Obama's Space Solution Continues to Dissapoint".

Anonymous said...

BFD, lets see if it flys.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That was exciting.....Yawn

Anonymous said...

That was exciting.....Yawn

Anonymous said...

Burn marks up the side is nothing unusual. There's flame under there. DUH. Take a look at teh Delta IV launching. That rocket gets all of its insulation burned off and rises from teh pad withthe first stage turned black instead of orange.

Anonymous said...

So this is the future of space and all people do is hope for it failure? if it succeeds and grows then it could replace the jobs lost at NASA. If the space coast wishes to grow economically it is important for the private space industry to come into Florida instead of New Mexico where it is growing.

Privatizing Space could also excel the rate of exploration and allow NASA to focus of what it was originally made to do(beside proving US > USSR) and make new technologies that can be used in the private industry.

and BTW: this had nothing to do with Obamas space plan, Spacex started on this way before Obama decide anything with space

Anonymous said...

Burn marks up the side is nothing unusual. There's flame under there. DUH. Take a look at teh Delta IV launching. That rocket gets all of its insulation burned off and rises from teh pad withthe first stage turned black instead of orange.

Anonymous said...

Looked like me after a couple of bowls of chili.

Anonymous said...

Technical wrench benders like me like to know, Why 9 engines?

Atlas went from 3 to I or 2. Most multi engined lifters have strapons now days. RP-1 and LOX WW II V-2 technology

Anonymous said...

Actually, there already is something in place to replace the jobs lost at NASA, it's called Ares and it was test flown months ago. Unfortunately your President wants to cancel it for this unproven gamble that isn't even past the "test fire the motors" phase. I'd rather pin my hopes on a proven winner, not rocket hobbiests.

Anonymous said...

Yes, why 9? More chances to fail (see Russian N-1 disaster), why not use one F-1?

Rick Steele
Sarasota, Florida

Anonymous said...

So Falcon 9 is the future? From what I've read Ares is the future, people like you and Obama just doesn't know it yet.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk(CEO of Space-X) was one of Obama's campaign supporters, donating all along the way. Obama is a very strong supporter of what space-X has to offer and made sure to include them in his new budget, although they have been over budget and off schedule several times during their progress. If you search where all their job offers are, they are all in California and out west. Nothing to offer the space coast, but another unsafe, underpowered rocket to launch mediocre payloads...

Anonymous said...

Why 9 engines? Because then there are 9 chances of failure instead of 1......Just sayin....

Anonymous said...

Now it makes sense, I could never understand the attempt to ditch Ares. It works, it's flown, and its a proven and safe design. Plese don't tell me the future of our space program rests on who gave Obama the most campaign money. Surly he is not that short sighted is he? Now I know why congress is so opposed to his plan. At least they are smart enough to fight it. Obama needs to get rid of Bolden and Garver they are ruining our space program. Better yet they both should resign.

Anonymous said...

Oops....slow down, we can't say this is a failure yet because it didn't even work (sounds like all the engines didn't fire). Once Spacex get's their bugs worked out they can test and we'll judge on success or failure then.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you, but I would be a little nervous being on a rocket that produced "a brief flash of orange light and a small diffuse cloud of smoke" and nothing more. . .