Friday, March 05, 2010

Bolden denies he ordered Plan B development

NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden said today he did not order the creation of an alternate to President Barack Obama’s space plan, which privatization of astronaut flights to the International Space Station and cancellation of new government rockets and spaceships to replace the space shuttles.

NASA issued a statement today denying a report by The Wall Street Journal, which was picked up by news outlets across the country, saying that Bolden had ordered the development of a Plan B in case Congress modified or rejected the 2011 budget proposal from the White House.

The reports were based upon an e-mailed memo written by Johnson Space Center Director Michael Coats, who did order managers to assemble a team to develop — within days — a one-page summary of what a compromise NASA plan might look like. Coats said in his internal e-mail, a copy of which has been obtained by FLORIDA TODAY, that Bolden authorized the development of the plan and set a deadline for its delivery to him.

Bolden was specifically asked to craft such an outline U.S. Rep. Bart Gorden, D-Tenn., who chairs a key House subcommittee that oversees NASA and will have influence over Congressional approval of the White House’s proposed space budget.

"Steve Robert and I talked to Charlie and he agreed to let us set up a 'Plan B' team . . . to look at what a potential compromise might look like," Coats wrote. "Charlie is meeting with Chairman Gordon in a couple days and asked for a one pager with talking points before his meeting."


Anonymous said...

So what is so wrong with a plan B?

Anonymous said...

Here is an idea, extend the shuttle for another 5 years, have all the workers at NASA and their contractors take an across the board 40 to 60% paycut as many people outside of the rocket ranch has taken and keep the shuttle flying. My bet, more rally's with union signs saying "Hell no!! We wont go"!

Anonymous said...

It's against the false messiah's plan A. The Barry god is NOT HAPPY!

Anonymous said...

They better have a plan B. Their plan A is deeply flawed with too many assumptions. Plan A will make the U.S Space program worthless.

Anonymous said...

Let the Space Shuttle program retire as planned. But tomorrow start funding,designing and building a medium sized rocket with astronaut capabilities that can reach the space station within a 2 year time frame. Providing the US its much needed access to space for Security and world leadership. Use facilities in place and a smaller, less overhead workforce. With still roughly 1 year left for the Shuttle program this would allow for only a 1 year gap. NASA has dealt with no space access for this amount of time after each Shuttle disaster.

Anonymous said...

Typical play on words.. just like King Obama did during his campagin.. you dont think bolden was placed in the position because he was a free thinker did yo.. he is Obama's yes man.. he will not make waves,, her and the NASA staff are safe fron layoffs... not worries.. I hear they want to work on arts a crafts while the King decides in 4 years just what they are to be working on.. it's alla joke.. the sooner we all accept the fact that we are all hosed and move out of this podunk area the better..

Anonymous said...

Does everyone not see that this is one of the most poorly written articles ever published and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever?

Anonymous said...

Always have a back-up plan when dealing with the government. Congress passes the budget, not the President. Its time that everyone at KSC joins the rest of the country in salary reduction. Face it, some of the pie is better than none of it.

Bad duck said...

Yellow Belly Flip Flopper.


Plan "B" - Boob in the White House.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be irresponsible NOT to have a Plan B?

Anonymous said...

Ut Oh Coates is in big twouble, topic was supposed to be internal, Boldin made to look bad, meaning Obama might look bad, no change after all, same thing different day!!

Gaetano Marano said...

my "Houston, You Have A Problem" article explains the right way to solve the NASA problems

Anonymous said...

It is just amazing to me that everything wrong is because of Obama and the Democrats. We didn't go in debt in the last year nor did the wars start or the economy crash.

We can thank Bush, Cheney, and the right wing boobs who painted us into this corner. If Obama wasn't fixing this mess, John McCain would be!! Then who would the boob be??

Anonymous said...

This guy is a Joke!

Anonymous said...

Just like every other mindless decision this administration has made, it will likely be reversed. Sadly, a lot of damage will already be done.

Anonymous said...

Bolden was picked by Barack Hussein Obama to head NASA only because of the color of his skin. He was a former Astronaut and a former Marine so we all thought he would be on the “Peoples” side and have the courage to stand up for us, but he didn’t. The yellow bellied coward sucked up to Obama and screwed the people he had worded with right out of a job and sold out the entire Space program. Bolden, you are a disgrace to the USMC and the people that looked up to you…RESIGN, and go out a MAN!!


Anonymous 7:17, Engineers at the space center already make the same as the outside world. That is why they have trouble keeping the new ones. The only people who make more then the outside world are some of Union folks and all of KSC is not Union. In fact, it is a small percentage so take that to myth busters to learn your facts. Once all the Engineers and space workers leave Brevard, it will because just like Detroit. There will be very high unemployment, worthless homes, and high crime so lock your doors and by a gun. If you are unhappy about your wages maybe you should go back to school instead of wishing you had something that you did not earn.

Stinkyfeet4u said...

NASA Administrators don't last long. They had three of them in the last five years. He better say yes to what ever the boob in the White House says or he will be changed out too...Obama's Yes Man. Yes Mr. President, anything you say. I have no back bone.

Anonymous said...

Obama did not start this but he sure lied about fixing it. We here in Breavdr are doomed because we have another liar in the White House. He will be gone in 3 years and the next Republican President will bring back Constillation.

Anonymous said...

bolden.. don't come back here to KSC.. nobody wants you around here.. you have proven what a pathetic liar you can be, you have been used as the pitchman for a president hell bent on destroying this country.. and when is voted out of office, we won't forget you.. we will treat you with the same compassion you have treated us.. retire now with some dignity send the president a message that the USA will not be a backseat observer to space, we will lead this world into the future.. Obama spend the 5 Billion a year more to fund extending shuttle and let us build a heavy lift vehicle to get us onward. Stop this foolishness.. Take you muslum society off this land of our.. your vision of change is NOT ours.. your a looser.. and should be impeached along with many members of congress..

Anonymous said...

Our GOV at work.. urh, should I say unemployed...

Anonymous said...

America. This is your affirmative action at work.

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine that either Bolden or Obama would venture onto KSC to be among the workforce - not after all that has transpired. Morale is low enough - though we are still focused on the job. At the last safety stand-down we were encouraged to avoid distraction. The presence of these two in our work areas would most definitely be a distraction for the majority of us.

Anonymous said...

Didn't realized so many bigots worked at Kennedy Space Center, it seems they blame the president for every thing that goes wrong at the center. I've seen USA personel set on their butts all week until the week-end and work the over time on week end for the extra money. Just another Govt. black hole, for lazy people to work, complain about everything, and do nothing about it. It will do them good to see most of these on the outside looking in, then maybe they will realize how good they have it.

Anonymous said...

Go Delta !
Go Atlas !
Go Space X !

Crazydodo said...

No Go Brevard - scrubed. Thanks to the Obama Voters.

Anonymous said...

Remember who sent us down this road SEVEN (7) years ago - it was not Obama, it was W. Also remember that Obama NEVER promised or said anything about keeping Ares/Shuttle/Constellation in his Titusville speech.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Bolden lied to Congress. Bolden said that Constellation was going full speed ahead, no cancellation of anything. I can tell you that NASA workers have been told to stand down on Constellation projects and to begin working on the "New Program". Too bad no one knows what it is. One is the "21st Century Spaceport" project. Funny....EGLS was cancelled (not suspended, but CANCELLED) launcher construction will come to a halt.....VAB platforms used for shuttle will be demolished, but no replacements for Ares built...Bolden is trying to destroy Constellation so it can't be restarted.

Anonymous said...

Sean O'Keefe was the man who could have sucessfully lead this administration into the 21st Century, but LSU had to screw that up. So we got Michael Griffin who STILL thinks he's God gift to the planet. In my wildest dreams I never thought I would miss Dan Goldin.

Anonymous said...

Look at all the union workers outside the post office on Merritt Island today asking people to sign a protest letter to impeach the guy they voted for and worked hard to get into office. Typical mindless union drones looking for the public to feel sorry for them for their bad decision. I see Space X can do the job with a quarter of the work force and be under budget. I look forward to the tax dollar savings! Get a job you lazy bums and see what it is like in the real world.

Anonymous said...

Lay those lazy,people off in July. Give each one a commercial PUSH lawn mower. Now pick up your pink slips, sart pushing those heavy mowers in the hot fla. Mow your ways back from the space center home back to Tville Cocoa, merritt island and beyond. There you go now you have successfully completed your cross training for the world beyond the space center, plus you have greatly improved the roadways and medians. Now go collect the 275 dollars for your hard work. No more 72 degree 42% humidity controlled enviorment. Please remove your "I NEED MY SPACE," stickers at the gate, now its 'I NEED MY FOOD" Remember its, Me First, Me Always as you push your way thru the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

Please stop trying to use the race issue to marginalize anything bad someone says about Obama. I wish Condi Rice had been elected president. Then the Left would be criticizing her and trying to defend themselves as not being racist.

Maybe Bush did the wrong thing in planning an end to the shuttle program, but at least he left it with a follow-up plan: The Moon, Mars, and beyond. What do we have now? Hope and change I guess.

And sure, lots of folks have cushy jobs at KSC they are going to lose, but what about the thousands who will lose their non-cushy jobs once there is no more space center? Do you despise the fortunate sons at KSC so much that you are willing to see thousands who depend on them for their jobs become unemployed? If so, then be prepared to be very happy soon.

Anonymous said...

NASA has an increased budget with no clear cut direction. Commercial will cost more in the long run. Space X already is behind and over budget, not too mention their cover up of mishaps. On the KSC side everything is public information.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:52, boy you really have issues, you should seek professional help. The only ones that will be pushing lawn mowers and working at McD's will be the ones already outside the gate when they are replaced by more qualified workers from the space center.

Anonymous said...


Things will work out OK. The Russians will be landing a bunch of Cosmonaughts on Mars in 2012 using their nuclear-plasma drive engine that will permit 80 day round trips. The Chinese will monopolize all the space launches of communications satilites the US and World will need in the future.

Don't worry, be happy. We will all have Obama Health Care.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Glorified Social Welfare Program (GRAVY TRAIN) is over and the Space Center recipients will have to go to work with the rest of us.

I told you that you should have voted for Obama. Now if we can just get the Spineless Democrats like Kosmas in line.

Anonymous said...

Why are you called a Racist when you speak the facts and do not beat around the bush, facts are the facts you might not like to face reality.

Anonymous said...

Golden was good but Griffin has more on the ball but not a lot of people skills, NASA needs people like Griffin not a Bolden he just does not have it on the Ball, you can read the tea leaves I do not think he can not take the hill like a Marine should he has failed.

Anonymous said...

I see alot of envy for the folks that work at KSC and the wanda bees that did not make the grade

Anonymous said...

Just re,eber the folks you call bigots voted for the now president when he neede help now where is the return help, bigots where????????

Anonymous said...

Buncha of do nothing but draw a paycheck NASA engineers and union works now want me to feel sorry for them.................hahahahahahahahahah, yea, like they care about their neighbors who dont work at NASA. Personally, I enjoy watching the launches.....however, for years the only thing I saw at NASA was cocky people glotting about their higher than normal paychecks and life style. They forgot the dream...they designed a rocket they knew would not fly yet continued with it. Now, they have nothing to offer, its too late, they should have worked on this 5 years or 10 years ago but NOOOOOOOOOOO, the easy ride, no dream, finally caught up and all of us in Brevard are going to pay. I hope they all leave Brevard when they get their pink slip, makes for better fishing on the flats and less prop scars too.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the fishing.. who ya going to sell it too? What businesses will close and send their people t the unemployment line as a result of us not being here?? the Blue hairs?? they want a $5.95 dinner special everyday... you people curse the employees of KSC, you sterio tupe us all as non productive.. that is hardly the case... So all you KSC haters enjoy your distitute Lives here in brevard.. the land of the dead dreams of American space.. enjoy watching all those rich SOB's flying a 30 minute ride up for an amusment at american tax dollar subsidy.. and in 10 or 15 years.. DON"T come back here asking why are we only able to get in to low earth orbit...Don't ask why your realestae taxes are 2 times what they are today.. because we won't be here to pay our taxes... enjoy your dependancy on the Obama administration for all your needs.. this by definition is salvery to the master.. King Obama...

Anonymous said...

The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”

Anonymous said...

Hey NASA workers have fun flipping burgers at McDonald's, hopefully now those drive thru lines won't be so long! haha

Anonymous said...

At 6:06 and 7:07, welcome Antagonist! These postings are exactly the same as what you post on the regular comment boards. You seem to not grasp that this bad financial situation in Brevard will affect YOU, not just the people at the Space Center you hate so much. Some of the people posting here need to have a little compassion (an emotion unknown to some) for all the workers who will lose their jobs. Some of the teachers at schools will not be needed when folks move away and take their kids to another state. Many small businesses such as restaurants, hardware stores, etc. will go out of business. There will not be one business in Brevard that does not have to lay off lots of people. Even the local coffee shop or bakery you love to go to, Antagonist, will go out of business. When all the foreclosed homes in your neighborhood bring your property values down, then it will affect YOU and you will finally CARE.

Anonymous said...

NAW, Brevard will become a retirement community once again. The retired folks will show up in droves and buy those forclosed properties for a dime on the dollar, hire us blue collar workers to repair them and we will survive!! Of course we wont be making that 60 to 100 grand per year but we will be happy, content, and free from the striking employees asking us to support them and their "mission". By the way, did NASA workers even have a mission other than launching the shuttle the last 10 years?

Anonymous said...

Let the shuttle retire as planned. Let's don't go backwards with the shuttle derived concept. Let's move forward. Many KSC workers want it because they feel it will save their jobs. What better for the country? Making little progress forward with shuttle derived or moving forward with new rocket technology. We knew there was going to be at least a 5 year gap with reliance on the Russians - even with the Constellation program going forward. Everybody excepted that in the past. Going to the shuttle derived concept would be a waste of money. We'll never be able to go forward with new technology by doing that.

Anonymous said...

Bolden has no plans and never did, that is why the prez picked him

Anonymous said...

The Shuttle is over. All the infrastructure to keep flying has been dismantled. We've been working on the alternative, the Conrtellation, for years now. The pad is ready, the mobile launch stucture is up, and we've even had a successful test flight. So now Comrade Obama shuts down the program in progress without any real alternative. What an idiot.
I feel sorry for all the KSC union guys that are such rabid Democrat voters - they're the ones who will be most affected by this.

Anonymous said...

Two things. First of all, I know and have met Bolden in the past. But I can tell you, BOLDEN did NOT come up with this plan at all.. the person you should hold responsible is Lori Garver, the Deputy Administrator. Do you honestly think, a 3 star General, a 4 time shuttle flyer not have a backup plan? No, this was Garver and Obama meeting to try to initiate 'change' on the space program. Garver is Obama's yesman, not Bolden.. Bolden got held by the neck with a knife by those two and he was forced to defend her and Obama in congress.

Anonymous said...

Do you honestly think, a 3 star General, a 4 time shuttle flyer not have a backup plan? -
I tend to agree that even if not written on a piece of paper napkin there is always a second plan inside someone's head. But, really the financial crisis and the economic disaster that awaits and will last for 5 to 6 decades is not a joke and who cares what Obama thinks or says? WHAT DO THE TAXPAYERS SAY? Taxpayers decide, WE THE PEOPLE ARE IN CHARGE OF THIS COUNTRY?
The vocabulary used, rhetoric, gives President Obama and those who join him in delivering a private agenda the power that they do not have! Stop that! We decide! not one man, one Congress or one House. VOTE OFTEN!