Thursday, March 04, 2010

Delta IV Blasts Off On Spectacular Nighttime Flight

A Delta IV rocket is zooming toward orbit with a new weather satellite in tow after a spectacular evening launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

The 24-story rocket and its payload -- a Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite -- vaulted off Launch Complex 37B at 6:57 p.m. -- 40 minutes later than planned. Launch managers had to wait for strong upper level winds to abate enough that they wouldn't knock the rocket off course or rip it apart in flight.

The jettison of the rocket's solid rocket boosters went as planned about a one-minute 40-seconds into flight and the first and second stages separated cleanly four minutes and 32 seconds after launch.

The GOES satellite is to be deployed four hours, 21 minutes and four seconds into flight.


Anonymous said...

Great commerical launch team and vehicle, This would be a great commerial vehicle too man rate whatever that is??
I remember the the Atlas and Titan programs carring men into Orbit, man rated launch Vehicle lets get the show on the road

Anonymous said...

Gee, will the ORION capsule fit on top of a Delta IV Heavy? It looks like it would go on there very well!

A well designed, proven rocket that can carry an ORION?

What are we waiting for??