Wednesday, February 25, 2009

NASA, Feds Investigating UF Prof.

The Associated Press has filed this update:

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) - Federal investigators are alleging that a University of Florida professor and three other members of his family fraudulently received millions of dollars from NASA and then allegedly funneled money to their personal bank accounts, court documents show.

FBI agents raided the office of the university's Innovative Nuclear Space Power and Propulsion Institute, which was founded by professor Samim Anghaie, an Iranian-born director of the institute and a professor of radiological engineering.

According to court documents, Anghaie and his family members set up a company called New Era Technology, which was known as NETECH. His wife, Sousan Anghaie, was the president of the company.

Court documents allege that NETECH submitted fraudulent proposals to NASA for proposed research contracts. As a result, NETECH received several NASA contracts. NETCH is also accused of submitting fraudulent invoices to NASA which represented hours worked by alleged employees.

Investigators allege that Anghaie and his wife diverted hundreds of thousands of dollars of illegally obtained government funds from their corporate bank account to their personal accounts.

The government alleges that some of the money was diverted to their sons, Ali Anghaie and Hamid Anghaie.

Court documents allege that since 1999, NETECH was awarded 13 contracts from the government and NETECH's bank records show that from 2000, NASA, the Air Force and the Department of Energy deposited nearly $3.4 million into the corporate account.

The documents allege the money was used to pay for cars and real estate.

The federal government filed the documents as part of a motion seeking to seize six cars, six pieces of real estate in Ft. Lauderdale, Gainesville, Manchester, Conn. and Tampa, and several bank accounts.

Steve Orlando, a spokesman for the University of Florida, said Samin Anghaie has been placed on leave with pay.


On behalf of NASA's inspector general, the FBI this morning has raided the office of a University of Florida nuclear engineering professor who studies the application of nuclear power to space propulsion.

The office belongs to Prof. Samim Anghaie, director of the university's Innovative Nuclear Space Power and Propulsion Institute, officials confirmed.

"We're cooperating with their investigation," said Steve Orlando, director of the university's news office.

Orlando said he did not know the reason for the investigation, and referred questions to the U.S. Attorney's northern district office in Tallahassee.

Karen Rhew, an attorney and spokeswoman there, said the warrant was one of several executed this morning by multiple agencies as part of an ongoing investigation.

"There were a series of warrants executed by federal agencies," she said. "I will confirm that one was at the INSPI."

She declined to confirm any other details about the case or its target, and said no arrest had been made and no criminal charges had been filed.

NASA's Office of the Inspector General had no comment.

Investigators began their work before 8 a.m. at Anghaie's office in the Department of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering, Orlando said, and the investigation continued as of 11 a.m.

Orlando said the university had taken no action against Anghaie but was reviewing his employment status.

Anghaie joined UF's faculty in October 1980, according to his personnel file, with some breaks in employment there along the way. He has no record of disciplinary action.

Founded in 1985, the institute conducts "fundamental and applied research in areas related to application of nuclear power in space," according to its Web site. It is funded by government and private grants.

University records show Anghaie has no active NASA grants.

Anghaie's bio cites several papers or lectures given at NASA-sponsored workshops on the topic of nuclear space propulsion.

In 1997, a university press release touted Anghaie's interest in shortening the nearly two-year trip required for a manned mission to reach Mars by developing fuels for a nuclear thermal propulsion rocket.

A 2007 news report also identified him as one of hundreds of professors working on the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, a $1.5-billion experiment that could be flown by the space shuttle to the International Space Station if an additional shuttle flight is added.

Nine more flights are currently scheduled by next year - eight to complete construction of the space station, and one to service the Hubble Space Telescope.

Learn more about UF's Innovative Nuclear Space Power and Propulsion Institute here. (Editor's note: the link was having trouble connecting this afternoon.)

Investigators also searched a Gainesville home in a subdivision where public records show Anghaie owns a home.

A woman who answered a call to a number listed in Anghaie's name said she had no comment.

We'll provide updates as they become available. You can refresh this page to get the latest report.


Anonymous said...

Raided his office for what? What are they looking for? Pot?

Anonymous said...

We love you Dr. Anghaie! Come back soon.

Kristi said...

This is nothing more than racial profiling crap. I don't believe anything bad about Dr. Anghaie. This is crap.

Kristi said...

This is crap. He and his entire family are as good as people get.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most ridiculous stories that i have seen. Dr. Anghaie is probably the nicest and smartest person that I know. I hope that this all blows over soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks feds... Now we're going to have triple double period makeups. Hopefully Dr. Anghaie comes back soon.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again with the military mentality that pervades the FBI and other Federal agencies. And we all know the inferior intelligence that most of the military brass posess. Stop the racial and ethnic profiling!

Anonymous said...

I don't think the FBI is going to 'racial profile' anyone to this magnitude. So far, no has said anything about what is going on, no against this Prof. No one should jump to one. Let's just see what comes of this before we start with the racial crap, people.

Anonymous said...

professor Anghaie & his family are the nicest people we have ever meet in our life time. we hope this has notthing to do with him being iranian.

Anonymous said...

Uhm, you just cannot get a FBI search warrant on a whim. He will get his due process and all of the legal protections available to him. That being said, IF the allegations are true, he is a scumbag and will likely spend some time behind bars.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could buy a 1/2 million dollar house and a 2007 BMW with cash.Not to forget the other houses and car. That is my tax money! Let the judicial process decide.Like it would with any man/woman of any race,religion or color.He is to famous and important to the Space Program to arrest for racial reasons.

Anonymous said...

Get your head out of the sand people! Nice or not, these people are freakin' crooks! This is how the federal government spends your tax dollars -- they piss it away in BS contracts to people like this.

Anonymous said...

This may be something or not. However, we should wait to see what the investigation finds, before throwing the racial profile and ethnic profile slurs. No body is perfect, same goes for all races.

Anonymous said...

Yet another potential crook paraded in front of the angry mob (hundreds of millions of people, don't forget). At least the mob has someone to focus their misfortune on. Interestingly, the nicest people, after they are grilled by the news media, turn out not to be so nice after all and our perception of reality is forever changed.

In the mean time, all of your money is gone, your job and house is gone, your wife, no doubt, runs out on you because of your misfortune. The reality is none of it will magically reappear. What's left to do? Move to Oregon and raise goats.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Anghaie is probably the nicest and smartest person that I know. I hope that this all blows over soon.
So smart he might have done it !!! Or maybe he is a sleeper from Iran and after 30 yrs was awoken,

Anonymous said...

They are good people. No one is really talking about what this family - all of them - have contributed to the US in the field of science. If I had a project I needed done, I’d hire his family too. They are monster minds. I keep reading….over and over again…it is ‘unclear whether the projects were completed.

This family worked 24/7. They aren’t ‘cons’, they are all very hardworking, and the projects were delivered.
What about NASA’s responsibility here? They agreed on the amounts ahead of time.

There’s something else here. I’m not sure what. Why would the US want to so publicly humiliate this family? Why would they want to lose this family? Somethings not right here. I wish the media would actually investigate the story fairly and not just keep repeating what the feds are half saying.

Anonymous said...

this is the fact, we use everyone till we need them, then tarsh them when our goverment is done with them. this is not the first or won't be the last time.