Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Senate reschedules hearing on new NASA policy

A Senate hearing on the implementation of NASA's new policy, originally planned Thursday, has been delayed to Dec. 1.

An announcement by the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee didn't site a reason for rescheduling the hearing titled "Transition and Implementation: The NASA Authorization Act of 2010."

The science committee drafted the three-year policy legislation that President Barack Obama signed into law last month, supporting commercial rockets to reach the International Space Station while developing a NASA vehicle to reach asteroids and Mars.

With no corresponding spending bill passed, Congress hasn't specified how much to invest over the next year on commercial rockets or the extra shuttle mission envisioned in the policy legislation.


Anonymous said...

I am opposited the commerical crews and commerical rockets to ISS. I also opposited send to astronauts to the asteriods because of too dangerous missions. If astronauts killed in crashed or exploded or fired, I will very angry at President Obama.

Anonymous said...

"An announcement by the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee didn't site a reason for rescheduling the hearing titled "Transition and Implementation: The NASA Authorization Act of 2010.""

It's because they have no idea what they're doing!!!

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Anon 2:56.

Anonymous said...

As most here know, a provision in the 2010 NASA Authorization Bill approved by both houses of Congress and signed by the President, directs NASA to create a "Space Launch System" (SLS) with a "heavy lifter" by 2016. Last week I wrote to key members of the Senate Science Committee and the House Science and Technology Committee, urging them to use the upcoming budget appropriations process to flesh out the 2016 directive with specific budgetary line items compelling NASA to quickly finish development of both Ares I and Orion -- this country's partially completed post-shuttle space access system -- as the next logical step in creating the SLS and heavy lifter. We shall see...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:26 PM Just so you know President Obama is not the only person running the show. Yes, maybe he could have undone what former President Bush started by ending the space program but even Bush did not make that dumb decision by himself, as much as I'd like to think he did. Nasa allowed politics to run their space program while NASA administrators sucked up agreeing to everything to keep their comfortable positions. Where the Hell were the NASA administrators when all the decisions were being made by ignorant politicians. Heathcare is the same. The insurance companies are the ones deciding which medicine & tests patients should receive that they'll cover thus becoming the doctors in the process without having any medical degree. We're just becoming another 3rd World country.

Anonymous said...

Montreal here,

I agree with Anonimous at 3: 15.

Anonymous said...


The Republicans need to reinstate both of the Ares rockets to
the program as a backup to commercial failures or delay.

Falcon 9 is already almost 2 years behind schedule, that alone
should raise some alarms in political circles. the Moon firts
goal also must be brough back. I agree that Mars is the ulti-
mat target, but asteroids are not the place for ardwaredevelop-
ment, the Moon is, bring back Altair and lets make the back
side of the moon the first place we land when we go back, whit
a com satellite transmitting live TV, then we can deal with the
whole question of whether we should explore Apollo style or
using a semi permanent/permanent base.

There was and could be room for international cooperation in the Constellation framework, espacially for scientific expe-
riments and in situ transportation.

I am againts a non U.S. 100 percent Earth-Moon-Earth infras-
tructure although Europe Russia and even China should devello-
pe their own capabilities, both as backups and options. That
way humanity could go to the Moon Three times a year or every
5 to 6 monts with astronauts, cosmonaut and thaikonauts travel-
ling in eachothers spacecrafts from time to time. That is real
cooperation Ms. Obama, not nobody everybody having one third or
one fourth capability just to spread costs, and then, when one
of the peaces fails, the whole program is suspendes for who
knows how many years.

Your corrent plan Ms Obama will kill astronauts if not funded


Sylvain from montreal, Bye.

Anonymous said...

Where the hell was everyone when bush started severely cutting NASA's budget back in 2003?

Where the hell were you when bush first started talking about buying rides from Russia in 2004? By 2006 FY (that is crafted in Oct 2005, before the democrats were seated I might ad)it was too late, he had made up his mind and NASA's future was officially decided. Why the hell weren't you screaming then? Why Blame Obama because you did nothing back when we could have made a difference?
By 2007 it started by 2008 bush was changing laws to allow it to continue here's that link

Since the FY (Federal Year) budget is crafted in Oct a year in advance so even the 2009 budget was bushs. Obama finally gets a shot in the 2010 budget, he does his very best to save NASA for us, even though we allowed bush to destroy it without even a whimper and you dolts criticize him because you were not paying attention or just didn't care at the time. This is YOUR fault not Obama's! You should have stood up screaming much sooner when we could have stopped bush from destroying our space program!