Wednesday, October 03, 2007

NASA installs prime payload aboard Discovery

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NASA aims to install the U.S. Harmony module in Discovery's cargo bay today as preparations for the planned Oct. 23 launch of the next International Space Station assembly mission continue at Kennedy Space Center.

Now nestled in the Payload Changeout Room at launch pad 39A, the cylindrical module -- also known as Node 2 -- will be installed in the aft end of the orbiter:

Here's a shot of what the module looks like on the inside:

Built by the Italian Space Agency for NASA, the Harmony module will serve as a pressurized passageway the links the U.S. side of the international outpost with still-to-be-launched European and Japanese science laboratories.

The installation of Discovery's prime payload is taking place amid other standard prelaunch tests at NASA's oceanfront launch complex.

Also under way: a leak test of the shuttle's main propulsion system. The test involves pumping gaseous helium through the maze of plumbing that links the orbiter's three liquid-fueled main engines with the shuttle's external tank. A standard checkout of hydraulic systems on the shuttle's twin solid rocket boosters is taking place, too, and stray voltage tests are in work.

Coming up later this week: Hypergolic propellants will be loaded into tanks associated with the shuttle's Orbital Maneuvering System, Reaction Control System and Auxiliary Power Units. The tanks connected to the solid rocket booster's Hydraulic Power Units also will be serviced.

Discovery's astronauts will fly to KSC on Sunday to take part in emergency training at the launch pad and a two-day practice countdown. The T-Zero for the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test, or TCDT, is 11 a.m. next Wednesday.


The Skipper said...

Discovery is ready to rock n roll. A very smooth flow to get to the pad. For those that have said safety is being ignored, that is absolutely false. If anything, even more scrutiny was used to insure a safe transition. Great job to all!

Anonymous said...

I was going to leave some important details regarding the unions downfall. But I've been "summoned" to DC right away. There's a letter flying around up there.

Anonymous said...

recall the wind speed at rollout +15 with gust to +25 usa safty did it again luck was on there side

Anonymous said...

Where are the unions answers to the strike now? A strike is only a succesful tool if it causes a monetary disruption in the company being struck. USA has not been hurt. Nor will it. How many launches so far? When is the next one? This was a futile attempt to gain extra retirement benefits for a group of aging workers. They convinced the body to vote it down. You got your wish. Now live with it.

Anonymous said...

The IAM meeting was an angry mob shout fest! It was waste of my time!! This has turned into bulls### from every side. I have the guts to say it. I may be back to work Monday. My distrust has reached breakpoint. The committee are stooges!!

Anonymous said...

funny, It didnt seem that way to me, are you sure that you didnt spend the entire time in the restroom listening to the voices in your head?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a great meeting and I am glad I went. I felt better about how things are going than I have in quite some time. Even with USA's replacement worker scare tactics.

Anonymous said...

I just wish Bill Mann would shut up for once!

Anonymous said...

ULA has two A/C Tech jobs posted on their website for the Atlas program.

Anonymous said...

only a shmuck could lose 4 mos pay,be no closer to ending the strike and be happy about where things are going.oh i forgot,you guys are clearing a cool 150 a week.wake up dude.

Anonymous said...

$150 a week sure can buy a substantial amount of baked cheetos DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is time for the "KOOLAID" at the next meeting at Taylor street.
Be careful what you drink boys.
That may be the way the "IAM has planned to end the strike.

Anonymous said...

whats with the cheetohs? is that what the strikers are feeding their kids now? that and warm beer probably.

Anonymous said...

I can promise you it's not kool-aid. It is alcoholic, and very, very cheap.

Anonymous said...

cheetos and some warm vodka for your kids!! Watch em closely!!!!

Anonymous said...

A union member committed suicide yesterday because his house went into foreclosure and his child was diagnosed with leukemia both in the same week. Please end this strike before anyone else is hurt.

Anonymous said...

yeah I know, you posted that in another blog. Does it make you happy now?

Anonymous said...

If this is true, why has FT not reported on this? This is right up their alley of stirring this pot. Blood leads. It is blogs like these that have caused anyone to do such a thing.