Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Watch live video of space station astronauts talking with American troops stationed in Iraq

LIVE IMAGES: The image above is the latest live image from NASA Television. It will automatically refresh itself to the most up to date image every 30 seconds.

Troops in Iraq will get a special treat this morning: a chance to talk with the crew of the International Space Station.

At 9 a.m. on NASA Television and NBC's Today Show, the five-person space station crew will be hooked up with men and women stationed in Iraq.

You can watch the live video of the conversation via NASA Television right here in The Flame Trench.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John - Oops. A bit closer fact check would be welcome. The crew is currently at 5 people! Maxim, Jeff, TJ, Oleg, and Soichi.