Sunday, March 07, 2010

President Obama coming to Florida to talk space

President Barack Obama is coming back to Florida to talk about his new space program and that has the local elected officials talking.

We reported this morning in the Sunday newspaper the White House's announcement that Obama will lead a conference on space policy, somewhere in Florida, April 15. The participants and locations are not yet known, though political leaders suggest Kennedy Space Center.

You can read the full story from this morning's newspaper HERE, and then come back here to share your thoughts on what you want President Obama to address on the space front.


Anonymous said...

Do people remember what happened the last time Obama visited the Space Coast?

"Obama had said during the campaign that he would "endorse the goal of sending human missions to the moon by 2020, as a precursor in an orderly progression to missions to more distant destinations, including Mars." But the proposed budget he presented to Congress would shift course significantly."

This is a case of "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."

Anonymous said...

Uncle Liar in coming, better hide your wallet.