Friday, November 05, 2010

NASA Is "Go" For Shuttle Fuel-Loading Operations

NASA managers just gave a "go" for engineers to begin loading Discovery's 15-story external tank for a launch attempt at 3:04 p.m. today.

More than 500,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen will be pumped into the bullet-shaped tank. The supercold propellants power the shuttle's three main engines during a nine-minute climb to orbit.

The tanking operation is scheduled to begin at 5:39 a.m. It is expected to take three hours to complete.

You can follow along with the Cover-It-Live blog or click the NASA TV box on the right for live coverage.

The front that prompted NASA to forego a 3:29 p.m. launch attempt Thursday. The weather forecast calls for a 70 percent chance conditions will be acceptable for launch. That's an improvement from the last forecast for Friday, which was 60 percent.

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