NASA photo of Sputnik mock-up.
With the 50th anniversary of Sputnik fast approaching, we wanted to ask you our readers about the impact that event on Oct. 4, 1957, has had on our your life. Did it prompt you to pursue space exploration as a career? Did it change your view of the world? Did it alter your neighborhood, your family, or some other important aspect of your life?
If you have a story to tell on the subject, please write Patrick Peterson at and share your story. Call 321-639-3644. We'll publish some in the newspaper or online here as the anniversary approaches.
Hmmm, I was negative six, I'm drawing a blank. Great topic!
It was a time that was exciting like no other. You really felt like you were on the cusp of something truly historic. A time of uncertainty and strong American pride. It was a time when families were really families and having moral values meant something. Freedom was something we all knew came with a price in blood. We respected the president even if we disagreed with his politics. The media tried to just tell the news and leave out the biased opinions they themselves felt. Unions meant something then and did not urge their members to strike unless reasons really warranted such actions. Our negotiating committees were educated and knew what they were doing. Beachfront property was cheap and widely available. We were a nation in the lead economically but struggling in race issues. Fruits were still in the cakes and not saying IAM what IAM.
Sniff, that was touching. It was also a horribly misplaced and futile attempt to bring strikers in from the line, but touching nonetheless.
It def was an event to remember! =p
I was only 3 at the time, but I recall my older sister taking me outside to see if we could see it in the night sky. It seems to me that we could see a glimmer or a light streak across the sky, but I may not be recalling properly.
I don't like where this is going.
Gary Queen Titusville,
I was seven years old and we had just moved here as had many families. It was an exciting time and we were very disappointed that the Russians had beat us. In the end though they never got to the level the US was able to acheive.
yeaauh well i wasn't even here 4 dhat sputnick crap buht my grandma sed it was really the coolest thing she ever saw! && then i was lyke okay w.e! but now that i realize im thankful for dha sputnick! && now that the 50 year anniversery is kumming im gonna appreciate it because when the century anniversery kums i'll hope i can still be here so i can praise!
I was negative 12 when Sputnik launched, but I saw the movie "The Right Stuff." It was a great movie. I remember it well.
Fred and his brain damaged strikers never have a positive comment that is why they are out for ever.
There is nothing postive to say about USA and it's deplorable tactics. Head games on the corporate level, who needs it.
Head Games is what keeps this blog going. It also fills in the time between beers. ---swing and a miss!
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