Monday, March 08, 2010

SpaceX Falcon 9 Erected At Cape Canaveral Air Force Station

Blogger Note: SpaceX officials now say the company is targeting Tuesday for the static test of the Falcon 9 rocket.

Blogger Note: The Falcon 9 rocket was raised between 9:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. today.

SpaceX is gearing up for a static firing of its Falcon 9 rocket at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, a test that is considered a major milestone to the inaugural flight of the new launch vehicle.

The 3.5-second hot-firing is tentatively scheduled for late this morning or early this afternoon at Launch Complex 40, a renovated complex that used to be used for Air Force/Lockheed Martin Titan rocket launches.

Refresh this page for the latest still image from a live video feed at Cape Canaveral.

Check out the story from this morning's print edition of Florida Today by clicking HERE.


Anonymous said...

Safely clear the area.. hope the bastard blows up

Anonymous said...

"hope the bastard blows up" - 100% ignorance.

Hopefully, this person has no say about any part of KSC's future...

Todd Halvorson said...

Anonymous at 11:11 a.m.: We concur.

Anonymous said...

I think there are a few people who are experiencing "displacement". Their anger at the Administration is getting directed at SpaceX, who had nothing to do with the President's policy proposal. Sorry guys, it's not fair to blame SpaceX's progress for NASA's failings.

Mark Caserta said...

I'm ashamed of some of the comments here. Granted I understand the fear of losing a job, I've lost several over my lifetime. Blaming Spacex, who already had a contract through NASA to deliver cargo to the ISS long before the current forcasted budget, is just wrong. It's illogical to blame a small company for such a large policy shift. Also, they are not the only commercial company out there. Do you think one rocket blowing up will change an industry? Do you think the other commercial companies will just lie down if something bad happens to this flight?

Anonymous said...

We need to get all the gov't tax money out of funding for NASA. Privatization, of course will mean lay offs, but private industry can run NASA better. John Stossel shows how gov't can not run any programs as wells as the Chamber of Commerce. Give Thanks to republicans, who are stopping all social programs. They proved with Chaney that Hallibuton and Black water contractors are better than our military. Privatize, Say No public money.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but if it means my company wins and yours fails,
I have a job and you don't. I am tired of being laid off.
And if that means wishing ill-will towards the be it.

Snidley Whiplash said...

They'll try again tomorrow...what's the big deal?...

It's not like NASA EVER had to push something out 24 hours.


Whatsupwiththat? said...

Delay, Delay, Delay, whats the problem? It has been months...Are you afraid to launch it because everything is riding on this launch? Our future of the United States of Ruling Low Orbit Space Flight? What a bright future to be proud of for the United States!!! What will Obama say if it fails - big time - for his speach on April 15? This is the United States Future? Obama is a sell out to the United States - Plain and Simple. ONE TERM PRESIDENT!!

Anonymous said...

Go SpaceX, Go~ You show them all!!!

Anonymous said...

NASA, formed in 1958, utilized existing ICBMs (Titan, Atlas, Delta, etc)produced by the military.
AFAIK, the only boosters created for NASA were Saturn (from Von Braun at Redstone Arsenal), and the Shuttle.
Certainly, no one still at NASA has ever designed/built a booster.
After 5 years of work, NASA Constellation Ares effort was years behind schedule, and $billions over budget when it was canceled. For example, NASA was spending $1.2 billion just on a slightly improved J-2x engine.
SpaceX has designed/built new engines, 2 new boosters (Falcon 1/9), and a new spacecraft (Dragon) for perhaps $200 million, in only 5 years from scratch.
There will be failures of Falcon, just as there have been in every booster project.
However, somehow, we must make a big reduction in the cost of spaceflight, either through private innovation, or through new technology.

Anonymous said...

Most of you people and your moronic arrogance are the very reason why NASA has failed. It appears to me that most of the aerospace migrant workers are gonna have leave the area soon. I say good riddance to the bad and hello to the new possibilities the future holds.

Anonymous said...

NASA dug this hole all by itself, it has been on govt. waste watchdog lists for the past 3 decades. NASA simply thought the waterfall of money would just continue indefinitely regardless of what they were sending into space. Here's an eyeopener, unemployed auto dealers in Detroit and people losing their farms in other states could care less if we go to the moon yet again

Anonymous said...