The rectangular payload canister containing the Italian-built U.S. Node 2 module, called Harmony, is in place next to the payload changeout room on pad 39A. Photo by George Shelton/NASA.
And Discovery's 6-hour trip to the launch pad is on schedule to begin at 8 p.m. Saturday, said NASA spokesman Bill Johnson.
The trip should put Discovery at pad 39A about 2 a.m. Sunday, ahead of bad weather associated with a front moving through the Space Coast, said Johnson.
The rollout had been scheduled Sept. 27 but was delayed to repair hydraulic seals in the right rear landing gear strut. The shuttle is scheduled to launch Oct. 23 on a construction mission to the International Space Station.
Good job with the canister lift Structures, be seeing you soon.
Strikers need to read Sunday's Florida Today Sport's section. They are hiring the final workers needed to fill in the gaps. The company is through negotiating. The company CAN hire all the temps it wants to. The union negotiating committee is a sham and sold its people out. The union site says they can't replace you......oh really? We'll just see about that won't we. The union knows what is going on, they had a desperate letter flying around DC today getting signatures from Democrats. The letter urges USA to come back to the table. I can tell you it will get the attention it deserves when it arrives. A ship navigated by the unskilled.
No post here yet, I'm surprised. The IAM union is being railroaded out of town. Bad decision to strike!
Please update more frequently. Fellow IAM, do not cross EVEN if they do hires, we can win this. They are trying to bust this union by hiring temporary workers. Trust you leadership to know what they doing. Dont give up on what we have done. You have to have been in negotiations long now to know how this really works. Let us do what you ask us too, what you trust us to. DONT GIVE IN!!!
The union should have a real scream fest at their meeting. If last time was loud, this ought to be a little louder. Big news is brewing for you IAM. Big news.
Someone please post the education completed by the neg. committee. Do they know what they're doing?
The IAM today released a letter from Democratic members of Congress that has been delivered to the United Space Alliance CEO. Those congress people signing the letter include Mark Gordon, Chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee, and Mark Udall, Chairman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee, and members from both committees. The letter strongly urges United Space Alliance to return to the bargaining table to seek a fair resolution to the contract dispute.
It's nice to see that we have representatives in Congress who will stand up and put their names on the dotted line to ensure a resolution to this strike.
We have been summoned to Washington DC on Monday to discuss and define the outstanding unresolved matters concerning our labor dispute, in order to bring this strike to a conclusion.
We will be flexible and innovative in our approach to ensure we protect the interests of our members, and I am hopeful we can resolve this in Washington
Pick up the beers as you break down the tent.
The IAM today released a letter from Democratic members of Congress that has been delivered to the United Space Alliance CEO. Those congress people signing the letter include Mark Gordon, Chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee, and Mark Udall, Chairman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee, and members from both committees. The letter strongly urges United Space Alliance to return to the bargaining table to seek a fair resolution to the contract dispute.
It's nice to see that we have representatives in Congress who will stand up and put their names on the dotted line to ensure a resolution to this strike.
How is this possible a rollout with The IAM on strike and a few Democrats supporting them.
Is it possible we do not need the IAM or their supporters in Washington.
The pork barrel supports the IAM and the IAM pork barrel money supports Washington.
The IAM management needs the dues the members are in big demand not for the work they perform but the money they donate.
A big circle jerk.
Strikers need to read Sunday's Florida Today Sport's section. They are hiring the final workers needed to fill in the gaps. The company is through negotiating. The company CAN hire all the temps it wants to. The union negotiating committee is a sham and sold its people out. The union site says they can't replace you......oh really? We'll just see about that won't we. The union knows what is going on, they had a desperate letter flying around DC today getting signatures from Democrats. The letter urges USA to come back to the table. I can tell you it will get the attention it deserves when it arrives. A ship navigated by the unskilled runs aground every time.
Why is it the local IAM leadership is always "summoned" or "requested" to go somewhere? Hopefully they are working the phones and are getting meetings set-up that will get this strike settled. Using the words above makes it sound like they are not moving out of their recliners until they are "requested" to. Can't you just say we have a meeting with...
This letter means nothing. A desperate attempt to save their jobs is all it amounts to. They were not "summoned" anywhere, they flew at YOUR expense again, to try to save what they have lost. The company has a right to manage how they wish,and at this time they are exercising that option. Sunday's paper people. You were lied to.
It seems USA wants to trim some jobs now? Is that the bottom line on all this? When is the program ending?
The one post that said they can't be replaced is a flat out liar. You can be on strike as long as you like. TRUE! They can hire as many temps as they like. TRUE! See how that works. You're not technically replaced but your lack of paycheck and insurance makes it feel that way. Sorry.
Bye bye 2061. Sink in your pit of lies and caused misery. Fred, the time for final words has come. You have the floor....
Wait everybody, there's a letter.....there's a letter...
wait everybody, we're suing NASA, almost over
wait everybody, we flew to Houston to beg for talks.almost over now
wait, we'll get back pay for you
wait everybody, the company walked out, we didn't insult them
wait everybody, we're flying to DC because we know what they're going to do,...hire.
wait everybody, let's have a meeting, we'll explain this
wait,wait, wait
Why do we need a resolution too the stike the "IAM" walked off the job.
That settled it, they do not want too work for USA with the existing contract that is fine.
Go find other employment and USA can hire employees that are happy with the contract.
There is no reason for USA to improve this offer for the IAM.
Let them set on their backside that is what they do at work for USA.
Everyone can do what they do best.
Hey, instead of whining about this strike, why doesnt everybody devote the same amount of energy towards pushing NASA to dump the Ares I launch vehicle for a more direct shuttle derivative launch vehicle. If NASA continues down the path of Ares I, everybody is going to suffer, regardless of union or non union. The Exploration Systems Architecture Study was nothing but a bait and switch. What was once sold as a cheap and safe shuttle deriviative has become an overly expensive, completely new launch vehicle that will still underperform. It's being pushed for no reason other than political. A direct derivative launch vehicle will be cheaper, just as safe, close the gap between Shuttle and Constellation, and provide much greater flexibility and success for Constellation. If you do not know anything about the Ares I vs. DIRECT debate, please visit There is a very technically detailed proposal at that site, which was worked on by various NASA engineers and other concerned volunteers. This proposal was recently presented at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
...and Florida Today, you guys really need to open your eyes and do an article on all of this. This is real space news. Leave this strike stuff to the Business section where it belongs.
If i've been lied to about this ad, i'm going to work monday. I was told this was a ruse. it better be Lew. Some of the questions we've asked get evasive answers. This mythical ad would be prove enough for me. to my n/c, if this is true and you lied,I'm gone.
Pt.St. John Little League Braves against the New York Yankees.
The IAM thug committee against USA corporate lawyers. Great negotiating boys!
Here's what I found in FT' Job Web page:
Various Space Shuttle Job Opportunities
Company: United Space Alliance
Hundreds of Out-Of-This-World Opportunities
United Space Alliance, The Prime Space Shuttle Contractor, Invites Applicants
Pay: $19.71 - $27.08 + benefits or pay in lieu of benefits + overtime opportunities
Air Conditioning Technicians
Electronic Fabricators
Electronic Technicians
Elevator Technicians
Facility Services (Carpenters)
Heavy Equipment Mechanics
Mechanic Technicians
Crane Operators (Fixed & Mobile)
Mechanic Technicians
Potters & Molders (Cable assembler)
Pneumatics Technicians
Riggers – Scaffolding Erectors
Sheet Metal Workers
Requires: High School + 6 yrs directly related exp. OR AS Degree + 3 yrs closely related exp.
Logistics Positions: Pay + benefits or pay in lieu of benefits + overtime opportunities
Tractor Trailer Drivers * -. FL CDL Type A lic. needed $18.07 - $24.73
Straight Truck Drivers ** FL CDL Type B lic. needed $15.10 - $21.87
Packer and Craters** - Carpentry skills needed $15.10 - $21.87
Material – Expediters ** - Warehousing $15.10 - $21.87
* AS Degree + 2 yrs closely related experience.
** AS Degree + 1 yr closely related experience
A labor dispute exists with the union representing employees in these jobs. Employment in these jobs may be with USA or a USA subcontractor.
TO APPLY: Please complete an online application at: Once there click on Employment.
Source - Florida Today - Melbourne, FL
Please refer to the Job Description to view the requirements for this job
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Anonymous said...
Good job with the canister lift Structures, be seeing you soon.
Structures Engineer - QBSE
We have been summoned to Washington I have too laugh
The IAM in Washington will buy
anthing Huston "USA" will give them.
This will be a directive from "IAM" Washington to get back too work and start paying union dues period end of conversation.
Congress in Washington can not issue any directions to USA period.
More smoke from the IAM they will sugar coat it to sell too the membership and they will buy it with open arms.
From what I have been reading here, hatred is the only product that is generated at the Kennedy Space Center. Tear the whole place down and sell it to a developer to build condos. Fire all of the managers, engineers, and techs. If we want any sort of a space program, we can have it done cheaper overseas. Remember, "out sourcing is good for (corporate) America". Boeing and Lockheed Martin will still make tons of money. Or maybe Disney will buy the land and run a monorail down the beach Line, they need the parking space. Then Mears can fire all the bus drivers that Disney uses now. While we are at it we can make all the retirees walk to Fort Myers and wait to die there. This sounds like the rest of this blog. so there! I have the right to type what I want too
Union brothers and sisters. This is what happens when greedy people with no future of jobs try to steal yours. Remember who to trust when you go back. Never has a union member posted hate except when provoked. We merely want our jobs. They want our jobs and will do all they can to get them. Just hang on and we will get through this together. This is the OPF mentality. Make the other guy look bad so no one recognizes your shortcomings. It's a dog eat dog world there and everyone has milkbone underwear. Union Strong.
Won't be long now brothers and sisters. Be patient. We've come far and made great strides. Union gone.
You scream at my family in public.
Shout cuss words at us in a grocery store at the top of your bloody lungs!
Scream scab at us when you see us in public.
You post on your own web site that scabs will burn in hell!
One negotiator was quoted in Florida Today saying he hoped scabs would "burn in hell".
Sorry, you've earned what is coming. Too late to take the high road. Enjoy your paper tomorrow.
I say read the paper!
4:06 said
"and everyone has milkbone underwear"
Is that what that smell is? I thought it was those funky blue coveralls they make us wear.
4:51. Take what a scab has earned. You are taking from others. You have earned what you get.
When you tear down your tents, leave the companys coveralls you've been wearing on the ground, we'll pick them up.
Again I ask, what are the union negotiators qualifications for going up against USA?
The first offer to those strikers was unbelievable. As in good! Try looking around this county to find anything close. Well, you probably have now. Just because one company across the river has it a little better, they thought the pickens were good. Sheer stupidity to suggest strike.
I've worked as a carpenter for 10 years, but with bad insurance. To whoever posted the job info, THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!! God bless to all, I'm just trying to make a living with my family.
I haven't done any of that. I doubt anyone has, its just something that people like yourself make up to get aroused before you bite the heads off of birds. I am not in charge of delivering judgment on souls, however, if I was...truly, scabs would be in hell, in the cheap seats no less. Hmmm, sounds like you have a guilty conscience. Care to confess here? Ye verily, the truth shall set thee free friend. What you need is a cyber-exorcism. I saw this once on U-tube before, all you need is you, your lap top, your toaster and a bath tub full of water. I forget the details but I am sure that we could play it by ear. It is supposed to have a calming effect on tormented souls. if you aren't up for that, then may I suggest a brain scan (sounds like you shouldn't have to pay much) to determine if you might have some sort of tumor. According to the tabloids in the liquor store, that is why OJ is acting so mean and crazy latley. ...your turn, big mouth
...make a living with your family? Thats sick. What are you doing, renting them out?
so, you have been bending nails for a while, sort of a religious guy..starting a family are you? HEY WAIT! Iv'e heard this story before. Let me guess, your wife is pregnant and due about the end of December and you have lousy or no insurance and it isnt even your kid. I think I know how this is going to turn out. You and her will be on the road but even Motel 6 won't leave the light on for you, so you and her have to spend the night in the rest stop. She goes into labor and some bums stop by to check it out. There is something about a star but I forget the rest. Good luck pal.
Economic Strike vs. Unfair Labor Practice Strike..Google it, Scabs...We will be back soon.....
Blog Author--What's the problem with you posting "Economic Strike vs. Unfair Labor Practice Strike..Google it..We will back soon".
I've worked as a carpenter for 10 years, but with bad insurance. To whoever posted the job info, THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!! God bless to all, I'm just trying to make a living with my family.
You won't last two weeks when we get back.
Yes , make a living off of others family .
It will be funny if USA does get rid of the Union . In the next couple years anyone earning over base scale wage will be terminated/laid off and all of the younger less paid workers will stay .
USA did this to the OPF workers before . Fired the older higher paid ones . When they all got scared , who did they call ?
That's right , the IAM .
USA promptly said "We are sorry , we won't do that anymore" and then started feeding them hotdogs and soda . Once they voted down the Union , USA returned to normal .
3 times the OPF workers had a chance to go Union and turned it down .
Everytime they did it because a company (USA included) was getting rid of higher wage employees (out of senority) .
If they get a green light , your butts are all cooked .
To the Carpenter...
Good Luck....hope you get a better job at KSC.
What is the latest on the strike? I have been on vacation for a week and it seems like there is no change since before I left.
Is the union and the company talking at all? Or is the company just doing its job and ignoring the strikers? Seems like the latter...
I couldn't care less who wins, I am retired and enjoying it. I'd just like to see some resolution. Either disolve the union or have the union find some excuse to go back to work. Perhaps declare victory and sign the contract.
Brothers and Sisters, take heart.
We WILL win this, the Democrats in congress say so. They support us! Heck, even Ted Kennedy took time out from gin swilling to burp in our direction, now THAT's quality support! The summoned us to DC after we sent them the ticket money and when we got there, and reminded them who we were, we got a whole half minute of some page's time as he rubber stamped a signature on a blank sheet of paper for us. We reminded him of the gifts from the IAM at each election time and he didn't even care what we intended to write on the paper!
Stand Strong, brothers and sisters, stand strong and read the paper tomorrow, you'r about to experience something called a "high colonic" and it's going to be WONDERFUL for us all. Just inhale and STAY ON THAT PICKET LINE!
keep telling yourself whatever you wish, "sanctioned strike"or "Economic Strike vs. Unfair Labor Practice Strike". Make it into a mantra even. Positive thinking yeah! Let us know how that goes for you. Read the paper. You messed up, plain,simple. Buh-bye!
you seem on edge for some reason there 6:39pm, got some bad news lately? Check the paper tomorrow, it should calm you down a notch.
You asked, here's the answer, none of those guys have a college level degree. That the answer you wanted right? They are de-greed though.
The one post that said they can't be replaced is a flat out liar. You can be on strike as long as you like. TRUE! They can hire as many temps as they like. TRUE! See how that works. You're not technically replaced but your lack of paycheck and insurance makes it feel that way. Sorry.
IAM members are under the false impression that they are the only ones who have the skills needed to perform their job functions. Here's an eye opener for you - I've worked 10 years for USBI and 9 with USA as a mechanical tech with certifications in crane operations, overhead and mobile, welding 6G steel, stainless and aluminum, Class A CDL with hazmat endorsement as well as maintenance on GSE used to support SRB operations, including mechanical and electronic troubleshooting and repair on automated robotics systems. So, I guess I've performed the jobs of about 5 or 6 different union functions, without needing to pay a union negotiating committee to get my raises.
IAM at KSC is almost dead. Get out now while you can. Quit paying the extortion fees to the union. Quit making the union bosses rich. Union=Socialism.
Brothers and Sisters...we R screwed...there is no going back to the cushy jobs we had.. JW and the n/c why are we still out?.. Lets call this farce off and beg for ours jobs back...My brother in law works in OPF2 and he heard once they hire more rep workers we are going to be locked out..Don't keep feeding us more lies at the informational meetings.
Tired and hungry 2nd Shift Crnanes
I time is near for the "IAM" to quote they have been summoned
to go to Huston, Washington, or shore who knows where.
The members should read the help wanted page "Florida Today" they are not being summoned.
Watch Walker for the next "smoking mirror act" at the union hall on Taylor street another up date from the IAM.
Brothers and Sisters, we have now seen the company play their trump card. Darn effective one too! They are going to give our cushy jobs to people who want to work for a living. Face it, the negotiating committee really screwed up this time. All I can say is that the folks on the blog kept warning us and warning us and we were too stupid, no, make that STOOPID to take note. Now, all is lost. We either cross the line or end up on the unemployment line, not even able to get unemployment compensation because we walked off the job ourselves.
Late last night, I warned that USA was about to give us all a "high colonic" but I had no idea they would insert the nozzle THAT far! Heck, I myself got a thorough brainwash! Let's get back to work before the company steps on the bag and blows all our minds!
Humbly and with much regret, this union is busted and my blowhole is sore.
With regret
Union Blowhole
Kudos to USA for finally taking down the IAM terrorists. No more "I left my tools in the shop", 1.5 hours lunches and silly grievances...Bye Bye IAM, JW and his terrorist negotiating gangsters.
Fred says we got USA where we want them, they have too hire from the street we won.
On by the way the IAM has been summoned to the "UN" to discuss the problem with the strike.
Following there will be a meeting on Taylor street for your normal up date.
6;18 post, I have'nt seen any more whining and crying on this blog by union members(actually less)than by non-union pukes such as yourself!!! You are the fool,try looking in the mirror sometimes!!
I also challenge you to stop by ANY picket line and call them fools!! Oh but your just not man enough to do that are you chump!! It would and will be quite laughable when the shoe is on the other foot! You people whine and cry about the unions at KSC then call us fools and whiners,get real grow up and be a man! Your poor significant other forgot a long time ago what being with a real man was like!
can anyone leave a message here or just United Space Alliance HR?
to 12:17pm; me? on edge? I think this is all funny. Dont you?
Walkers plan in Washinton is to find a job in D.C. and get away from the problems he has Created
while BA for IAM 166.
Good bye Walker time to move on.
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