WASHINGTON -- NASA would get $6 billion more over the next five years, but President Barack Obama proposed that the agency no longer shoot for the moon.
The additional money would focus instead on expanding and extending research at the International Space Station from 2015 to 2020, encouraging commercial rockets and developing a new heavy-lift rocket. The proposal shifts the agency away from its previous goal of using the Constellation program to return astronauts to the moon.
"Leaving the boundaries of our planet has helped to spur innovation and push the boundaries of scientific knowledge across many fields," said the president's budget proposal, released Monday. "Recognizing the importance of space science and exploration, the administration is proposing to cancel the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Constellation program -- which is based largely on existing technologies and was over budget, behind schedule and lacking in innovation -- and replace it with a bold, new approach to human space flight that embraces commercial industry, forges international partnerships and invests in the building blocks of a more capable approach to space exploration."
NASA's budget would grow to $19 billion for the year starting Oct. 1, up from $18.7 billion in 2010.
The budget proposed:
++Research and development of a heavy-lift rocket aimed at taking the agency farther into space.
+=Technology development for automated rendezvous and docking so that human and robotic exploration missions are capable and affordable.
++Robotic exploration to scout locations and demonstrate technologies to increase the safety of future human missions.
Research in the budget includes:
++A demonstration project for sensors in air and space to better understand climate change and natural disasters.
++ Missions to study the moon, Mars and the closest-ever approach to the sun.
++Innovations to reduce fuel needs, noise and aircraft emissions.
But the concern for Kennedy Space Center is that the end of the shuttle program will cost 7,000 local jobs. The budget still projects an end to that program after five more flights in early 2011.
But administration and NASA officials said support for commercial rockets could bring 1,700 jobs to Florida, and improvements at Kennedy Space Center could bring hundreds more jobs.
The budget turns away from the moon. A presidential commission found in October that returning to the moon would simply repeat the Apollo program’s achievements in the 1960s and 1970s.
"Furthermore, NASA's attempts to pursue its moon goals had drawn funding away from other NASA programs, including robotic space exploration, science and earth observations," the budget said.
Constellation falls on Obama?
How's that change woring out for ya' ?
Its ain't over 'til the Fat Congressional Lady Sings...and she's singin' a VERY different tune.
The Blowback on this is already apparent when Bolden and Garver cancelled their press conference today and substituted a "controllable" phone conference...controllable by the NUMBER of participant phone lines.
Once again, Obama shows his complete ignorance! When are we going to have leaders that inspire our generation and our children to dream big?
Blame it on Obama like everything else! lol
Brad in M.I.
This is super news for the nation's space program. Bush's brain-dead moon fantasy (big hat, no cattle) is gone, focus in on science and our home planet, a return to capability/capacity/lift design effort. and a far more balanced approach to manned space.
It will be tough on KSC, but with a bit to ease things and certainly no worse than the course we were on.
Birther Bill (our renowned congressman, the twit who is supposed to represent us) will doubtless bleat about extending the shuttle, but this has never been a realistic option, nor a safe one. Will be interesting to see his position on Obama's plan to rely far more on commercial design; is birther Bill for or against free enterprise?
Over twenty years ago Rockwell International sold this Glorified Social Welfare Program to Congress and the US Tax Payers were robbed of several billions over that period of time.
Rockwell said that this was a Space Plane and would take off and land much like an airline would and turn-around time would be in the days and at most weeks. NOT!!!!
The Space Plane never did what Rockwell sold to the taxpayers but that didn't delay the checks from congress into Defense Contractor’s Bank Accounts.
They got rich and we got broke funding the SCAM.
Then along came the Bush's boys who decided it was much more profitable for their contributors (Defense Contractors) to fight wars than it was to explore space, so here we are today.
You should never vote for a Republican Conservative.
That's like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.
I love it! Bush Jr tells us 7 years ago that the shuttle is ending and we are going to the moon, then he does not fund it. Obama says he supports the space program and cuts Constellation.
Technically speaking, Obama kept his promise, manned space is still being supported, but not by Ares/Constellation with NASA in the lead.
I hate to see an end to the manned space program, but someone had to put a brake on NASA - and it looks like it has been engaged.
When are we going to have leaders that inspire our generation and our children to dream big? When WE start electing them to office, rather than letting TV do it. Don't forget, regardless of the endless finger pointing going on in Washington, that ultimately, WE hired these clowns. I've written several of them to remind them of that fact, and that I support our Space program and will review their performances when they come up for rehire.
Yes, dream big... By doing what we had already done 30+ years ago! I hate to see the jobs go away but I do agree that returning to the moon would only be a rerun of what we have already accomplished. And I am aware that the purpose of landing on the moon was to "practice" a landing on another planet for future missions but still, hard to get inspired about doing something again that was done decades ago.
Obama has brought change to the Space Coast!! Thank God I never believed or voted for this idiot! For all those that supported this so-called pres, it is time to help your neighbors that will be layed off thanks to you!
WOW all of what a 300 mil increase and we are supposed to do all the stuff he says....not likely. Well since he's canceling the Constelation program why not just ship the plans to the Russians after all they somehow managed to build nearly an identical space shuttle (Buran) even though they never really flew it. Often wondered how they managed to do that. At least it would give them an upgrade over the Soyuz now in use.
As to the anonymous question, we won't get that inspiration again because we have ceeded (at least it appears that way) leadership in space to the Russians and maybe even the Chinese. Sad as it it it appears that a whole lot of people think that there are dollars just floating around in space that could be used here which is not the case at all. People want to use that money for healh care reform ect ect ect while NASA goes down the drain.
I sereiuly doubt that there is a "Commerical" space vehicle that can be man rated and used in the next 10 years.
"I seriously doubt that there is a "Commerical" space vehicle that can be man rated and used in the next 10 years."
Certainly nothing of the safety and reliability of the shuttle ... which only killed two crews. 60% of the shuttle fleet remains. Wow. Let's hear it for NASA design and operations.
I wonder if we'll rely on the Russians the next time they invade one of their neighbors (like Georgia)?
Anonymous Gudgeon said...
"I seriously doubt that there is a "Commerical" space vehicle that can be man rated and used in the next 10 years."
Certainly nothing of the safety and reliability of the shuttle ... which only killed two crews. 60% of the shuttle fleet remains. Wow. Let's hear it for NASA design and operations.
If you only knew how difficult it was to safely fly humans in space. Humans can do things that robots cannot. Robots cannot make on the fly decisions as an example. If you do not support manned flight, that is one thing, but at least try and comprehend exactly how difficult it is in the first place. It is not like jumping on a jet and flying to Atlanta, not by a million miles. At one time I would have thought the same, until I actually had to work with the folks that design, create, repair and assemble these things. It is so much more complicated than I can imagine. This is precisely why commercial enterprises have not and will not for the near future go after manned flight, the risk. Ask the astronauts whether or not they want to take the risks. They do.
Perhaps Obama's misdirection is a good thing! He screamed for ethics and got a tax cheat to run the Treasury. He sent a trillion somewhere unknown. He speoke of an open administration, yet no one is allowed to read the legislation of debate it in Congress. His attempt at health care was super expensive and would only help a small number of people. It only makes sense that he is now claiming that jobs are a priority and begins by cutting 7000 jobs! His record shows the OPPOSITE takes place.
Third World move over! We'll be there in a few more years!
That's it! We're going not to the moon but to a new world order! THE THIRD WORLD!
I love how it says will lose 7000 jobs in one sentence but in the next that the new program could bring 1700...so inspiring
LOL! The Marxists believe space exploration is welfare. But when space workers get laid off as desired, they're all for funding the worker's unemployment .... indefinitely. Now that's Epoch!
"Certainly nothing of the safety and reliability of the shuttle ... which only killed two crews. 60% of the shuttle fleet remains. Wow. Let's hear it for NASA design and operations."
Designing and operating the most complex machine ever built to a ~99% success rate ? Yes, lets hear it for NASA !
By the way, how many crews wouldve survived SpaceX's launches so far ?
I have worked in the commercial electronics manufacturing industry. I shudder to think of lives depending on it! Now, when unemployment is already above average in our county, we need this like the proverbial "hole in the head."
With all the complaining on this board a two basic facts seems to allude almost everyone -
1. 10 miles from the shuttle launch pad are two vehicles capable of taking a capsule to LEO that are proven systems, yet NASA had to develop their own (no I do not work for ULA or any aerospace contractor).
2. The Russians have been using their tried and true system for 40 years with minor tweaks, yet we cannot in 7 years with replacement parts.
I hate to see us a 2nd rate space nation, but as some have said, we voted for these idiots (I did not vote for Obama or McCain), so we got what we wanted.
Done,stick a fork in it.
Wow.. not much support for the folks at KSC from the average workin stiff on the out side. Time for the KSC folks to get rid of the Corvetts, Harleys, Hewes flats boats and airplanes and live like the rest of us. And all the new vehicles they drive out there. Join reality in Brevard. Ever seen the parking lot outside of the OPFs ? Not a lot of beaters.
Obama for President 2012!
Bush wrecked the whole country including the Space Program!
It's always interesting to see the blowhards talking out of the sides of thier mouths. STOP GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS. PRIVATIZE EVERYTHING. BUSH GOOD. OBAMA BAD! Oh. Stop funding an a mismanaged, over budget, behind schedule program and thrust it into the private marketplace? Well? You people cannot seriously expect the rest of us to follow your hypocritical agenda? Do you think that EVERYONE you talk to is that stupid? This sounds like more of the same tea-bagging crowd that wants the government to keep its hands of of their Medicare. Pay attention to the things people say and you'll learn a lot about how our nation gets into the trouble we've seen, especially of late. The dumbing-down continues. Thanks Rupert!
After all the "smoke" clears the only thing left to do is to extend the life of the existing Shuttle Fleet. We can't rely on the Soviets to taxis us to and from the Space Station. There is still plenty of science, medicine and manufacturing that can be incubated in the Space Station. We should focus on how to make the Shuttles safer and pump a little more life out of them until we can afford to go space truckin around the galaxy.. Obama had the guts to stand up and tell it like it is, something we don't see very many politicians do these days. Sometime the truth is really hard to swallow but it tastes better than the lie will 10 years from now.
The really sad thing about this is that people seem to lack the empathy for those that will lose their jobs. For some it is just an issue of moving to somewhere else to start anew. For others it will be the final nail in a coffin for reasons that they could not plan for. There is a very real human element to this story that goes beyond the politics. Peoples lives will be destroyed and to always right it off as bad planning on their part is immature. Forget the technical and political aspects and spent some time thinking about the lives of the men, women and children this will affect.
Gudgeon, yes we lost 2 shuttle crews no one ever said space was without risk. I you think that a "comercial" launch vehicle will be totally safe you are delusional. Nothing that goes into space can be said to be totaly safe. Space exploration is and will be a risky operation, at some point we are going to lose another crew weather in earth orbit on the moon or Mars sadly at some point it's going to happen again. And for every crewmember that is lost there are probably 2 or more people willing to take there place to experience space flt and explore.
"But administration and NASA officials said support for commercial rockets could bring 1,700 jobs to Florida, and improvements at Kennedy Space Center could bring hundreds more jobs."
Yeah, but when will these jobs appear? 8 years from now?
I don't want why people keep repeating the fallacy that we had a Moon program. We didn't.
What we *did* have was a jobs program masquerading as a Moon program. It was underfunded, it was behind schedule, it wasn't going to fly until 2028 and even then there was no lander funded to get to the surface.
Obama's proposal chose to tell the truth. It eliminates the fake Moon program, modernizes Kennedy Space Center, saves money by privatizing 50-year old technology and gets NASA back to cutting-edge research -- including a heavy-lifter that *will* get us to the Moon.
If this proposal is enacted, within five years people will see this was the smart thing to do. It will remake KSC into a hub of new technology, creating plenty of new jobs and returning NASA to its glory days.
*Walking on the moon* was a misguided adolescent goal in response to the Cold War. Kennedy and Americans, in those dark ages, thought it would prove America's technical prowess.
And now, with the Cold War thawed, I can't think of a valid reason why we need to go back. Not that Kennedy's reasons were valid either. All the first mission yielded was a small rock collection and some KSC exhibit memorabilia.
Now is the time to curtail every district's pet-project and focus on essentials.
Sorry Charlie, only the MOST VITAL projects get to be American Recovery candidates!
This is what "fiscal conservatism" and "budget cuts" feel like from up close... Why is it that the folks who were complaining about the deficit are now complaining when the President tries to reign in spending?
I'm betting Russia and China will be throwing a lot more money into their space programs now. Draw your own conclusions why.
Reply to Mountaineer lady. Are you ashamed to be from west Virginia or being a republican like Anonymous?
Republicans want government spending on vast corporations. They just crashed an 85 million tax paid for rocket into the moons crater to "duh," see what was there after we had sent live people and a dune buggy there??? really a great republican expenditure and good reason to cut schools funding because it cost so much and corporations need that money to bribe government.
Obama has heard the call of the Teabaggers... they want smaller government & lower taxes. They want government out of our lives. Here they have their dreams come true.
Yes 10 yrs away from a safe vehicle. I can see why private enterprise and private corporations have left America without a good design for space rockets. They could NOT compete with communist nations, without government paid tax money to inspire their greed. Hooray for republican concepts they again left America holding an empty bag.
For those who want to read the proposal for themselves and debunk what's being posted in these threads, here's the link:
If Obama's team had recommended manned space travel to the moon and Mars, the Republicans would have been all over him for wasteful boondoggles.
You see, the GOP is most concerned about getting their financial supporters (corporations with huge no-bid gov't contracts) their money's worth... the HMOs don't want insurance regulations like all the insurance industry has... the massive gov't contractors want to make sure they keep the taxes coming their way (Harris, Lockheed, etc). The financial institututions don't want to be regulated... they liked how things worked out under Bush... have you heard about the $billions these guys tucked away?
Are you maroons bashing Obama reading the articles here? What about Bolden's address? Stop letting those Faux talking heads warp your mind!
Brad in M.I.
Cool, I knew I should have listened to my father in 78' when he told me no to depend on this place for your future.. he (we) had been through the Apollo layoffs and Titusville died a terrible but swift death.. Here I am now, 30 years later and he was right!!.. like many of us, we devoted the "best" working years of our lives to these programs as they depended on us to show up every day...
Now we are in our 50's and we need NASA the most in our lives, they dump us like an old pair of jeans...
So two generations have been hit right in the face by the policies of NASA/U.S. Governement.. How does this story inspire children to devote their lives to the NASA programs of the future??
As my dad tried to tell me, what do I tell my kids about working here? how do I tell them to work hard, get a science degree and devote your life to these programs after what happened to their grand father and now their dad??
This president has lied to us to get the vote he wanted.. only to spit in our faces...
With all the free time many of us will soon have, I say when the time comes we should discourage any and all students interested in NASA sciences / programs, to turn and run the other way.. take your talents another direction..
These programs don't deserve the opportunity to hose another generation of employees... thats the change I can believe in!!!
I am bitter, sour, ticked off, but it's more than just that emotion, it's protecting our kids from the same fate... That education is something no governement, no contractor, no NASA can cut from my budget..
NASA is not just about the moon...there are 7,000 people employed at the KSC and another 3,000 elsewhere who will lose their jobs because he is not willing to "bridge the gap" until the Aries is ready. So, we are going to throw away the last 4 years of research, let 35 years of knowledge base walk away free to work for competing countries and create a National security issue all at once...President Obama says he wants to see more innovation, better science and math scores, etc., but yet he is going to decimate the space program. I understand most Americans see NASA as a waste - I suggest they look at their cell phones, their satellite tv's, etc etc and say "thanks NASA".....again there is much more at stake than the moon. I voted for Obama and I feel betrayed. He is saving $2.5B-$5B they say - a lot of money, but chump change in the grand scheme...the cost will be greater than the savings.
Anyone want to but a moon rock? I have one left, call now.
Obama has heard the call of the Teabaggers... they want smaller government & lower taxes. They want government out of our lives. Here they have their dreams come true
You forgot the part he is still wasting $6 billion dollars. If he listen to baggers he would cut the money as well not just the jobs.
Wow.. not much support for the folks at KSC from the average workin stiff on the out side. Time for the KSC folks to get rid of the Corvetts, Harleys, Hewes flats boats and airplanes and live like the rest of us. And all the new vehicles they drive out there. Join reality in Brevard. Ever seen the parking lot outside of the OPFs ? Not a lot of beaters. --------------Funny, where I work I see very few of these things. That's the problem, those outside seem to think everyone that works with the space program is wealthy. My 16 year old truck doesn't fit your sterotype.
1. The shuttle safety record has been abominable, two out of five turned to debris and ashes. By way of comparison, we've also lost two nuclear submarines (another dangerous and complex business) but that's two out of 190 and over twice as long a period of time.
2. Shuttle complexity is not a virtue, it's a design weakness.
3. Once we'd beaten the Russians, true goal of the first American space efforts, it's been bread-and-circuses ever since. NASA's tried to make manned space flight popular rather than meaningful, shifting its focus from science and R&D to operations and meaningless manned missions.
4. We are making some monumental discoveries in space ... using unmanned launches and robotic exploration. Could do more were manned space taking resources away.
5. It has become impossible to tell the difference between NASA manned space and workfare. One can like the Space Coast, have deep concern for the KSC workforce, and still think that NASA may be the most brain-dead bunch of bureaucratic bozos in civilized history. We will come back, and the sooner we shift our basic business plan from that of a cargo cult to one focused on actual and meaningful accomplishment, the better off we'll be.
Obama has heard the call of the Teabaggers... they want smaller government & lower taxes. They want government out of our lives. Here they have their dreams come true.
He raised the spending, just cut the jobs. If he listen to the baggers he would cut the money too.
Anonymous said...
Are you maroons bashing Obama reading the articles here? What about Bolden's address? Stop letting those Faux talking heads warp your mind!
Bolden's letter is just trying to put a smiley face on a crap sandwich, it's his job. Do you really think Obama's plan is the bee's knees? I'll bet not. Obama's his boss, no matter what Obama says Bolden is going to nod and say it is the best, for everyone. Truth is literally 10's of thousands are going to lose their jobs while this administration spends hundreds of billions on jobs programs that produce nothing. I am a republican, have always wished the government would spent MORE on NASA and let it finish jobs it started. It is the ONLY gov program that produces ANYTHING. Traditionally both democrats and republicans have supported the space program AND manned space flight. Not all have done a fantastic job as far as the budget goes. Commercial development is years behind what NASA and its contractors have done. Welcome to 1950's style space development.
This debacle would make a good "Survivor Show". Who gets too stay and work on the Island, or who gets booted off.
Boo Hoo ! Quit pickin' on Obama, He is our socialist leader and he knows what is right and good for us! Teabaggers and birthers go away. Leave us alone to our fantasies and government teat. Less for NASA, more for us.
OK, so how many loosing their jobs ACTUALLY work for NASA and not their contractor USA SPACE ALLIANCE??? For how many years has the work been done by contractors and just overseen by NASA?? And, I agree with the the poster who pointed out the obvious on the other side of the Banana River.
"Third World move over! We'll be there in a few more years!"
Are you a complete moron? Seriously? Because we cut the space program we are going to be a third world country? Do you even know what a third world country is?
I assume you are one of the people who continually throw the term "socialist" around with out truly knowing what a socialist is. Because if you did, you would see that Obama is not a socialist.
Man, can you believe all this rain Obama is causing in Florida!!
Our biggest mistake was leaving the moon after we got there. We should have built a colony there. Now the Russians and Chinese will get there and build their own. How many of us remember the moon landings. Just like there will soon be no one left to remember WWII In 50 yrs no one who remembers the moon landings will left. I barely remember them my self. Obama is turning this country in to a third world country.
Darren Palm Bay.
ps How do you like Obama now FT?
I support Obama, I voted for McCain. NASA is not what it used to be, hopefully, it will become what it should be. We as a nation have thousands of well educated men and women looking for their chance to prove themselves. Maybe the Space Coast will provide them with a home in a few years, once NASA is restructured. They will be able to buy nice homes for next to nothing but at least it will be a home and decent job. I have had many times Space center employees thumbing their noses at me and my family because we work on the outside. Ive seen well paid people stand beside our roads from time to time demanding even better benefits while we outsiders were working our butts off just to make a living. I have seen striking workers go out and become painters, handymen without lisences while on strike. CARMA, folks CARMA....its going to be tough, my business may fold, but......well survive!!
Time to go take my experience to Russia/China/India/Al Qaeda. Maybe they would like to know how to build rockets.
Anybody still think we don't have a Taliban puppet in the Black House yet? (black because it's a dark dark day for America)
I think that NASA needs to go out to the new MLP and stencil "Abandon In Place" like all the other abandoned pads! I also think we as americans should errect a new sculpture at KSC, one of a hitchhiking Astronaut! Today we should be remembering the Columbia crew, but I fear that today will also be remembered for the day one man killed NASA!
obama is a dueche, as is anybody who voted for him.
"Wow.. not much support for the folks at KSC from the average workin stiff on the out side. Time for the KSC folks to get rid of the Corvetts, Harleys, Hewes flats boats and airplanes and live like the rest of us. And all the new vehicles they drive out there. Join reality in Brevard. Ever seen the parking lot outside of the OPFs ? Not a lot of beaters"
You seriously have a class envy problem and should seek some professional help.
I do not work for the space program and I have most of the toys you have listed, so I guess that means you hate me also....
From the President's budget:
"Recognizing the importance of space science and exploration, the administration is proposing to cancel the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Constellation program -- which is based largely on existing technologies and was over budget, behind schedule and lacking in innovation -- and replace it with a bold, new approach to human space flight that embraces commercial industry, forges international partnerships and invests in the building blocks of a more capable approach to space exploration."
In English, that just sounds like a weak excuse to put off getting a replacement for the shuttle ready at all. So what if the Constellation was "based largely on existing technology" - we should have stuck with what worked (and worked well) 30 years ago and not threw all our eggs into the shuttle basket in the first place! Hate to see all of the money and effort that's been spent on the Constellation wasted now.
If America no longer has the determination and willingness to properly develop and fund the space program, maybe it's time to close up shop after all.
Sad news.
Every government mandate comes with a little bonus - it's called opportunity. Think the SpaceX's of the world are ready to take over manned flight? I don't. Boeing and Lockheed, here's your chance. No other commercial entities have the experience to operate a manned spaceflight program - yet. You have the inside lane. Only now the development will be on your dime, not the taxpayers. Quit whining, take some of those billions in profits you've collected over the past 50 or so years and step up to the plate.
..."a bold, new approach to human space flight that embraces commercial industry, forges international partnerships and invests in the building blocks of a more capable approach to space exploration."
Where are we going that is bold. How are we going to get there? And who or what is going?
All of the key facts are conspicuously missing, Mr. Obama.
All I can say is that I'm from Ohio and plan on retiring in Cocoa in a few years. Thanks Obama for making property VERY affordable for me!
No other country in the World has ever been, nor is currently, capable of producing a heavy lift rocket equal to the Saturn V.
Why would the President of the United States of America want to help other countries achieve this capability by sharing American technological superiority?
Why would the President not want to benefit Americans via this advantage?
Returning to the moon would allow America to mine Helium3. It has been estimated that one shuttle load of Helium3 would supply ALL of the energy needs of the United States for one full year. It has been reported that Helium3 is prevalent everywhere man has landed on the moon.
Based on the reports that Obama himself credited, the U.S. imported the majority (over 60%) of its oil last year, $750 BILLION DOLLARS worth. Therefore one can calculate that one shuttle load of Helium3 is greater than $750 BILLION DOLLARS. That is just one shuttle load!
The real story is that for a fraction of the value of just one year’s oil imports we can get back to the moon and permanently erase our dependency on foreign oil supplied by people who do not have the best intentions for America in mind.
With a single focused effort we address keeping America’s technological advantage and therefore our standing in the world, we address America’s energy needs, we address foreign oil dependency, we address ceasing enrichment of our enemies, we address global warming, pollution, jobs and numerous other issues. By supporting and funding a return to the moon now we can positively change the direction and future of America forever.
I would think that pursuing this story and getting the answers as to why the President and Congress do not want this for America might be very challenging, but as a reporter it might be a career story.
I know most of America would be very interested to hear why this is not more mainstream news and why our politicians do not want this for the United States as quickly as possible. This is a story that could very well change the world we live in. Is Florida Today up to pursuing such a difficult and challenging story? Probably not. My guess is this post will be taken down in a matter of hours. Just like the previous one.
Race to the Moon for Nuclear Fuel
NASA 2006
NASA's planned moon base announced last week could pave the way for deeper space exploration to Mars, but one of the biggest beneficiaries may be the terrestrial energy industry.
Nestled among the agency's 200-point mission goals is a proposal to mine the moon for fuel used in fusion reactors -- futuristic power plants that have been demonstrated in proof-of-concept but are likely decades away from commercial deployment.
Helium-3 is considered a safe, environmentally friendly fuel candidate for these generators, and while it is scarce on Earth it is plentiful on the moon.
As a result, scientists have begun to consider the practicality of mining lunar Helium-3 as a replacement for fossil fuels.
"After four-and-half-billion years, there should be large amounts of helium-3 on the moon," said Gerald Kulcinski, a professor who leads the Fusion Technology Institute at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
The Council is chaired by Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Hagan "Jack" Schmitt, a leading proponent of mining the moon for helium 3.
Schmitt, who holds the distance record for driving a NASA rover on the moon (22 miles through the Taurus-Littrow valley), is also a former U.S. senator (R-New Mexico).
prominent members of the Council include ex-astronaut Neil Armstrong.
Schmitt and Kulcinski are longtime friends and academic partners, and are known as helium-3 fusion's biggest promoters.
At the Fusion Technology Institute, Kulcinski's team has produced small-scale helium-3 fusion reactions in the basketball-sized fusion device. The reactor produced one milliwatt of power on a continuous basis.
Nuclear fusion is touted as a safer, more sustainable way to generate nuclear energy: Fusion plants produce much less radioactive waste, especially if powered by helium-3.
The isotope is extremely rare on Earth but abundant on the moon. Some experts estimate there a millions of tons in lunar soil -- and that a single Space-Shuttle load would power the entire United States for a year.
NASA plans to have a permanent moon base by 2024, but America is not the only nation with plans for a moon base. China, India, the European Space Agency, and at least one Russian corporation, Energia, have visions of building manned lunar bases post-2020.
Mining the moon for helium-3 has been discussed widely in space circles and international space conferences. Both China and Russia have stated their nations' interest in helium-3.
"We will provide the most reliable report on helium-3 to mankind," Ouyang Ziyuan, the chief scientist of China's lunar program, told a Chinese newspaper. "Whoever first conquers the moon will benefit first."
Russian space geologist Erik Galimov told the Russian Izvestia newspaper that NASA's plan to colonize the moon will "enable the U.S. to establish its control of the global energy market 20 years from now and put the rest of the world on its knees as hydrocarbons run out."
Of course Mr. Obama lied about "bridging the gap between the shuttle and the next manned rocket." But please don't get mad at the man...he was just the following orders of his foreign bosses. The Russians and Chinese are accelerating THEIR manned space programs, and they prefer us helpless. "Whoever holds 'the high ground' controls the battle." Mr. Obama saw to it we'll never again hold the 'high ground' of space. Change you can believe in.
First Post:Obama has heard the call of the Teabaggers... they want smaller government & lower taxes. They want government out of our lives. Here they have their dreams come true
Previous Response: You forgot the part he is still wasting $6 billion dollars. If he listen to baggers he would cut the money as well not just the jobs.
Minor Correction: It is $6 billion on TOP of current budget, while cutting 6,000 jobs. Now the scam is that the money does not have to leave Washington, it goes directly to their pockets.
Florida Today, you need to account for (current) Constellation jobs being lost at KSC also. You've been quoting the 7,000 number all along, and that's due to Shuttle draw-down. But as of today, in addition to Shuttle folks, you now have to also add the Constellation jobs being lost. Right now, there are at least 1,000 people working on Constellation at KSC, and there are also out-sourced contracts for design, construction, etc. All of them go away if this plan holds. In other words, the 7,000 number just went up to well over 8,000.
"Well we're living here in Obamatown
And they're closing all the space centers down
Out in Titusville they're killing time
Filling out forms
Standing in line.
So the graduations hang on the wall
But they never really helped us at all
No they never taught us what was real
Rockets and smoke,
Satellite zeal.
Well I'm living here in Obamatown
And it's hard to keep a good man down.
But I won't be getting up todaaaaaaaeeeeeeee
"Change" you can believe in!
Seems to me that if the constellation program has been cancelled, all the contractors employees will be cleaning out their desks by the end of the week, otherwise what will they be doing out there?
Look out all you local lawn service companies, you're about to have a lot more competition
For all you people complaining because Obama proposed the cancellation of Constellation, I've yet to see one of you address the reason WHY.
The reason is that the Augustine Panel found that Constellation won't be able to launch a Moon mission until at least 2028, if ever. For those of you who can't do the math, that's at least 18 years.
So please explain to me why the American taxpayer should continue to subsidize this jobs program that was increasingly unlikely to ever accomplish its objective.
Constellation was over budget and behind schedule. Please explain why the American taxpayer should continue to flush money into a badly managed program.
I keep asking these questions, but no one seems willing to answer. They just want to keep their jobs, never mind whether it's good for the country and for its taxpayers.
Charley, Charley, Charley. I've read your ten page explanation.
It describes a "space program" built of words and phrases (like "transformative technologies"), not accomplishments and deeds.
A space program that does nothing we're not already doing well (using the ISS, engaging in robotic exploration, fostering entrepreneurship, and relying heavily on private industry, etc., etc.) -- but which DOES bring a sudden and needless end to that which only NASA can do (and which it does so well): fly Americans astronauts and payloads into space for science, exploration, discovery, national pride, international prestige -- and yes, inspiration of the young.
Charley talks about inspiring the youth of America to pursue engineering and science, but his program WON'T BE ON TV AT ALL, so how does he think THAT will happen...!?
And why do we create this new U.S space program that resembles a Hollywood false front movie set: all style and no substance? Supposedly to reduce deficit spending. Except the NASA budget itself is not reduced at all (at least according to Charley). So what's the point?
That's right. We're throwing away our world leadership in rocketry and manned space flight and NOT SAVING A DAMN DIME. Go figure.... and pass me the Kleenex.
Wordsmith, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show me ONE government agency that does ANYTHING under budget. NASA does produce research, real science and technology (at least it's contractors do). Flushing money is what government does. Even if Obama does as he says, the next program will be over budget, underfunded, cut short and everything else you can think of. WHY? Some of us believe in humanities need to explore the universe around them. For every answer there are a million more questions. NASA budget is less than 1% of the national budget. For that price the science they discover is worth it. Some people believe that what we do today will make a difference tomorrow. Even though it is not the most efficient way it has been the only way to get the job done. Just my opinion. I would choose to have my taxes support NASA a 100 times over than foriegn aid to countries that dislike everything American. Unfortunately I cannot do that. Incidentally, what exactly have the other government agency produced for you lately. What innovations have the multitude of 'jobs programs' given you?
Seems to me that if the constellation program has been cancelled, all the contractors employees will be cleaning out their desks by the end of the week, otherwise what will they be doing out there?
Look out all you local lawn service companies, you're about to have a lot more competition - still 5 more shuttle launches idiot.
Constellation was over budget and behind schedule. Please explain why the American taxpayer should continue to flush money into a badly managed program.
Well, to your question - they (taxpayers) probably shouldn't BUT, projects get over budget and behind schedule all the time. They can be fixed, even if you have to replace the prime contractor. That happens all the time, too. I guess what steams me is that there is no clear and present replacement for the job loss caused by cancellation. That fact is bad for the Space Coast. If you don't believe that then you either don't live on the Space Coast or haven't thought the ramifications through very well.
I guess the other thing that bugs me so much is that this very same bunch are the ones who wanted to foist this so-called healthcare reform on us. One trillion dollars for a preogram we had to start paying for immediately and didn't get implemented for 4 years down the road- you know, the accounting trick. Government run and had to bribe everyone and his mother to get it passed. Exceptions for unions, etc. And the program was so good, Congress felt abliged to exempt themselves from it. PU. It stinks. So, the few billion to straigten out Constellation seems like nothing in comparison.
maybe some of those local brevard tea baggers could hold another event at the stadium saying they really didn't mean it..to please take that tax money and pay for some NASA programs that pays brevard county salaries..
I say we get some red mars dirt for major league infield's I hear it won't stick to uniforms which will save water on earth.
Yes, President Obama has his share of faults but it's oh-so-interesting how you people forget that President Bush did his fair share to wreck the country. Get a clue people - it's the government as a whole that's taking our country to hell in a hand basket. They ALL waste time and OUR money!!! While you're at it, lets applaud the Florida legislators that stripped the budget which caused me and many others to lose our jobs. Stop bashing ONLY one party or one person - seriously, our government is a piece of s---.
You will see a lot of workers packing up and leaving the area in search of work elsewhere in a matter of months after hearing his proposal, sad we will be losing experienced people. They say it will not be as bad a the Apollo days in our area, however it will not be much better!
people who use the 'tea baggers' term remind me of 5 year olds that just learned a dirty word....
It was real fun telling my daughter that her dream of being an astronaut just got canceled by Obama. Maybe by the time she's 40 we'll be flying again. Way to inspire the youth of America. Excuse me while I go throw up.
Who was it that said "Elections have consequences?"
Wait a minute..... Obama just gave NASA a $6 billion dollar raise. I find it interesting that Florida Today chose to focus on retreating from the moon more than pumping a portion of $6 billion into our economy. Typical, I'm sorry to say.
Six million of monopoly money which is printed money with no real wealth behind it which will buy nothing since the production of the nation will be impaired by a debt in the trillions for decades. Perhaps the Today newspaper can hire an economist to write an article on the 'impact' of change now and decades to come...with line graphs and projections for the next three decades...
Why not throw a couple of billion towards inducing climate change on Venus? Creating another planet we could live on sounds like a good investment to me.
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As I suspected, no one can provide a justification for continuing Constellation's mismanagement and bloated budget.
Point made.
Space flight is going to continue out of the Space Coast. It's just that the private sector will now be the Space Taxi. NASA's job will be deep space exploration, hence the heavy booster research and other innovative projects.
The proposal invests $2 billion in modernizing KSC. Obviously if Obama was trying to "kill NASA" he wouldn't be doing that.
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