The Launch Control Center at Kennedy Space Center was evacuated this morning after a fire alarm rang out on an out-of-service bridge between the four-story facility and the towering Vehicle Assembly Building.
Dozens of NASA and contractor workers gathered in marshaling areas outside the LCC and the VAB and the space center police force stopped all traffic -- including tour buses -- traveling on Saturn Causeway just south of the facilities.
"It was not a drill," KSC spokesman George Diller said. "It was a real fire alarm, but it was a false alarm."
A brief-but-heavy isolated rainstorm rolled over the Launch Complex 39 area as the building was being evacuated. The evacuees were able to return to their work sites within about 20 minutes.
The personnel access bridge was used to route people between the VAB and the LCC during the Apollo moon-landing program but has not been in use in recent years. It was not immediately clear what triggered the alarm.
IMAGE NOTE: Click to enlarge the Florida Today photo of workers streaming back to their work sites after a false alarm at the NASA Launch Control Center at Kennedy Space Center. Photo credit: Patrick Peterson, Florida Today.
This happens several times a month, why is it news now?
Tod, if you are at KSC you know the level of false alarms is very high. The overall systems has badly degraded like many other items over the past five years. The Simplex networking has failed on a daily basis and nothing has been done to correct it.KSC is exceedingly lucky that there are no REAL incidents, because that is when these issues will become big news.
A real fire alarm, but a false alarm??? What exactly is that ,Mr. Diller? We are getting somewhat complacent with hearing fire bells everywhere but no fires.
Yep, we're out here at KSC. In fact, right across the street from the VAB in the Florida Today building at the Launch Complex 39 Press Site. And it does seem that we hear the fire alarms go off fairly regularly.
Mr. Diller is saying that this was not a emergency training drill. It was a real fire alarm that went off, but it turned out to be a false alarm. No fire was found. It made perfect sense to me.
Then why do you report something as ignorant as this? Are you just hoping for the real thing one day?
Todd; what makes perfect sense is to fix the source of false alarms rather than spin your wheels all over KSC, not to mention putting the firefighters at risk not being able to respond to a real emergency due to a false response.
Het everyonr it made perfect sense to Todd, hmmm must be the gospel then!!!
"A brief-but-heavy isolated rainstorm rolled over the Launch Complex 39 area as the building was being evacuated."
Sounds like bad timing. Did people get wet? Tell us "the REST of the story".
Todd, stick to writing stories that create hate and discontent between the strikers and USA/NASA, that seems to be what you are good at.
Well anonymous, that was rude...
well it seems that this strike thing could be solved if you lazy over paid fat asses got off the side of the road and went to work , its funny you guys have the energy to go to the front gate and put signs of the scab of the day, which i can see you spent lots of time on, if you spent half the time and effort at work you wouldnt be on the side of the road , but thats where you belong, next time you can put a cup out there and ask for change. hey i think your union dues are up? thank you for for striking so now that real people who know they are working on a national treasure can actually WORK!!!!
""Todd, stick to writing stories that create hate and discontent between the strikers and USA/NASA, that seems to be what you are good at.""
I don't see Todd causing discontent. He simply publishes a story that says the work is getting done and then the angry ones start pointing fingers.
I think it is good to know that the space program work (such as it is now) is getting done.
NASA has obviously hired too many people if the work can be accomplished on time with 400 people not working. I think that is a NASA problem, not a union problem. It is a general government agency problem.
Blame it on the strikers,,
The only thing to blame on the strikers is stupidity. My neighbor has been on strike for months and I was really on his side about the whole thing. But then I asked him for the crux of it, in other words, what was the offer that was struck down. He says 'wait a minute' and goes and gets this paper that had all the details. I read through it fairly well and I am left stunned frankly. For what I've witnessed his family go through, I don't know what to even say. It didn't seem bad to me. He's a good man, but I think it is stupid to be a follower. That's what he is.
The poor me strikers are we suppose to feel sorry for the poor fools, that walked off of a great job with great fringe package.
Greed over common sense the followers of General John walker.
Dumb and dumber going down the road togather hand in hand.
Thank you strikers! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Gosh you were dumb to leave this.
YEP, Trim the fat!!! I hope that means all the rest of you non-union pukes,your time is coming,so enjoy and yuk it up while you can BOYS!!
It seems like we all need to get a life.Funny we all seem to work togather.
I think we all need to grow up and act out age............
Union brothers and sisters we will never go back to KSC if its up to our greedy negotiating committee. let's take our union back from the greedy negotiating committee. No more informational meetings full of lies and bs. lets stand up and fight for our jobs.
The negotiating committee is a NO GOOD SCAB !! You betrayed your people!!
I hate the strikers because they stood up for something they belived. Once before a group of people who werent happy with their lot in life raised some kinda hell. Look what it got us, this crappy government. I say we should have been happy even back then...God save the Queen!
16 weeks have passed and the IAM is still waiting for the coming of a great new blessed contract.
Taylor street has said it is coming.
Amen 4:26 post!!!!
Why did it take the union blog 3 days to get a message after the meeting last Tuesday and the only thing they said was that they are waiting to hear word after USA talked with the Federal Mediator?
i can hear them now as another meeting of "brothers and sisters" is about to start. their "leader" starts off with "momma always said;life is like a box of chocolates..."
If you listened at the meeting, or were really there, you'd know we are waiting to hear about a negotiation date. Do you think we'd lie to keep you hopeful? Man up and be strong in this fight. We are making history with this strike. When we return, this company will really know who we are!
"It's almost over!!"
No... it has been over for weeks.
USA has money to pay HR to blog here on Sundays. Do you guys get overtime for this?
doubletime on sundays. remember?
are there any job openings in HR? I enjoy lying, cheating and teating people like animals plus I have a burning grudge against the IAM.
1:08; you hear this for real? Listen to what the company is saying with their contract in one hand, grab your ankles, you might feel some pressure.
Why such outrage with the union? Is it such a problem to so many people that they could act out so much? What are you so worried about? I thought you all worked together at one time. These are/were your friends. They haven't taken anything away from you. Why do you feel like you must turn on them???
The IAM has been there from the beginning. Helping to send astronauts to space and bring them home safely. There has never been any other goal for the union or any other worker out there. For you to state such a harsh comment is low. You should be ashamed of yourself, but with some of the comments coming out of you and people like you, I can see that you have no shame.
I am here visiting with family members in Brevard county,My cousin works at KSC and thought that I should see the extent of the hate and discontent that is happening in our NATIONS space program!! I have to tell you that what I have read is absolutely deplorable!!! All of you should be FIRED for your actions and lack of respect for each other. It also seems to me that there is obviously more hatred and trash talking coming from those who are not striking! When my cousin told me what was taking place I could'nt believe it without seeing it for myself. The Space Center has become nothing more than a glorified ROMPER ROOM!! All of you people need to grow up and act like you contribute something to this Nations Manned Space Pogram!!
Do not worry about our Space Program the children are at the gate in their IAM play pen.
They will be let out in around another 14 weeks maybe.........
Okay. Let's revisit this since memories have been lost.
The union negotiated fairly with the company for an equitable contract that was fair to both the company and the workers. The company has always cried poor while taking in record profits year after year. The union has compromised in the last two contract cycles for the benefit of the company and all its workers so that the company could continue to win extensions for the space flight contract. This contract cycle, the union asked forward movement from the company since the union has been taking losses for the company's benefit. The contract that was offered was a substandard contract that moved backward in direction resulting in no gain in wages due too poor retirement, medical, and EIP provisions. The union body as a whole voted it down and voted to strike. The company made minimal changes to their offer with the stipulation that the negotiating committee unanimously recommend passage. The negotiating committee could not do that because of this stipulation. If the company had not given the stipulation then the negotiating committee could have taken it to the body for a vote.
Okay. When the five day cooling off period was over, the union continued to work while on orbit operations continued. Now remember that the company said that we were not "flight critical". The union waited until after the LES finished a critical piece of testing hardware and it shipped before leaving their posts. Note the critical piece of hardware was being made by a so called "non flight critical" shop. The union also left key personnel on the job at TAL sites until the orbiter and crew returned to earth.
The union is simply in a labor dispute with the company and waiting for resolution so that they can return to their posts and get back to the business at hand.
As for the claims that have been made, this has covered walking off the job, greed, and launch support. As for the other claims, we don't block traffic. Those who support our cause slow down to prevent speeding traffic from running the union strikers down. This has not always been successful because some people are hell-bent on hurting the strikers. We do not condone any objects being thrown at passing cars and if someone is doing it, then they should be arrested. However we have had many objects and liquids thrown at us. We have not nor do we condone vandalizing others property and if anyone does it, they should be arrested. Check and see where those who claimed to have been vandalized are today. You will see that they did it to themselves for some unknown reason and are in hot water for doing it. As for rude remarks and name calling as cars go by, all I can say is that if the shoe fits, wear it. Don't think that we haven't heard a few precious names thrown our way.
Hopefully this catches everybody up. So start the hate mail again.
You can all burn in hell, union, non-union, managmnet, all of you.
Hey if Florida Today wants hate, lets give them hate.
1:27 Nice Blog well written, I do not agree with all that was written but nice job.
tell fred Hi........
3:07. What part don't you agree with? Just curious. It's called dialogue. Maybe both sides can learn something.
anonymous 11:59
Before judging those of us that don't support the IAM, try driving miles out of your way each day for 15 weeks (wasted time and gas money),have traffic slowed to a crawl or stop as IAM members loop around to impede traffic with their cars, trucks and motorcycles (I have witnessed these vehicles pull off into the strike tent area),dodge sign thrust out in the road, roll up your windows to drown out the cussing and whistles blown at "workers" on their way to work at their dream job and don't forget the things thrown at passing cars and threats and vandalism. DID the IAM actually think this behavior would win us over to the IAM positions?
anonymous 1:27 If you don't want to be run over "DON'T STAND IN THE ROAD", we have the right to drive the speed limit on public roads.
after 4 mos of getting absolutely nowhere in this abortion of a strike, phrases like stay strong start to ring hollow
Any striker that gets in my way is gonna get mowed down. I just say I felt threatened, thanks for that JEB.
Strikers, do you actually think shouting in hatred at people and their families would not cause backlash? Flipping off people who choose to work for their families instead of joining you? Calling people scabs? Wake up. You have reaped what you've sown. Telling people in print and on your site you hope they burn in hell? Is it a little clearer now? You back off and admit people have a right to work as THEY choose, and things might ease up for you. You did it to yourself. Don't act surprised, you shouldn't be.
To 1:27, first, the company made a great offer, it just wasn't as good as you wanted it to be. Have you seen what other people pay for insurance (well maybe now you have). The teachers union for example? You talked your people into striking, plain & simple. If a re-vote on the original contract was offered, it would be bought quickly. So a couple other companies offer a little more? It was still not worth striking. You have the right to strike, you did. Don't for a second think you'll get away unscathed from attacking people who need to, or must, or even just choose to work. That's where you're losing folks. For months there has been postings of bitter hatred from the union, at Fl. Today, and on your website. And now you wonder what has happened? Take the grenade off the end, then stick out the olive branch again.
I don't condone people throwing anything at the strikers. I would turn them in if I saw it. Other way around too. I think they started out way to mean to people, now it return back.
The company probably would have been more amiable to talks had the members not be so nasty to others. I dont see how you have room to cry now. Too late. might even be why they hiring your replacements.
Managers today were told to continue the hiring process. Read betwen the lines for what happened in Houston with the mediator.
Managers today were told to prepare for the strikers return. Read betwen the lines for what happened in Houston with the mediator.
The union probably would have been more amiable to talks had the company not be so nasty to them. I dont see how you have room to cry now. Too late. might even be why they are firing your replacements.
I condone people throwing everything at the strikers. I wouldn't turn them in if I saw it. Other way around too. I think they started out way to nice to people, now its time for pay back.
To 1:27, first, the company made a terrible offer, it was just as bad as you expected it would be. Have you seen what other people pay for insurance . The teachers union for example? We all voted tp strike, plain & simple. If a re-vote on the original contract was offered, it would be turned down again. Most other other companies offer a little more. It was still worth striking. You have the right to strike, you did. You'll get away unscathed from attacking people who need to, or must, or even just choose to work. That's where you're gaining folks. For months there has been postings of bitter hatred towards the union, at Fl. Today, and on your website. And now you wonder what has happened? Take the olive branch off the end, then stick out the grenade again.
Any striker that gets in my way is gonna get mowed down. I just say I felt threatened, thanks for that JEB.
I condone people throwing everything at the strikers. I wouldn't turn them in if I saw it. Other way around too. I think they started out way to nice to people, now its time for pay back.
Managers today were told to continue the hiring process. Read betwen the lines for what happened in Houston with the mediator.
Nuff said. Who is the one posting hate.
Most retires pay most of their insurance.
To strike for insurance is a real mistake.
When clinton is elected we will be going to public health insurance it will not be good but that is a real fact.
Her system brakes down that the companies will give to the Federal Goverment what they are now paying for employee insurance.
No company will pay for retires or active employees it will be a public insurance plan.
So do not hold your hat on the plan you have as a active or retired employee one case will fit all.
This will happen in the next 5 years with the Democratic President and Congress in charge of the federal goverment there is no stopping it.
The big picture for this strike it was a major mistake for the strikers it will not pay off in the long run.
With new contractors new space craft and a new Goverment health insurance plan.
The strikers will never have time too recover their loss of savings and loss of income.
Any pay raise could not ever be equal to the loss of 15 weeks income plus savings loss during this period.
This was a bad investment for the future earnings they can achieve
Nobody goes out on strike thinking that they will make up what they lost. They go out on strike because a company is unfair in its practice. They go out so that they won't lose more. We know what we have lost and it changes nothing. With a fair contract, we will return to work not looking to make up anything. Just to get back to doing the work that we love to do. Sending our astronaut heroes to space and returning them safely to earth. Why is it so hard for any of you to understand why we did what we did?
"Why is it so hard for any of you to understand why we did what we did?"
People commonly dislike what they do not understand. If one person is doing better financially than the other person, they will generally be less prone to feel compassion for them. It is basic human instinct to devastate something that presents a threat to you.
"With a fair contract, we will return to work not looking to make up anything. Just to get back to doing the work that we love to do. Sending our astronaut heroes to space and returning them safely to earth. Why is it so hard for any of you to understand why we did what we did?"
You're not looking to make up anything? What about the 15 weeks backpay the IAM promised that USA would "make up"?
It's hard for us to understand how you could abandon your "astronaut heroes" before a launch as you did and are doing.
The company offered a more than fair contract. How much more do you think a KSC IAM worker should be paid than similar workers in the area with the exact same skills? You have the right to not except any contract you like, but it does not mean you are irreplaceable as has been proven.
I hate to see the good workers lost with the bad, but the fact is except for the improvements we don't know you are gone.
Firstly, I have never heard, except for on this trash blog, anything about backpay.
Secondly, I can tell that you have no connection to the space program because we did not leave before a launch. We left during on orbit operations. We left after the company deemed us "not flight critical" and not before we finished critical testing hardware in the LES. We also left key personnel in position at remote landing facilities until the mission was complete.
Lastly, our wages were not in dispute. Just seniority, insurance, retirement, and EIP safety bonuses.
Try again sport.
LOL, Good post 4:28 P.M.
it will be a cold day in hell before you see any backpay. keep dreaming you fools we dont miss ya and hope you are making thanksgiving and xmas plans on the strike line.
Hey work-man (oxymoron), we know who you are. It's easy to tell with that dime store degree USA bought you. Why do you think they called you? I believe you managed uh, nobody, because no one could stand to work with you! Do you notice that all the scab operators are the dumbest on record? I guess you wouldn't, that's why they put you on maintenance so you couldn't destroy anything! Nobody ever wanted to get in a cab with you for two reasons: you a scary operator and that smell, my god man take a bath! Still having trouble with women? Most can sense your dominant male act. Actually most of the guys think you are a little on the girly side.
Work that hate HR and FT. Both need an enema.
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