UPDATE: Roundtable scheduled to begin around 5 p.m., later than initially planned.
Gov. Charlie Crist will meet with space industry leaders at 5 p.m. at the Canaveral Port Authority building. This meeting is NOT open to the public.
A tour of the NASA Shuttle Logistics Depot in Cape Canaveral and a press conference were cancelled.
The governor is seeking ways the state can confront the expected loss of 7,000 space industry jobs when the space shuttle stops flying late this year.
Why not just give them all taxpayer bailout funds in the form of salaries at double what they're worth for the rest of their natural lives?
I agree. They are all overpaid anyway. Kill the space shuttle. we have much bigger worries as a nation.
Don't hate...
Bitter, eh? What great job do YOU do in this world? How would YOU know what anyone else is worth?
Because we actually prefer to WORK for our money. You know, an honest day's pay for an honest day's work? We're not interested in handouts, and we certainly did not get into engineering to become rich, but to actually make a solid contribution to improving humanity, and take care of our families without having to live paycheck to paycheck.
You know, something like the "American Dream".
I agree that there are a lot of overpaid idiots that work at the Cape, but the shut down does not only hyrt them it is all of the small businesses that are supported by the shuttle in the brevard county area. As they close the surrounding cities will crumble property values will drop. All the time while we are counting on the Russians to help the US in space to fix satelites that we all use every day. If you are for the shut down of the space program. Dont cry when your I phone or internet stops working because a satelite has broken and we have not way to fix it!!! Just stop and think and make your own decision. I say keep the program. Great research has came out of the cape and the USA is what is is today in part to the space program.
Someone said:
"I agree that there are a lot of overpaid idiots that work at the Cape, but the shut down does not only hyrt them it is all of the small businesses that are supported by the shuttle in the brevard county area."
The solution was clear but about 30 years too late. Fiscal responsibility may have saved the Shuttle Program. Why didn't they simply pay them what the prevailing wage WAS/IS in Brevard County instead of over-paying many "idiots" because of who they knew or who they were related to.
Dont need the program anymore. It outgrown it's life. Private industry can handle all of it much cheaper and much more responsibly. Those overpaid people need to get in line and pay to go to space like the rest of the world is doing now,.. and wait in line to get a job like the rest of the country is doing. QUIT WASTING TAXPAYER MONIES!!!!
Crist has got it under control. And yes the NASA people are overpaid but I think they need to get rid of the old guys at NASA. It can do well once the up-comers get a chance. If you would like to see Crist's chances of getting elected check out
And, do you want rice with that?Who is to say who is overpaid and not? Who needs to work and not? What will be the consequences of closing the Space Center or not?Certainly it does not take a mathematician to know that less income to the area less of a good life for the rest of us!But,if that does not matter now, perhaps when there is something other than raindrops falling on your head it will!Some think it may take decades and I'll gone then, so who cares?But it may not be decades it may be sooner than anyone predicts given the opportunity.Go ahead be the one opening the gate!
The Space Program is not an option it is a necessity the type of necessity we pay taxes for. Ask the total US population and they will tell you: we need it to be safe! Gov.Crist will do as the taxpayers want or he will be voted out.
WOW! I have never seen this level of ignorance in my Life. The Engineers, contractors, & other support staff for the shuttle program helped support & build Brevard County! Furthermore, Humanity has benefited & continues to benefit from the research from our Space Program. If you think the Space Program workers are idiots, why don't you try to get a job at the space center!! The Engineers, & support staff do not get paid nearly what they are worth, & how much they do for us. Do you even know anything about the Space Center? How about doing a little research before you talk out of your behind!!
Human space exploration is key to the survival of our species. We (humans), have built a fantastic foundation and made advances never before seen in human history. The space program impacts the entire planet, and the U.S. is not the only nation to have invested in, and reaped the benefits from space efforts. The economy of every state in the U.S. is directly impacted by the jobs and dollars generated from space efforts. Humans all over the planet have evolved in so many positive ways as a result. I for one would prefer to see us continue to evolve instead of sliding back into a 'dark ages' form of civilization some humans on the planet seem determined to re-create.
I work at the Space Center and I took a 20% pay cut from the private sector to work here so don't think that we are all overpaid... I am way under paid for my education and experience, but I am happy to have a job and happy to be working for the Space Center!
Ok, to all of you who think Nasa Employees, Contactors, & other Space Support Staff are over paid idiots, Here are just a few contributions your so called " Over paid idiots" have done for You- MRI- Cat Scans, Breast Cancer Screening, Ear Thermometer, Major Important contributions for Road Safety, including Temper Foam, & improvements for Tires, Gps Systems, Google Earth, Dialysis Machines, & major improvements fror Artificial Limbs, just to name a few. Like I said before the Space Program Staff is not paid enough! My advice to you, is to do your Research, & talk about things you actually Know! God Bless all of Nasa, & all the Independant Contractors!
I can't get over how many people in Brevard are ignorant when it comes to the Space Program. We are not overpaid idiots. Do you actually understand what it takes to process the Space Shuttles? Do you realize what will happen around here when we do get laid off? You probably will too because you won't have our paychecks to support your job. For each one of us that get laid off, 2.8 people in the Space supporting area will be laid off too. You don't here us knocking anyone elses jobs. I actually commend anybody who is working. If anyone is "overpaid", it's the people who choose to sit on their butts and collect welfare. If we were "sitting around on our butts doing nothing" then we wouldn't be flying. Maybe you should do a little research so you can see and understand what the Space Program has done to make life better for all of us. Technology doesn't just happen. We all work together to make it happen. I think alot of people are just jealous because we have a job we love and get paid to do it. I don't know where it came from that you have to be related to someone to get a job out here. Everyone I know had to either have a college degree or Military training. Anyone is capable of a KSC job, it's just a matter of how bad you want it and are willing to work for it. Now go do some research...
This country is in so much trouble. The union workers who voted for Owebama will now have their benefits taxed to pay for free healthcare, the union auto workers who support Owebama will continue to have their factories closed because he can't do anything about China's unfair trade policies because he needs to borrow money to pay for free healthcare, and the union space workers were promised he would continue human space flight that he can't afford because he has deficit spent more money in one year than all previous presidents combined. America gave the liberals a blank check book in the last election and we will be paying for generation's to come. President Bush was terrible but we jumped from the frying pan into the fire.
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